What is one of the most useful features of Microsoft SharePoint when sharing a task list quizlet?

The three most popular designs are single farms with either a single service application group or multiple service application groups, or Enterprise services farms.

Single farms with a single service application group are generally the most common, and have the advantages of easy deployment, simple service application allocation, effective resource utilization and cohesive management.

Single farms with multiple service application groups is less common, and have the advantage of potential individual management of service applications as well as allowing data isolation, and while being more complex to deploy and maintain allows targeting of sites to particular service applications.

Enterprise Service Farms is pretty uncommon as it is a complete farm dedicated to Service Applications but promotes autonomous management and high levels of data isolation.

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The five components of an information system are hardware, software, data,
procedures, and people. They are arranged symmetrically in the framework. The outermost
components, hardware and people, are both actors-they take action. The software and procedure
components are both sets of instructions: Software is instructions for hardware, and procedures
are instructions for people. Finally, data is the bridge between the computer side on the left and
the human side on the right. When an activity in a business process is handled by an automated
system, it means that work formerly done by people following procedures has been moved so
that computers now do that work by following instructions in software. Thus, the automation of a
process activity consists of moving work from the right-hand side of the five-component
information system [IS] framework to the left.

The three sets of collaboration tools are the Minimal, Good, and Comprehensive tool
sets. Their features are as follows:
1. The Minimal collaboration tool set has the minimum possible set of tools. With this set, a
participant should be able to collaborate with his or her team, though he or she will get little
support from the software.
2. With the Good collaboration tool set, a participant will have the ability to conduct multiparty
audio and video virtual meetings, and he or she will also have support for concurrent access to
document, spreadsheet, and presentation files.
3. The Comprehensive collaboration tool set has a full set of features, including content
management and control, workflow control, online meetings in which participants can view
shared whiteboards, applications, and monitors.

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CTS-115 Management Information Sysytems Chapter 2 Quiz

Terms in this set [25]

The choice of information systems used for sharing content depends on the degree of control required


________ decisions concern broader-scope organizational issues.


Systems that track changes to documents and provide features and functions to accommodate concurrent work provide ________ management.


In order to be an effective collaborator, one should refrain from airing unpopular and different viewpoints.


Finding the best location for building a new plant is an example of a structured decision.


"What tasks need to be accomplished?" This question must be answered during the starting phase of a project.


One of the procedures of a collaboration project is task status reporting. This is performed in the ________ phase of the project.


Project teams should document project results and learnings. Which of the following is the phase in which the teams perform this?


Microsoft NetMeeting is an example of a[n] ________.

videoconferencing product

The effectiveness of a collaborative effort is driven by three critical factors, communication, content management, and ________.

workflow control

Which of the following elements in SharePoint contain details such as the task is assigned to a particular person, task status, due date, percentage of completion, and predecessor tasks of each task?

task list

Free data communications and data storage will make collaboration systems cheaper and easier to use by 2021. Which of the following is the most likely consequence of this development?

Face-to-face [F2F] meetings will become very rare.

The actions that can be taken on the elements in a SharePoint list are independent of the type of list.


Face-to-face meetings are examples of ________ communication


Most structured decisions do not involve collaboration.


Employees of multinational organizations who work in different time zones will likely find ________ communication to be more effective.


The act of installing SharePoint requires a publicly accessible server.


A SharePoint site is a collection of resources that are accessed using HTTP, HTML, and related protocols.


Feedback and iteration enable a group to produce something greater than any single person could accomplish working independently.


Version management systems improve the tracking of shared content and provide version control.


Fundamentally, SharePoint can be considered a list manager.


Fundamentally, SharePoint is considered a list manager. Why?

Each of the items in it is a list of items of some type.

Which of the following observations about the relationship between decision type and decision process is true?

The higher levels of decision making are associated with unstructured decision processes.

Which of the following statements is true regarding collaborative systems?

Members have different rights and privileges in some collaborations.

Operational decisions concern the allocation and utilization of resources.


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