What is the best php extension for visual studio code?

Adam Ravid ・ Mar 28th, 2022 Views


There are HUNDREDS of PHP VSCode Extensions. Let me show you the BEST of the BEST extensions for PHP Devs! Let's not waste any more time.


1. PHP Debug

This one is simple enough to explain but is really powerful. PHP Debug is a PHP Debugger.

Link: PHP Debug

2. PHP Intelephense

This extension is a PHP Formatter, there are so many features, but let me tell you some of them that are important:

  • Reads PHPStorm metadata
  • Embedded HTML/JS/CSS code intelligence
  • Signature help
  • Diagnostics
  • Detailed hover information with links to official PHP documentation
  • Smart highlighting of references and keywords That is really useful for some PHP devs. They do have a premium plan if you really want to unlock the full potential of Intelephense.

Link: PHP Intelephense

3. Laravel Artisan

This one is for the Laravel lovers. This extension lets you run Laravel Artisan commands from within Visual Studio Code. You can get a list of routes, make a controller. It is possible for WSL users. Some features it also has is:

  • Docker support
  • Generate keys
  • Clear cache
  • Manage DataBase
  • Start/stop a local php server for test purposes
  • Make files [Controllers, Migrations, Models, etc] There are more! But if you want to install it, just click the link. Link:

4. Laravel Blade Snippets

If I did Laravel Artisan, how could I forget Laravel Blade Snippets! Let me explain this extension if you don't know. It is a snippets and formatting extension for Laravel Blade. It is easily configurable if you want to configure the extension. Here are the feature:

  • Blade syntax highlight
  • Blade snippets
  • Emmet works in blade template
  • Blade formatting It comes with a HUGE list of Blade snippets like b:if or b:stack.

Link: Laravel Blade Snippets

5. PHP Tools

PHP Tools is full development integration for the PHP language. The features are provided respecting conventions, stability, simple use, and performance. It fully supports vscode.dev. It comes with HUNDREDS of features from the following:

  • Testing
  • Debugging
  • Editor
  • Code help
  • Code actions
  • Continuous Code Validation The list can go on and on forever! If you want to see it for yourself, click the following link. Link: Link


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I was a sublime text fanboy, I tried many editors. Last year, I gave a shot to VS code and it is my primary editor right now, because of the loads of Extensions and Performance. So, in this article, I will be sharing some of the best extensions that will increase your productivity and help you code faster.

Being a web-developer myself the extensions listed below are focusing on web-development and mainly PHP Development.

  1. Night Owl [Theme] with Material Icon Theme [Icon Pack]

Yes, I am starting with a Theme. There are a bunch of themes and Icon Packs available on VS code marketplace but my personal favorite is Night Owl theme with Material Icon Pack. The theme has both Light and Dark modes. The dark mode is not complete Black it’s a Dark shade of Blue and code just looks beautiful in that color.

2. GitLens [Extension]

If you are doing active development then git must be your primary Version Control System and with the help of GitLens you will be able to get powerful insights about code without any hassle.

Some of the best features of GitLens includes:

  1. Current line git blame
  2. Clone summary in the Side-Bar
  3. Hovers with the summary

3. phpfmt — PHP formatter [Extension]

PHPfmt is a simple PHP code formatter.

4. Vetur [Extension]

The must have extension for Vue JS Developers. Vetur is one of the most recommended extension. Vetur provides Code formatting, Linting, Syntax checking and code auto-completion for Vue JS files.

5. HTML CSS Support [Extension]

A powerful extension which provides Code formatting, intellisense, Zen coding for HTML and CSS files along with Plenty of other templating languages like Blade, Twig, pug etc.

6. PHP IntelliSense [Extension]

As the name suggests, this extension provides smart intellisense for your PHP file. But apart from intellisense it also provides features like: Jump to Class or Function Definition, Hover which provides information about the class or the function, Code linting and smart symbol search in the workspace or the file.

Is Visual Studio Code good for php?

Visual Studio Code is a great editor for PHP development. You get features like syntax highlighting and bracket matching, IntelliSense [code completion], and snippets out of the box and you can add more functionality through community-created VS Code extensions.

What extensions should I have on Visual Studio Code?

Our top Visual Studio Code extensions:.
Bracket Pair Colorizer..
Better Comments..
CSS Peak..

How do I get php in Visual Studio?

If you already have Microsoft Visual Studio installed, you can jump directly to the Manage Extensions dialog and search for PHP Tools for Visual Studio. Once downloaded, you'll be prompted to close Visual Studio. The package will be installed and Visual Studio configured for the PHP development.

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