What is the risk in trimming the nails, especially the toenails, of diabetic patients?

Shoe Fitting

Diabetic patients have to be extra careful about their footwear. Visit our podiatrists in Baltimore immediately if you are facing poor blood circulation and/or loss of sensation in your feet due to your new shoes. Diabetic shoe fitting will ensure that you wear a properly fitted shoe and do not develop any foot sores that can become life-threatening if left unattended.

Professional Foot Exams 

It is important for diabetics to have their feet inspected by a professional on a routine basis. Since many diabetics have lost feeling in their feet, serious foot issues can easily be left unnoticed. Schedule an appointment periodically with our foot and ankle specialists at Podiatry Associates to help prevent any further foot complications caused by diabetes.

For extra assurance, seek medical advice and get your feet checked by our podiatric surgeons Baltimore biannually or annually at least. If you notice swelling, redness, or have any suspicions about your foot health, immediately schedule an appointment with one of our trusted podiatrists in Baltimore.  

Toe Nail Care

It is advisable to have a podiatrist regularly perform the toenail care for diabetics since a small cut from trimming their own nails could quickly escalate into a larger issue. You can help minimize further issues by having a podiatrist regularly perform your nail care. 

In-grown nails and nail infections especially should always be treated by an experienced podiatrist. Visit our podiatrists for ingrown toenail treatment baltimore, for proper diabetic ingrown nail surgery and infection control.

Foot Infection or Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment 

In diabetic foot care, the role of a podiatrist can range from preventative treatments and education to diagnosing and treating issues before they develop into a bigger problem. In serious cases like a diabetic foot infection or diabetic foot ulcer treatment, podiatrists provide regular treatment and schedule frequent check-ups to ensure that the patient’s condition is steadily improving. 

As a rule of thumb for diabetic foot treatment, it is best to consult a podiatrist for shoe fitting, foot examinations, routine nail care and especially foot infections and diabetic wound care treatment.

If you need professional diabetic foot care treatment in Baltimore or wound care treatment in Baltimore and the surrounding areas or have any questions about the treatments described above, check out our Podiatry Associates locations and find a podiatrist near you. Feel free to call our scheduling office to discuss your specific situation: [833] 500-FEET.


Checking your loved one's feet and keeping them clean and soft can help prevent cracks and infection in the skin. This is especially important for people who have diabetes. Keeping toenails trimmed—and polished if that's what the person likes—also helps the person feel well-groomed.

If the person you care for has diabetes or has foot problems, such as bad bunions and corns, think about taking them to see a podiatrist. This is a doctor who specializes in the care of the feet. Sometimes a podiatrist will come to the home if the person can't go out for visits.

Try to take the person for salon pedicures if that is what your loved one wants. It's a chance to get out and see people and continue a favourite activity. If the person has diabetes, do not have a pedicure. A pedicure is not safe for people who have diabetes.

You can do basic nail care at home. Usually all you need to do is keep the nails clean and at a safe length.

If the person you care for has diabetes, ask their healthcare provider for advice on foot care.

Trimming toenails

Try to trim the person's nails every week. Or check the nails each week to see if they need to be trimmed. It's easiest to trim nails after the person has had a shower or foot bath. It makes the nails softer and easier to trim.

Start by gathering your supplies. You will need toenail clippers and a nail file. You may also need nail polish and nail polish remover.

To trim the nails:

  1. Wash and dry your hands. You don't need to wear gloves.
  2. Use nail polish remover to take off any polish.
  3. Hold the person's foot and toe steady with one hand while you trim the nail with your other hand. Trim the nails straight across. Leave the nails a little longer at the corners so that the sharp ends don't cut into the skin.
  4. Keep the nails no longer than the tip of the toes.
  5. Let the nails dry if they are still damp and soft.
  6. Use a nail file to gently smooth the edges of the nails, especially at the corners. They may be sharp after the nails are cut straight.
  7. Apply nail polish, if the person wants it.

If the person's nails are thick and discoloured, it may be safest to have a podiatrist cut them.

General nail and foot care

When you're caring for someone's nails, it is important to remember not to trim or cut the cuticles. A minor cut in a cuticle could lead to an infection. Wash the feet daily in the shower or bath or in a basin made for washing feet. It's extra important to wash the feet carefully if the person has diabetes. After washing the feet, dry gently. Put lotion on the feet, especially on the heels. But don't put it between the toes.

If the person doesn't have diabetes and you see signs of athlete's foot [such as dry, cracking, or itchy skin between the toes], you can try an over-the-counter medicine. These medicines can kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot. If the problem doesn't go away, talk to the person's doctor. Look every day for cuts or signs of infection, such as pain, swelling, redness, or warmth. If you see any of these signs—especially in someone who has diabetes—call your doctor.


Adaptation Date: 3/2/2022

Adapted By: Alberta Health Services

Adaptation Reviewed By: Alberta Health Services

Who should cut diabetic toenails?

It is advisable to have a podiatrist regularly perform the toenail care for diabetics since a small cut from trimming their own nails could quickly escalate into a larger issue. You can help minimize further issues by having a podiatrist regularly perform your nail care.

Why is nail care important for diabetics?

Routine toenail care is also essential for those with diabetes due to nerve and blood circulation problems in the feet. Not taking proper care of your toenail can be unsafe. Proper toenail care can help you avoid getting a foot sore or an ulcer.

Why is foot care so important for diabetics?

But daily care is one of the best ways to prevent foot complications. About half of all people with diabetes have some kind of nerve damage. You can have nerve damage in any part of your body, but nerves in your feet and legs are most often affected. Nerve damage can cause you to lose feeling in your feet.

What is important to observe when checking a persons feet and nails?

Look every day for cuts or signs of infection, such as pain, swelling, redness, or warmth. If you see any of these signs—especially in someone who has diabetes—call the doctor.

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