What port does Windows Remote Desktop use?

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Ben Stockton

If you want to stop hacking attempts on a remote desktop connection, youll need to change the default RDP port. Heres how.

When a hacker attempts to penetrate a network, they dont succeed through chance. More often than not, theyre relying on common flaws to give them an opening, like a commonly-used open port, RDP. Ports are backdoors into your network, allowing you to access services through an existing network firewall.

Obvious ports, like port 80 and 443, are needed for internet access, while others, like port 3389, allow Remote Desktop access to a Windows PC or server. If youve enabled Remote Desktop on Windows over the internet, chances are youre using the common Remote Desktop Protocol port [TCP/UDP port 3389] to connect.

Unless you want every port-scanning hacker to breach your network, you should change the RDP port to something else. Heres how.

Changing RDP Port Using Windows Registry

The Windows Registry is a database of configuration settings for Windows services, installed apps, and more. If you want to change the default RDP port from 3389 to a custom port, the easiest way is to change the Registry.

Before you begin, however, its highly recommended that you manually back up the Registry. If you make a mistake, this will allow you to roll back any changes quickly.

To start, open the Windows Registry Editor by right-clicking the Start menu and clicking the Run option. Remember to do this on the PC or server you wish to connect to, rather than the PC youre connecting from.

In theRun dialog box, typeregedit, then press OKto launch.

This will open the Windows Registry Editor. Using the left-hand menu, navigate through the Registry tree to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp folder.

In theRDP-Tcp folder, double-click thePortNumberentry on the right.

In theEdit DWORD [32-bit] Valuebox, select the Decimal option. Type the new port number you wish to use, between 1 and 65353, in theValue data box.

Youll need to make sure that this doesnt match any other common ports. If you choose a common port [such as port 80 for web traffic], you may not be able to establish a Remote Desktop connection afterward.

Press OK to save and restart your PC or server once youre done. At that point, any attempts to use Remote Desktop will require you to use the custom port you selected rather than the standard port 3389.

Configuring Windows Firewall for Custom RDP Port

Most users will need to make additional changes to their network or system firewall to allow access to Remote Desktop using a custom port. If youre using a network firewall, consult your user guide for further advice on doing this.

However, if youre using Windows Firewall, you can quickly add your custom RDP port as a set of new firewall rules to allow access. Youll need to perform these steps twiceone rule each for UDP and TCP ports using the custom port value you selected.

To do this, right-click the Start menu and click the Run option.

In theRun dialog box, typewf.msc and clickOK to launch. This will open the Windows Firewall management console, allowing you to add new firewall rules.

In theWindows Firewall MMC menu, select Inbound Rules from the left-hand menu.

Once selected, press New Rule from the Actions panel on the right.

In theNew Inbound Rule Wizardwindow, selectPort from the list of options, then clickNext to continue.

As youll need to create a custom rule for both TCP and UDP ports, selectTCP first from theDoes this rule apply to TCP or UDP?options. Youll need to selectUDP when you create your second rule.

ForDoes this rule apply to all local ports or specific local ports?, selectSpecific local ports and type your custom RDP port value.

ClickNext to continue once youre done.

In theAction menu, selectAllow the connection, then press Nextto continue.

In theProfile menu, identify which network firewall profiles you wish the rule to apply to. Leave all entries enabled for maximum access, or uncheckPublic to prevent Remote Desktop connections on public networks.

ClickNext to continue once youre ready.

Finally, provide a name for your new network rule [for instance,Custom RDP port TCP] and a description in the boxes provided in theNamemenu.

To add the rule, pressFinish.

Once added, repeat these steps for aUDP port rule using the same custom RDP port number. Restart your PC or server once the rules have been added.

Connecting to a Remote Desktop Using a Custom RDP Port

With the RDP port on your Remote Desktop PC or Server set, youll need to identify this port when you [or somebody else] wishes to make a connection.

To do this using the built-in Windows Remote Desktop Connection tool, right-click the Start menu and click theRun option.

In theRun dialog box, typemstsc, then pressOK.

In theRemote Desktop Connection window, type the IP address of the Remote Desktop PC or server you wish to connect to in theComputer box.

To use a custom port, add it to the end of the IP address using this structure:ip-address:port. For instance, would connect to an RDP server at192.168.1.10 on a local network using a custom RDP port1111.

Make further changes to your RDP connection before you connect by pressingShow Options. You may need to change the connection quality or add authentication details, such as a username and password.

When youre ready, press Connectto establish the connection.

Assuming your settings are correct and your firewall is correctly configured, the Remote Desktop Connection tool should successfully connect at this point, allowing you to control your remote PC or server.

Protecting Your Windows Network Further

While a custom RDP port will reduce the number of attempts to hack a Remote Desktop server over the internet, it isnt a guaranteed security fix. Youll need to take additional steps to protect your network, including setting your network profile to private.

You could also consider upgrading your router, giving your network additional protection using a hardware firewall. However, if you want a more secure Remote Desktop connection, you may prefer to use a virtual private network, making it even harder for hackers to gain access.


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