What statement is true of the use of audiovisual materials as part of training quizlet?

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Terms in this set [68]

In the context of the 70-20-10 model of learning, match the percentages of learning that occurs in the workplace with their sources.

70- On the job
20-Coaching and Mentoring
10-Formal classroom instruction

Match the components of a learning system with their examples.

Guided competency development -> Lectures

Guided contextual learning -> Simulations

Social competency development -> Coaching

Social contextual learning-> Social Media

Presentation methods are methods that

require trainees to be passive recipients of information

An accurate statement about a lecture as a presentation method is that it

can be used to deliver a consistent message

Which of the following is a type of the lecture method of presentation that involves two or more speakers presenting information and asking questions to the audience?


According to the 70-20-10 model of learning, which of the following factors tend to increase the likelihood of learning in training?

Active involvement of trainees in the learning process

Meaningful and practical content

Feedback and reinforcement from others

Match the components of a learning system with their features.

Guided contextual learning -> It occurs on the job and during the performance of work through formal training activities.

Social contextual learning -> It is informal and peer-to-peer, and it occurs spontaneously on an as-needed basis.

Social competency development -> It improves a person's specific job-related competencies through interaction with others.

Which of the following learning methods includes lectures and audiovisual techniques?

Presentation methods

Identify a disadvantage of the lecture method of training.

It tends to inhibit learning and transfer of training due to lack of trainee involvement and feedback.

Identify the method of learning that allows trainers to teach trainees through spoken words and is primarily based on one-way communication.


Identify the true statements about video as an audiovisual technique for training.

Video is generally used in conjunction with lectures to show trainees real-life experiences and examples.

Video is useful in improving communications skills and for illustrating how procedures should be followed.

Which of the following types of the lecture method of presentation involves two or more trainers presenting multiple topics or different views on the same topic?

Team teaching

Identify an accurate statement about hands-on training methods.

These methods help trainees understand how skills and behaviors can be transferred to the job.

_____ is a training program in which new or inexperienced employees learn in the work setting and during work by observing peers or managers performing the job and then try to imitate their behavior.

On-the-job Training

Lectures are often supplemented with question-and-answer periods, discussion, video, or case studies because the lecture method does not allow trainers to _____.

judge the trainees' level of understanding quickly and efficiently

In the context of presentation methods of learning, videos, slides, and overheads are part of _____ instruction


Successful on-the-job training is based on the principles of _____.

Social learning theory

Which of the following training methods requires trainees to be actively involved in learning?

Hands-on methods

Identify the role of trainers in self-directed learning.

They serve as facilitators for learning.

Identify an accurate statement about on-the-job training [OJT].

It motivates trainees to work as they use actual tools and equipment on the training.

True or false: Self-directed learning is likely to become a more common training method in the future, as firms seek to train staff flexibly, take advantage of technology, and encourage employees to be proactive in their learning.


The typical duration of an apprenticeship program can range from _____ years.

2 to 6

True or false: Compared to other training methods, on-the-job training needs more investment in time or money for materials, the trainer's salary, or instructional design.


Which of the following training methods requires employees to take responsibility for all aspects of learning?

Self-directed training

Arrange the steps involved in the development of effective self-directed learning in the correct order of occurrence. [Place the first step at the top.]

1. Identify the tasks that must be covered through a job analysis

2. Writing trainee-centered learning objectives that are directly related to the tasks that must be covered

3. Developing the content for the learning package

4. Breaking the content for the learning package into chunks

5. Developing an evaluation package for trainees and the learning package

Which of the following training methods is a work-study method with the benefits of both classroom and on-the-job training?


True or false: Simulators are completely different from the physical equipment, patients, and conditions that trainees encounter on the job.


Identify a training method that assumes that learning through a process of discovery helps employees recall and apply knowledge and skills on job.

Case studies

Arrange the steps involved in case development for employee training in the correct order of occurrence. [Place the first step at the top.]

1. Identifying a problem or situation

2. Gathering information about the case

3. Preparing a story outline and linking the details and exhibits to relevant points in the story

4. Determining the media to be used to present the case

5. Preparing the actual case materials

Business games are similar to _____ as they can be used to train employees for jobs that are risky and costly.


Business games that are used to ensure learning and transfer of training should _____.

be realistic to enhance meaningfulness of the game

Which of the following training methods allows trainees to see the impact of their decisions in an artificial, risk-free environment and is used to teach production and process skills as well as management and interpersonal skills?


A[n] _______ _______ is a description about how employees or an organization dealt with a difficult situation.

Case study

At which point in case development for employee training should a trainer consider how a case exercise will be conducted?

When determining the suitable media to use to present the case

Which of the following training methods requires trainees to make decisions after analyzing the collected information?

Business games

Identify an accurate statement about a typical business game.

The game is intended to demonstrate application of a behavior, skill, or knowledge.

_________ _________ refer to experiences in which trainees take on a role such as a manager, client, or disgruntled employee and explore what is involved in the role.

Role plays

_________ ________ provides trainees with the opportunity to practice the key behaviors demonstrated by a model.

Behavior modeling

According to research, behavior modeling is an effective technique to teach _____ skills to trainees.

Interpersonal and computer

Identify an accurate statement about role-plays.

They are dependent on the emotional reactions of the other trainees for outcomes.

The first step in developing behavior modeling training programs is to _____.

identify the tasks that are not being adequately performed due to lack of behavior or skill

Behavior modeling teaches key behavior to trainees through _________ ________, which occurs when a trainee sees a model receiving reinforcement for using certain behaviors.

Vicarious reinforcement

In behavior modeling, the key behaviors that trainees need to practice to cultivate the same set of behaviors are provided by the _______ _______

Modeling display

True or false: Application planning requires trainees to identify and write specific situations in which the learned key behaviors should be used.


Which of the following is true of a behavior modeling session?

It involves an introduction, preparation of skill and its development, and planning of the application.

Identify the true statements about key behaviors that are used in behavior modeling training programs.

They are typically performed in a specific order for a task to be completed.

They are behaviors that are necessary to complete a task.

What do trainee employees do in group building methods?

They get to know their own strengths and weaknesses and those of their colleagues.

They share ideas and experiences.

Identify the predominant methods used to present modeling displays.

Online videos

In behavior modeling, _____ prepares trainees to implement the key behaviors on the job.

Application planning

In the context of group building training methods, arrange the stages of experiential learning training programs in the correct order of occurrence. [Place the first step at the top.]

1. Acquiring conceptual knowledge and theory

2. Participating in behavioral simulation

3. Analyzing the activity

4. Relating the theory and activity to real-life situations

Group building methods are employee training methods designed to _____.

enhance the effectiveness of a team

An experiential learning method that uses structured activities to develop teamwork and leadership skills in trainees is known as _____.

Adventure learning

Which of the following statements is true about adventure learning?

It facilitates interpersonal interactions among trainees.

What is team training?

A training that is designed to enhance group effectiveness

In the context of group building training methods, identify the requirements for a successful experiential training program.

The program should be linked to changes in employee attitudes, behaviors, and other business results.

The program needs to be associated with a specific business problem.

Identify a type of instructional strategy that requires team members to observe each other's behavior and give and receive performance feedback.

Guided team self-correction

Identify an accurate statement about adventure learning.

It develops skills related to group effectiveness.

Which of the following group building training methods requires teams to work on solving an actual problem and holding them responsible for carrying out the plan to solve the problem?

Action learning

True or false: According to former participants, adventure learning facilitates a better understanding of themselves and their interactions with coworkers.


Identify an accurate statement about the Six Sigma training.

It allows trainees to get certified as green belts, champions, or black belts after several levels of training.

In the context of team training, match the components of team performance with their descriptions

Behavior -> Team members must accomplish their objectives by performing actions that allow them to communicate, coordinate, adapt, and complete complex tasks

Knowledge -> Team members must have memory structure that help them perform effectively in new situations

Attitudes -> Team members must have beliefs about the task and feelings toward each other that allow them to accomplish their objectives


refers to practices in which employees from all levels of a company participate that the aim for continuous improvement of business processes.

Match the strategies for defining and organizing the delivery of team training [in the left column] with their descriptions

Cross training -> Requires the team members to understand and practice each other's skill so that they can replace a member leaving the team

Coordination training -> Requires team members to share information and decision-making responsibilities to enhance team performance

team leader training -> Requires team manager to learn how to resolve conflict within the team or help the team coordinate activities or other team skills

Scenario-base training -> Requires team members to learn in a realistic context during training

Guided team self-correction -> Requires team members to focus on continuous learning and knowledge sharing with other team members

In the context of group building training methods, arrange the steps involved in action learning in the correct order of occurrence. [Place the first step at the top.]

1. Identifying the sponsors of action learning

2. Identifying the problem or issue

3. Identifying and selecting a group who can address the problem and identifying coaches who can advise the group

4. Gathering and analyzing data relevant to solving the problem

5> Having a group presentation on how to solve the problem

In the context of group building methods, Six Sigma training involves principles of _____.

Action learning

Which of the following statements is true of Kaizen?

It is a fundamental principle of total quality management and lean manufacturing.

True or false: Presentation methods provide a better learning environment and transfer of training than do the hands-on methods.


Which of the following group building training methods requires teams to work on solving an actual problem and holding them responsible for carrying out the plan to solve the problem?

Action learning

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