Why star topology is more secure?

The star network

In a star network each device on the network has its own cable that connects to a switchor hub. A hub sends every packet of datato every device, whereas a switch only sends a packet of data to the destination device.

A star network, where devices are connected to a central hub or switch

Advantages and disadvantages of a star network

The advantages of a star network are:

  • it is very reliable if one cable or device fails then all the others will continue to work
  • it is high-performing as no data collisions can occur

The disadvantages of a star network are:

  • it is expensive to install as this type of network uses the most cable [network cable is expensive]
  • extra hardware is required [hubs or switches] which adds to cost
  • if a hub or switch fails, all the devices connected to it will have no network connection

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