Why would one typically use an absolute cell reference instead of relative?

Formulas can contain numbers, like 5 or 8, but more often they reference the contents of cells. A cell reference tells Sheets where to look for values you want to use in a formula. For example, the formula =A5+A6 adds the values in cells A5 and A6.

Using cell references is useful because if you change the values in the referenced cells, the formula result automatically updates using the new values. There are two different ways to refer to other cells while creating a formula—relative references and absolute references. Let's take a look at the difference between the two.

A relative cell reference is the default type.

  • Relative References change when a formula is copied to another cell.
  • B4 is an example of a relative cell reference.
    Why would one typically use an absolute cell reference instead of relative?

When a formula is copied, relative references update the formula based on the cell’s location.

An absolute cell reference ensures that the formula is always refers to the same cell, even when it's copied and pasted.

I have conditional formatting relying on a date where the cell is merged because I had to add another row in order to have the sub contractors listed separately. For example, I have rows 2 and 3 for a task and columns A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are all merged however once you get to column Q, R, S, T, U they are no longer merged to show the distinction between the 2 different sub contractors on the task. Column V is merged again. My problem is Column I which is the expiration date of the task is the condition to turn all the cells to the color requested. Because column I is merged the first subcontractor in Row 2, Column Q, R, S, T, U will turn the color but the second sub contractor in Row 3, Column Q, R, S, T and U will not turn the color requested. It will only happen if I don't merge the Column I which has the expiration date and I put the date in both cells (2 and 3). PLEASE HELP IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR 3 DAYS!!!!!!


ngha says:
May 6, 2015 at 8:39 am

I have a question:
If I have a table as follows:

ROW1: Name Tasks Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Row2: A clean 4.5 3.5 8 6 9
Row3 B Clerk 9 4 5.5 7 0
Row4: C Sale 5.5 7 6 8 1
Row5: A Sale 3.5 0.5 0 1 0
Row6: B Clean 0 0 0.5 0 0

How do I use conditional format to set the color to the cells in each column Mon to Fri with the condition as follows?

if total hours of each person in a day <= 4 set cell color to orange to each day's column
If total hours of each person in a day 8 set color to green
In this example, The person A has 8 hours in Mon and Row2 and Row5 of the COl "Mon" will be set to "Blue". The person B has total 9 hours in Mon, therefore, row2 and row6 set to Green. The person C has total 5.5, row4 should set to yellow. The condition format should be used for all rows and columns from Mon to Fri


Charles says:
March 26, 2015 at 2:48 pm

Please answer this question (I have to learn VBA, but for now walk me through baby steps without coding).

I have a list in Column A with about 2500 different names. 1k are highlighted green, 500 red, 500 orange, the remaining blank.

I recieve a different list with some names that match my original column A list. I want to see if the name in the cell in column b, matches with column A, and if it is highlighted(I highlighted manually as I progressed, not using any conditional) I want the new column, column C to show that name but now highlighted.

Currently I use a VLOOKUP(B2,$A:$A,1,FALSE) and that returns the name of column B if it is in A however no color value is shown. I need to know which are not highlighted so I know which ones do not match or need to be "colored in"

Now when i want to add to the table for the next year, cell D2 should be for 2019, and i try to move with the fill handle (the small cross) from C2 to D2, the date doesn't change, even though i didn't put a $ sign by the date, so what correction do i need to get this done?


pas says:
October 5, 2019 at 5:32 am

First you type the list in the following manner or you can paste it in this style by your origin table, because of computers works then when you give it (computer) perfect quary status.
code marks
301 90
40 92
41 85
30 35
30 35
41 65
301 22
48 25
85 99
30 85
41 92
301 45
65 45
41 36
55 85
40 77
301 76
37 85
55 70
30 55
After it select this table and press Ctrl + L (it helps you to convert it in table style format), then go to design menu (which would be appear after fomat apply by press Ctrl+L). There is in design menu a sub menu tool in which first tool is "Summarize with PivotTable", click it and by default it give you, your data result in next sheet and that sheet would be create by "Pivot Table". Now Press Ok. Step 1 - Drag "Code" into "Row Label". Step 2 - Drag "Marks" into "Values" (when you draged Marks into Value it would be convert into "sum of Marks") Step 3- Click on "Sum of Marks", then click on value field setting, now click on max (instead of "sum"). Here you are find your result that is following :-
30 85
37 85
40 92
41 92
48 25
55 85
65 45
85 99
301 90


Why would you use absolute cell reference?

Absolute references are used when you want to fix a cell location. These cell references are preceded by a dollar sign. By doing this, you are fixing the value of a particular cell reference. For example, if you type the formula = A1+A2 into A3 and copy it to another location: B3, the formula will change to = B1+B2.

What are the advantages of absolute cell reference from relative cell reference?

Using an absolute reference allows you to lock the column you reference, the row you reference or both. This differs from a relative cell reference, which changes if you copy the formula to correspond with the number of rows or columns you move before pasting.

Why would you use an absolute cell reference in a formula quizlet?

You can use an absolute reference to keep a row and/or column constant. An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($). It can precede the column reference, the row reference, or both.

What does it mean to use an absolute cell reference in a formula?

In contrast, the definition of absolute cell reference is one that does not change when it's moved, copied or filled. This way, the reference points back to the same cell, no matter where it appears in the workbook. It's indicated by a dollar sign in the column or row coordinate.