Word re-arrange python assignment expert

Word Rearrange: In word Rearrange players try to score points by forming words using the letters from a 6-letters scrambled word.Given some guessed words,find the total No.of points the players scored in a particular round using the following rubric. 3-letter words are 1 pt, 4-letter words are 2 pts, 5-letter words are 3 pts, 6-letter words are 4 pts+50 pt bonus. A guessed word is invalid if the characters are not present in the scrambled word.Notes-that invalid words count as 0. your task is to find out the final score.

INPUT: The first line contains a string representing a scrambled word. The Second Line contains some spaces-separated strings representing words guessed by the player.



cat create sat





trance recant



while True:

  scrambled_w = input['Please, input word => '].lower[]

  if scrambled_w.isdigit[] == False and len[scrambled_w] == 6:



    print['Please, input word which lenght = 6']

guess_w = input['Please, input words whose characters can be in the scrambled word\n'].split[]

dct_scr = {}

points = {

  3: 1,

  4: 2,

  5: 3,

  6: 4


total = 0

flag = True

for el in scrambled_w:

  dct_scr[el] = dct_scr.get[el, 0] + 1

for el in guess_w:

  if el.isdigit[] == False and 3

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