Write a php function that checks whether a string is all lowercase

Last update on August 19 2022 21:50:30 [UTC/GMT +8 hours]

PHP function: Exercise-5 with Solution

Write a PHP function that checks whether a string is all lower case.

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Next: Write a PHP function that checks whether a passed string is a palindrome or not?

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PHP: Tips of the Day

PHP: How to push both value and key into PHP array?

No, there is no array_push[] equivalent for associative arrays because there is no way determine the next key.

You'll have to use

$arrayname[indexname] = $value;

Ref : //bit.ly/3cp9Gij

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    Given a string, check if all characters of it are in lowercase.

    Input  : gfg123
    Output : No
    Explanation : There are characters
    '1', '2' and '3' that are not lower-
    Input  : geeksforgeeks
    Output : Yes
    Explanation : The string "geeksforgeeks" 
    consists of all lowercase letters.

    The above problem can be solved using the in-built functions in PHP. We store multiple values in an array and check using the in-built function in php to check whether all the characters are lowercase.

    We solve the given problem using the in-built functions in PHP and iterate from a given array of strings.We use the following in-built function in PHP: 

    • ctype_lower : Returns true if all of the characters in the provided string, text, are lowercase letters. Otherwise returns false.


    Output : 


    How do you check if a string is in lowercase in PHP?

    ctype_lower[] function in PHP The ctype_lower[] function check for lowercase character[s]. It returns TRUE if every character in text is a lowercase letter in the current locale.

    Which function converts a string to lowercase in PHP?

    The strtolower[] function converts a string to lowercase. Note: This function is binary-safe. Related functions: strtoupper[] - converts a string to uppercase.

    How do you check if a string contains another string in PHP?

    Answer: Use the PHP strpos[] Function You can use the PHP strpos[] function to check whether a string contains a specific word or not. The strpos[] function returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. If the substring is not found it returns false .

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