Are sessions and visits the same in Google Analytics?

A Google Analytics session is a group of user interactions [known as ‘hits’] with your website recorded in a given time period. Like a container, a session collects every interaction a user has with the website: for example, if someone spent five minutes on a website and loaded two pages, triggered a couple of events, interacted with a social element, and completed a transaction, all these actions would be contained in the same session:

An illustration of how Google defines a session

You can find how many sessions you’ve had on your site in any given period by heading to Audience > Overview and looking for 'Sessions':

Why is it important to track Google Analytics sessions?

Tracking your website sessions can help evaluate whether your marketing and SEO campaigns are working. 

Let’s say you have three sessions per user per day, on average. You’re doing a good job of directing people back to your site through different campaigns.

However, if your ideal customer has just two sessions per month, you might need to spend more time marketing and advertising to get them back on your site multiple times.

If you run an ecommerce site, you can also use GA’s Shopping Behavior Analysis report to monitor how sessions with key actions impact your shopping activity:

  • In how many sessions was a product viewed?

  • In how many sessions was there an ‘add to cart’ event?

  • How many sessions resulted in checkout?

  • How many resulted in a successful transaction? 

Find the report by heading to Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Behavior:

The example above shows that people tend to exit their session if they don’t add products to cart. If that was your case, you could start thinking about how to increase the chances of a user adding something to their cart—for example through upsells, internal links to product pages, or product recommendations in the sidebar.

How long is a session in Google Analytics?

A new session starts when a visitor lands on your page. But when does it end? Typically, it’s when:

  • The session duration reaches a time limit: a session ends by default after 30 minutes of inactivity by the user [aka a 'timeout'] or when the day ends at midnight

  • A user changes campaigns: for example, if someone arrives on your site through a Facebook campaign, leaves, then returns later through organic search, those will be classed as two different sessions  

A note about time limits: if the 30-minute default doesn’t work for you, you can customize the length of a session by heading to Admin > Tracking Info > Session Settings:

What’s the difference between sessions and users in GA?

In Google Analytics, ‘sessions’ refers to the number of individual sessions initiated by all the users of your website, and ‘users’ refers to the number of unique visitors to it.

[This term isn’t as perfect as it sounds. Google stopped using the term ‘unique visitors' because... they aren’t always unique. For example, if you log in from two devices, it will show two users—even if you’re the same person. That’s why they’re now called users.] 

Let’s use a practical example:

- When you land on a website for the first time, a GA cookie is set with a unique identifier that recognizes you as a new user - If you spend 5 minutes on the website, check through a few pages, then leave, you’ve just completed your first session - If you return to the website later on the same day, from the same device and browser, GA will recognize you as a returning user: if you spend another few minutes on the website, check through a few pages, and leave, you’d have completed another session. - At that point, you’d be one user who has done two sessions. 

In other words: one user could have multiple sessions; but you can’t have more users than sessions, since every user starts a session the first time they visit your site.

What’s the difference between sessions and pageviews in GA?

If you’re still with us at this point, let’s clear up the difference between sessions and pageviews—which often get confused.

Google Analytics pageviews are the individual URLs that load when a user visits your site—regardless of their session. Because of that, one session can result in several pageviews.

For example: - If a user clicks your site and views five pages → they’ll have five pageviews in one session - If they come back later and view two more pages → that will be classed as another session and seven pageviews in total for that user.

How to investigate differences in sessions, users, and pageviews

“I have 1000 pageviews and 300 sessions. Is that good or bad?” 

“I have 2000 sessions and 50 users. Is that a problem?”

If these are questions on your mind, you’re not alone. Technically, the first case shows that people are viewing several pages in one visit, and the second that each individual person is returning back to your website for multiple sessions. But what does that actually mean? Why are people viewing several pages in one go? Why are they coming back a lot? 

Google Analytics can show you that something is happening on your website around sessions, users, and pageviews, but it doesn’t necessarily tell you why. To find that kind of answer, you need to collect additional context using a few complementary tools:

  • Session recordings

  • Conversion funnels

  • On-site surveys 

#1. Session recordings: watch how people interact with your website

Recordings do what the name says: record how people interact with your website pages, and give you a video of the exact journey someone goes through after landing on your site. That’s crucial insight to their entire session.

You can use recordings to:

  • Find which pages users arrive on

  • See which links they click to visit other pages

  • Identify which page their session ends on

If you are using Hotjar: after you set up the Session Recordings tool, Hotjar will start collecting and recording your users’ actions. You can then start reviewing the recordings directly; if you are interested in specific pages, include them using filters such as ‘Visited URL’:

What will you learn? By reviewing and analyzing your recordings thoroughly, you might learn that certain links push people to generate more pageviews per session, and use this data point to add more of those links within the other pages they’re viewing. Or, you might find that some pages push people away and reduce their pageviews per session. Can you edit your campaigns to stop pushing people there? Can you optimize the page and encourage them to continue their session?

#2. Conversion funnels: find where sessions drop off

Conversion funnels show the typical route-to-goal for your customers, and you can specifically use them to see where sessions drop off—which helps you prioritize which pages with high drop-offs need optimizing. 

If you are using Hotjar: start by identifying your main goal [e.g., completed purchase or signup] and work backward to the page with the most traffic. List all the pages and include them in the funnel you build:

Here are some funnel examples to get you started:

  • E-commerce sites: homepage > product pages > cart > checkout > thank you page

  • Blog: homepage > article pages > subscribe page > success page

  • SaaS: homepage > trial signup page > interface > upgrade page > thank you page

  • Lead generation: category pages > landing page with form > thank you page

Monitor how people drop off in their journey towards a conversion. You might see that 50% of sessions end on a certain page, for example:

Pro tip: in Hotjar, you can tie session recordings and the funnel together and watch sessions of people who leave at each specific step of the funnel. Simply click on the ‘Watch’ button below the funnel step you’re interested in:

Are site visits the same as sessions?

Website Visits, also referred to as sessions, track the number of times a user interacts with your website. Repeat visits within a set time period are excluded.

What does sessions mean on Google Analytics?

A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For example a single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactions. Learn more about the different request types in Analytics.

Is sessions the same as unique visitors?

In Google Analytics, 'sessions' refers to the number of individual sessions initiated by all the users of your website, and 'users' refers to the number of unique visitors to it.

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