Assembly topics for class 8

Our school has been accredited with International School Award[ISA] by the British Council for the period 2018-21.

“When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance” Joel Osteen

To feel the verve of festival, a special assembly on Mahashivratri was conducted by the students of sapphire house on Wednesday, 19 February 2020. Assembly was graced by the presence of Principal Dr. Sangeeta Arora. The morning assembly started on a pious note with the prayer. Students commenced the assembly by updating the audience with current news, the weather report and the thought for the day. The students enhanced the knowledge of vocabulary both in Hindi and English.

Students talked about the significance of Mahashivratri. Mahashivratri festival is celebrated with devotion and religious fervor in honour of Lord Shiva; one of the the deities of Hindu trinity. Celebrating the festival of shivratri devotees observe day and night fast to appease lord Shiva

The assembly culminated with an applaud for the winners who brought laurels to the school. Also the Principal, Dr Sangeeta Arora, motivated the students with her pearls of wisdom.

A glimpse of the students on stage

Stephen Covey said “Every human has four endowments, self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give the ultimate freedom-The power to choose, to respond and to change”. This is exactly what assemblies at K.R.Mangalam World School aim to achieve.

Assemblies form an integral part of the school proceedings and help raise awareness and sensitivity among the students through the multiferous topics on which these assemblies are conducted.

Ruby house conducted the morning assembly on 12.2.2020 on the topic “ HOW TO OVERCOME EXAM FEAR”. The assemblage commenced on a pious note by a prayer led by the Principal followed by the hymn ‘Hum ko mann ki Shakti denana’. The news reporters updated the gathering with the latest national, international, sports news of the world. They also presented the K.R.M news, thought of the day and the word of the week in English and Hindi. This was followed by an awe-inspiring self-composed poem by student of ruby house. This was followed by an article outlining the significance of how to overcome from exam fear. The assembly culminated with the prize distribution where in the meritorious and illustrious winners were bestowed with certificates and trophies for various Inter-School competitions.

Saanvi Priya of class IX F of K.R.Mangalam World School,G.K.II has been appointed as the main speaker in the flag area briefing to the CM under Delhi Directorate on the occasion of NCC Republic day 2020.She has been awarded as the First Best Cadet in the Inter Group Best Cadets Competition in NCC at Delhi Directorate level. Her efforts were appreciated by all the KRM Mangalamities.

The Principal appreciated and congratulated all the prize winners and awarded trophies for the best class assemblies as well in 6 to 8 class category 8E and F won the best assembly trophy on the topic “Values and their relivance” and in 9 to 12 class category 9E and F won the trophy for the best assembly on the topic “Janmashtami”.

‘Health is wealth’ is a famous saying that refers to importance of healthy eating habits. In order to inculcate the habit of healthy eating and spread awareness about ill effects of junk food, the students of class II-A presented anassembly on ‘Eat Healthy & Be Healthy.’The assembly started with a prayer followed by a short skit depicting the importance of healthy food and the various components of a balanced diet. The pivotal point of the assembly was driven home very clearly that it is equally significant to have a healthy environment to have a healthy body. The high light of the assembly was a scintillating dance performance on foot tapping music composition. The young enthusiasts showcased their assembly with confidence and ease. They came dressed in colourful costumes and carried appropriate props. The assembly concluded with arousing rendition of the National Anthem.


To celebrate the festive mood and excitement the students of class IIC & II D presented an assembly on ‘Christmas’.The assembly started with the morning prayer followed by a foot tapping dance performance. A short skit depicting the birth of Jesus Christ was exquisitely enacted by the students. They explained the essence of Christmas by emphasising the spirit of sharing, caring and giving. The students spoke with confidence, ease and poise. The assembly showcased the talent and creativity of the children. The highlight of the assembly was the beautiful presentation of the Christmas carols. The assembly ended with rousing rendition of the National Anthem.


The students of class II-E &II F presented a special assembly on the topic “Honesty is the Best Policy”. The assembly highlighted the importance of honesty and truthfulness. The assembly began with a prayer followed by a short skit.The children explained the significance of ‘honesty’ by highlighting simple situations which they come acrossin day to day life. The students spoke with confidence and enacted the skit with enthusiasm and creatively. They put forth the theme of the assembly clearly that honesty means be truthful , to be sincere and not to lie in any circumstance. The assembly ended with a quiz by children and rendition of the National Anthem.

Celebrating the legacy and heralding the future.

K. R. Mangalam World School, G.K-II mirrors the social fabric of the Indian society which recognizes and revels diversity.Keeping up with this thought the school celebrated the 71st Republic Day on Friday, 24 January, 2020. The programme commenced with the contingent marching confidently to the beats of the drum, showcasing the true spirit of leadership and the unfurling of the National Flag by the principal, Dr.Sangeeta Arora.The day marked the celebration of unity, an urge to spread harmony, a joy to humanity.The tri-coloured balloons which are a symbol of freedom carried aspirations and evoked the spirit of patriotism, leaving behind a message of hope and happiness. This was followed by the school band creating a mesmerising ambience by performing the ‘Drummer’s Call’. Highlighting the true essence of freedom Naunidh and Kuhu of class VIII expressed their views on the Constitution of India and the thoughts of PanditJawahar Lal Nehru. Keeping up the patriotic fervour,the NCC cadets of the school gave an invigorating performance by marching forward with full vigour and enthusiasm on the song titled “TakatWatan Ki Hum Se Hai, HimmatWatan Ki Humse Hai.” This was followed by amellifluous performance of the talented singers who filled the charisma in the air by the patriotic rendition ‘VandeMataram’.The function culminated with therendition of the KRM song.

The students of class 7 C and D of K.R. Mangalam, G.K. II presented an Assembly on October 25, 2019 on the topic Diwali. The assembly displayed the beautiful story of Lord Ram’s homecoming after 14 years of exile, it also enlightened the audience about the effect of reckless bursting of crackers on our daily lives, AQI etc. All the students pledged to not burst crackers. Students also presented an article on side effects caused of using plastic.The assembly was a learning experience for the audience.

The Eco Club students of K.R. Mangalam World School, G.K. II carried out an anti cracker campaign on October 25, 2019 for spreading awareness amongst peers, fellow students , teachers and staff members about the harmful consequences of bursting fire crackers in our daily lives. Students spoke on how our pets, our grand parents , babies are affected by the bursting of crackers. They also explained how the AQI [Air Quality Index] deteriorates by the reckless bursting of crackers.

The importance of advertisementsin the present times is immense. It is a method that is used to attract people’s attention. It is an important and simple procedure for companies to make themselves known amongst the public. We come across advertisements through certain mediums like newspapers, magazines, billboard, buses, internet, and on the radio, flyers, newsletters or posters.

Students of the four houses were engaged in advertisement making activity. They had a first-hand experience in advertisement not just in making the advertisement but also enacting the same in order to appeal the public.

The students of class V A and V B presented a value based and entertaining assembly in the month of April 2019.

The theme of the assembly was `EARTH DAY CELEBRATION.’ The students began on an auspicious note with the morning prayer. This was followed by the National, International, sports, KRM, weather news and thought of the day followed by a Skit

Students presented the skit depicting as to how even kids can make a difference in protecting Our Mother Earth. They made an effort to make others understand the importance of conserving our Natural Resources, riding or walking wherever one can or to do a car pool, to save electricity when not in use, to reduce, reuse, recycle as much as one can.

One of the student recited a beautiful poem on EARTH DAY. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.

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