averi là gì - Nghĩa của từ averi

averi có nghĩa là

Most often a girl's name, Averie, a variant of Aubrey, comes from English and German origins; the meaning of Averie is 'elf' [leader], or 'magical' being', power. -Averie is usually the most exquisitely beautiful girl you know, 'nearly' flawless, skilled in almost every area she chooses, or 'the best at everything'. She is the most fun to be around and talk to...every second is mesmerizing.


-"That girl is so gorgeous, she must be an 'Averie'." -"It's so enchanting it's 'Averie'!" haha just for you ALG!

averi có nghĩa là

Avery is beautiful, but if you tell her she will deny it. She is sassy, sarcastic, loveable,and dorky. People always tell avery she will be a model and she can only hope


Friend: Avery your so beautiful Avery: What do you mean i look like a troll
Friend: shut up

averi có nghĩa là

Avery means amazing, talented in every way , able to succeed, will go far in life, loves and cares for that one special person, very good at everything she sets her mind to. Avery is a man eater but only has one special guy. Avery is a very loving and caring person. she always knows how to make you feel better. An Avery can put a smile on your face at any given time. Avery is the sweetest person you will ever meet! An Avery is always attractive! She is so cute and most likely has the most adorable laugh! She always knows the right thing to say and can make you feel better with the corniest lines. She treats men right and respects them. An Avery is also quite a funny person, she can make you laugh no matter what. Avery means awesome beyond all measure. If you ever get an Avery don't ever let her go. It will be the biggest mistake you will ever make so don't do it. Love and cherish Avery because she will do the same


That girl is a total Avery

averi có nghĩa là

an averi is a hot girl who is smarter than most guys but doesnt care at all.they are crazy drunks and love to have fun.people make fun of averi's cause they are jelous.athletic.and has mostly guy friends cause girls are bitches.love to eat.everyone wants to be friends with an averi.


averi-"peace out b*tches"

averi có nghĩa là

A really nice girl you always want to be around she may be crazy at times but you gotta love her! She is really smart and pretty and lovable and everyone wants to be friends with her.


nice averi

averi có nghĩa là

An Averi is a kickass girl who is hard on the outside but sensitive and cuddly on the inside. They're hard headed. And can be a little annoying but it's just because they like you! They have mostly guy friends because girls sucks. They're smart and pretty and excel in anything they put their mind to. Even though they are really smart and can nail anything with practice they'd rather be at home watching Netflix. An Averi is a smart and intelligent girl always there for you when you need a hand... Or food because they eat a lot.


"Nailed it!" -Averi 2k17

averi có nghĩa là

an avery is an amazing friend. If you're friends with an avery dont let her go. She is kind and caring and will protect you like a mom. She is normally very tall and she has medium brown hair that goes past her shoulders. She has an amazing sense of fashion and people find her attractive but thats not what defines her. An avery is really funny in her own way and normally has one friend that she does weird things [NOT LIKE THAT-] with and they make people laugh. For example, you might find avery in the middle of the classroom with that one friend laying on the ground and avery standing over her just being weird. She is very lovable and has a nice computer. Avery is good at art and loves theatre, dancing, and singing. She's very friendly and you will have a lot of amazing memories with her. Also all of this is true and i wrote it for my friend who I wont be seeing as much cuz im changing schools. AVERY if ur reading this and you think you know who i am i love you and ill miss you :P


example sentance :
person 1: *cries and explains their problems*
avery: *knows what to say and makes jokes and listens to what you have to say* person 2: Wow shes so nice, I bet her name is avery
person 3: yeah shes so funny and kind :]

averi có nghĩa là

Avery is mysterious and quite a snack. she doesn't act like it and doesn't see herself as beautiful most of the time however you know she secretly knows she's bad ;],which makes her even more sexy because she doesn't force herself on guys who don't care...she let's the ones who are crazy about her chase. she is very quiet and keeps to herself not giving a rip about anyone else that she doesn't care about..which makes her to be even more respectable by her friends. she's talented in sports,art and being a faithful lover. shes actually can be low key quite a flirt but once she held down by a dude who treats her for the queen she is...she absolutely sweet and faithful to him. Avery makes a passionate lover. she has a gorgeous laugh that sounds almost fake like she taunting you but it's effects are rather intoxicating. shes chill and down to earth on the outside but is filled with a chaos of thoughts and emotions in the inside. she is the ultimate troller and takes quiet pleasure in the stupidity of those around her. for looks welllllllllllll
: she's got eyes like of a doe, a athletic sexy body with a big butt and a unique face shape. but she dresses like she doesn't care however. if you find a Avery, be careful...she's not an idiot and won't fall to flattery easily. it takes time for her to trust you. if she does-you'll unfold the many layers of her enchanting being, if not.... your just prey for the jungle that is her brain.
you won't win


everyone: [ speechless]
me: whoh...
random ass person: that's Avery guys

averi có nghĩa là

Averie is a very caring and genuine girl. They will always get out of their way to make you happy. Averie is very shy and bashful but when you get to know her she never is quiet. Averie loves art and doesn't realize how good she is at it. Every boy should want an Averie.


"Averie is super caring!"

averi có nghĩa là

The best person on earth who anyone is lucky to be friends with. She’s so fun and caring and makes every little thing I do better. I never feel sad around her. Even the smallest things make any guy fall for her. She is so pretty especially when she doesn’t try, and no matter how much you tell her she’ll deny it. She has the confidence of a lion and really gives others around her strength and the courage to be themselves. I’m sure whoever she finds will be the luckiest guy in the world


“Wow Averi is so cool” “Seriously you’re just NOW realizing that?”

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