Bài tập câu hỏi đuôi trong tiếng anh

Câu hỏi đuôi xuất hiện rất nhiều trong tiếng Anh, dù là trong giao tiếp hằng ngày hay trong tiếng Anh học thuật. Một trong những thử thách người học phải vượt qua là việc trong tiếng Việt không có cấu trúc ngữ pháp giống hẳn với câu hỏi đuôi tiếng Anh, khiến việc làm quen bước đầu trở nên khó khăn.

Nhằm mục đích giúp quá trình học mảng kiến thức này trở nên thuận lợi hơn, cũng như giúp người học vượt qua những bài tập thuộc phần này, bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu cho độc giả những dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi thường gặp.

Key takeaways:

  • Các dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi thường gặp: điền vào chỗ trống, viết lại câu, dạng bài tìm và sửa lỗi sai, chọn đáp án đúng nhất.
  • Một khó khăn nhiều người gặp phải khi làm dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi điền vào chỗ trống là những “bẫy” trong đề ra, cụ thể là đề ra các câu hỏi đuôi đặc biệt.
  • Bài viết lại câu cần tư duy cũng như cẩn trọng để viết chính xác phần câu hỏi đuôi nhưng đồng thời cũng không sai lỗi ngữ pháp ở phần mệnh đề chính trong câu; đặc biệt, cần chú ý đến ngữ nghĩa của câu trong đề ra với dạng bài viết lại câu
  • Những câu tìm và sửa lỗi sai câu hỏi đuôi sẽ có liên quan đến động từ hoặc trợ động từ trong vế câu hỏi đuôi, hoặc thể của mệnh đề chính và câu hỏi đuôi giống nhau.
  • Có hai loại bài tập câu hỏi đuôi thường gặp với dạng chọn đáp án đúng nhất: Loại bài chọn câu có câu hỏi đuôi được viết chính xác từ một số câu cho sẵn, và loại bài tương tự điền vào chỗ trống, nhưng ở dạng trắc nghiệm.
  • Các dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi yêu cầu thí sinh chú ý thì thời, chủ ngữ, động từ, và những dấu hiệu khác trong đề ra, đồng thời chú ý chi tiết và cẩn trọng, tỉnh táo khi làm bài.
  • Minh họa cho các dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi thường gặp

Các dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi thường gặp

Điền vào chỗ trống

Đây là dạng bài vô cùng cơ bản và thường gặp trong các bài tập câu hỏi đuôi. Thông thường, phần cần điền vào chỗ trống chính là câu hỏi đuôi ở cuối câu. Dạng bài này đòi hỏi người làm xác định thì, động từ và chủ ngữ cũng như một số dấu hiệu đặc biệt khác [như trạng từ, đại từ bất định, vv…] của câu để viết câu hỏi đuôi chính xác.

Một khó khăn nhiều người gặp phải khi làm dạng bài này là những “bẫy” trong đề ra, cụ thể là đề ra các câu hỏi đuôi đặc biệt. Người đọc có thể tham khảo bài viết này về các dạng câu hỏi đuôi đặc biệt để có thể tỉnh táo trước các “bẫy” trong bài.

Xem thêm:

  • Cách đặt câu hỏi trong tiếng Anh
  • Các quy tắc về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ trong Tiếng Anh

Bài tập

  1. You can’t eat dairy, ____________?
  2. Your best friend, Anna, is part of the Student Council, ____________?
  3. Selena just dropped out of college, ____________?
  4. Dan and Peter hardly ever study, ____________?
  5. Mary failed her test, so her parents are worried, ____________?
  6. Susan is so friendly and sociable; everyone loves her, ____________?
  7. Your brother never leaves his room, ____________?
  8. Let’s all try our best for this exam, ____________?
  9. She looks so pale, I think she didn’t eat breakfast today, ____________?
  10. If I remember correctly, there are not many good restaurants near the city hall, ____________?
  11. This class is very crowded, but I still believe that several students have left since the lecture began, ____________?
  12. Stop messing around and start appreciating the scenery, ____________?
  13. There will be a new statue in the town square soon, ____________?
  14. Nobody expected him to be there, ____________?
  15. Lock the door and turn off the lights before you leave the office, ____________?
  16. This upcoming English test will cover three main parts of our course, so let’s go over them now, ____________?
  17. My chips were right here, but now they are gone! Somebody ate them without my permission, ____________?
  18. You can fix the lights, ____________?
  19. People think that the food around here isn’t very good, ____________?
  20. This meeting is really important, so please be on time, ____________?
  21. No one is willing to volunteer for the summer camp, ____________?
  22. Everyone is going to participate in the workshop next week, ____________?
  23. Your mother seldom drinks coffee in the morning, ____________?
  24. I expect that she won’t be top of her class, ____________?
  25. Let’s focus on the task at hand, ____________?
  26. Nothing that I say will make you change your mind on this matter, ____________?
  27. I think the class doesn’t begin until 9 o’clock, ____________?
  28. There are no restrictions regarding who can enter these premises, ____________?
  29. Come and join us for breakfast tomorrow morning, ____________?
  30. Your hometown is Thanh Hoa, ____________?

Đáp án

  1. can you
  2. isn’t she
  3. didn’t she
  4. do they
  5. aren’t they
  6. don’t they
  7. does he
  8. shall we
  9. did she
  10. are there
  11. haven’t they
  12. will you
  13. won’t there
  14. did they
  15. will you
  16. shall we
  17. didn’t they
  18. can’t you
  19. is it
  20. will you
  21. are they
  22. are they
  23. does she
  24. will she
  25. shall we
  26. won’t it
  27. does it
  28. are there
  29. will you
  30. isn’t it

Viết lại câu

Dạng bài viết lại câu cho phần câu hỏi đuôi thường yêu cầu người làm bài viết lại một câu hỏi thành một câu có câu hỏi đuôi. Ở bài này, người học cần thận trọng để đặt câu có câu hỏi đuôi chính xác, và so sánh với bài điền vào chỗ trống đã giới thiệu ở trên, bài viết lại câu cần tư duy nhiều hơn cũng như cẩn trọng hơn, để viết chính xác phần câu hỏi đuôi nhưng đồng thời cũng không sai lỗi ngữ pháp ở phần mệnh đề chính trong câu.

Phần bài này cũng yêu cầu thí sinh chú ý và xác định thì thời, chủ ngữ, động từ, trạng từ và những chi tiết khác trong đề ra. Ngoài ra, người làm bài còn phải đặc biệt chú ý đến ngữ nghĩa của câu nhiều hơn dạng bài điền vào chỗ trống.

Bài tập

Viết lại những câu sau với câu hỏi đuôi:

  1. Had Ally and Jason finished their homework before they went to bed?
  2. Did the mayor announce the plan for renovating the old museum? [a male mayor]
  3. Doesn’t Olivia know what she will do when she finally graduates from college?
  4. Can Marvin sing and play the piano at the same time?
  5. Can you come and perform your magic tricks at the school fair?
  6. Is there a documentary you told me about on TV tonight?
  7. Didn’t you say the test will last 90 minutes?
  8. Isn’t there a hospital nearby?
  9. Will Jack go on a date to the park with you on Wednesday?
  10. Isn’t the picnic canceled?
  11. Have you seen Amy recently?
  12. Am I invited to your party?
  13. Charles’ cousin will be visiting him tomorrow evening, right? [a female cousin]
  14. Aren’t you going to the shopping mall later this afternoon?
  15. Can you give me some recommendations on what to watch on movie night this Sunday?
  16. Will Jessica be lying on the beach this time next week?
  17. Hasn’t Pete been trying to install the light bulb for three hours straight?
  18. Was your brother going to ask Lisa out for lunch?
  19. Has someone already covered my shift on April 19th?
  20. Have Nora and her brother apologized for accidentally breaking your window yet?
  21. Will you bring someone to the junior prom?
  22. Does Vietnam have great food?
  23. The school just called me; didn’t you go to school yesterday?
  24. Does Alan always get an A for English at school?
  25. Does Emily seldom water her plants?
  26. Ophelia’s essay is due on May 16th, right?
  27. You are walking to school; don’t you have a bike?
  28. Have the students got their test results back already?
  29. Was your grandmother ill?
  30. Have you got your official diagnosis from the doctor yet?
  31. There are 24 people in this class, but I can only have 23 assignments here; did somebody just never submit their assignment?
  32. Do they rarely smoke?

Đáp án

  1. Ally and Jason had finished their homework before they went to bed, hadn’t they?
  2. The mayor announced the plan for renovating the old museum, didn’t he?
  3. Olivia doesn’t know what she will do when she finally graduate from college, does she?
  4. Marvin can sing and play the piano at the same time, can’t he?
  5. Come and perform your magic tricks at the school fair, will you?
  6. There is that documentary you told me about on TV tonight, isn’t there?
  7. You didn’t say the test will last 90 minutes, did you?
  8. There isn’t a hospital nearby, is there?
  9. Jack will go on a date to the park with you on Wednesday, won’t he?
  10. The picnic isn’t cancelled, is it?
  11. You have seen Amy recently, haven’t you?
  12. I am invited to your party, aren’t I?
  13. Charles’ cousin will be visiting him tomorrow evening, won’t she?
  14. You aren’t going to the shopping mall later this afternoon, are you?
  15. Give me some recommendations on what to watch on movie night this Sunday, will you?
  16. Jessica will be lying on the beach this time next week, won’t she?
  17. Pete hasn’t been trying to install the light bulb for three hours straight, has he?
  18. Your brother was going to ask Lisa out for lunch, wasn’t he?
  19. Someone has already covered my shift on April 19th, haven’t they?
  20. Nora and her brother have apologised for accidentally breaking your window, haven’t they?
  21. You will bring someone to the junior prom, won’t you?
  22. Vietnam has great food, doesn’t it?
  23. The school just called me; you didn’t go to school yesterday, did you?
  24. Alan always gets an A for English at school, does he?
  25. Emily seldom waters her plants, does she?
  26. Ophelia’s essay is due on May 16th, isn’t it?
  27. You are walking to school; you don’t have a bike, do you?
  28. The students have got their test results back already, haven’t they?
  29. Your grandmother was ill; wasn’t she?
  30. You have got your official diagnosis from the doctor, haven’t you?
  31. There are 24 people in this class, but I can only have 23 assignments here; somebody just never submitted their assignment, did they?
  32. They rarely smoke, do they?

Dạng bài tìm và sửa lỗi sai

Đây là dạng bài đòi hỏi sự chú ý đến chi tiết và sự cẩn thận. Thông thường, những câu tìm và sửa lỗi sai câu hỏi đuôi sẽ có liên quan đến động từ hoặc trợ động từ trong vế câu hỏi đuôi, hoặc thể của mệnh đề chính và câu hỏi đuôi giống nhau, ví dụ như ở mệnh đề chính là thể phủ định mà câu hỏi đuôi vẫn là thể phủ định,… Dạng bài này yêu cầu thí sinh chú ý thì thời, chủ ngữ, động từ, và những dấu hiệu khác trong đề ra.

Bài tập

  1. You were going to enter the competition, were you?
  2. I think Missy asked to extend her deadline because she got busy these last few weeks, do I?
  3. Nobody cared about your embarrassing moments in high school, do they?
  4. Shelly doesn’t cook for herself because she never tries to learn to cook, doesn’t she?
  5. Your mother made you take swimming lessons, did she?
  6. The fan was still on when I opened the door, so somebody was careless enough to leave it there, wasn’t he?
  7. Let’s pick up the pace, shall us?
  8. Leslie didn’t forgot to pick his kid up from the nursery again, didn’t he?
  9. Jacob and his friends all studied very hard for the Math exam, didn’t he?
  10. Try your best to reduce your carbon footprint, are you?
  11. Lily got the best score out of everyone in class A, doesn’t she?
  12. You finished all the strawberries I left for you in the bowl on the kitchen table, didn’t I?
  13. Erica hasn’t checked all her plants for bugs yet, hasn’t she?
  14. I should study for final exams now, should I?
  15. These apples aren’t so fresh, is it?
  16. Alyssa was the class president, so it was her responsibility to check on her classmates, was she?
  17. The door was hard to open so you had to use force, hadn’t you?
  18. Everyone thinks that Diane was a gentle soul, do they?
  19. Nobody had unlocked the classroom and prepared the equipment before the teacher arrived, hadn’t they?
  20. Ted never left for college, didn’t he?
  21. Ruth broke the vase so she attempted to throw it out and replace it with a new one, did she?
  22. Dental hygiene is very important, so brush your teeth everyday, do you?
  23. The material was too cheap so the designer did not choose it, wasn’t she?
  24. I think Monica chose the wrong major, did she?
  25. Let’s go to our favourite ice cream parlour and try out their new flavours, will us?
  26. Compared to the Sun, the Earth is tiny, is it?
  27. The archaeologists just uncovered something shocking, didn’t he?
  28. Camila rarely leaves her car with you, doesn’t she?
  29. A good mother will never leave her children unattended, won’t she?
  30. That packet of crisp wasn’t tasty, did it?
  31. Tomorrow I will have a very important interview, so wake me up at 7, can’t you?
  32. There is a Chinese restaurant that makes delicious chicken and rice just around the corner, isn’t it?
  33. Everybody finished the assignments that I gave out last week, did they?
  34. Nothing will ever be perfect enough to make you satisfied, will they?
  35. It’s springtime, so the lovely daffodils and roses in your garden are all blooming, haven’t they?
  36. Your mother promised to take us all to the zoo this weekend, did she?
  37. Willow did not miss any of her lectures, was she?
  38. He was one of the highest achievers in his school so he got a scholarship, wasn’t he?
  39. You had a couple of days off from school and you went home, don’t you?
  40. People think cars’ exhausts are one contributing factor to pollution in this city, don’t they?

Đáp án

  1. were you → weren’t you
  2. do I → didn’t she
  3. do they → did they
  4. doesn’t she → does she
  5. did she → didn’t she
  6. wasn’t he → weren’t they
  7. us → we
  8. didn’t he → did he
  9. didn’t he → didn’t they
  10. are you → will you
  11. doesn’t she -> didn’t she
  12. didn’t I → didn’t you
  13. hasn’t she → has she
  14. should I → shouldn’t I
  15. is it → are they
  16. was she → wasn’t it
  17. hadn’t you → didn’t you
  18. do they → wasn’t she
  19. hadn’t they → had they
  20. didn’t he → did he
  21. did she → didn’t she
  22. do you → will you
  23. wasn’t she → did she
  24. did she → didn’t she
  25. will us → shall we
  26. is it → isn’t it
  27. didn’t he → didn’t they
  28. doesn’t she → does she
  29. won’t she → will she
  30. did it → was it
  31. can’t you → will you
  32. isn’t it → isn’t there
  33. did they → didn’t they
  34. will they → will it
  35. haven’t they → aren’t they
  36. did she → didn’t she
  37. was she → did she
  38. wasn’t he → didn’t he
  39. don’t you → didn’t you
  40. don’t they → aren’t they

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

Đây cũng là một dạng bài tập câu hỏi đuôi rất phổ biến. Có hai loại bài thường gặp với dạng chọn đáp án đúng nhất này: Đầu tiên là loại bài chọn câu có câu hỏi đuôi được viết chính xác từ một số câu cho sẵn, và tiếp theo là loại bài tương tự điền vào chỗ trống, nhưng ở dạng trắc nghiệm. Cũng giống như những dạng đề trên, bài này yêu cầu thí sinh chú ý thì thời, chủ ngữ, động từ và những dấu hiệu khác trong đề ra, đồng thời chú ý chi tiết và cẩn trọng, tỉnh táo khi làm bài.

Bài tập

Chọn câu chính xác nhất:

Câu 1:

  1. These oranges are ripe enough to eat already, are they?
  1. These oranges are ripe enough to eat already, aren’t they?
  1. These oranges are ripe enough to eat already, is it?
  1. These oranges are ripe enough to eat already, isn’t it?

Câu 2:

  1. I think my mother is buying too much rice, am I?
  1. I think my mother is buying too much rice, is she?
  1. I think my mother is buying too much rice, isn’t she?
  1. I think my mother is buying too much rice, don’t I?

Câu 3:

  1. You woke up too late to go to school yesterday so you just stayed at home, didn’t you?
  1. You woke up too late to go to school yesterday so you just stayed at home, did you?
  1. You woke up too late to go to school yesterday so you just stayed at home, have you?
  1. You woke up too late to go to school yesterday so you just stayed at home, wasn’t you?

Câu 4:

  1. That old knife is too dull to cut through this meat, is it?
  1. That old knife is too dull to cut through this meat, isn’t it?
  1. That old knife is too dull to cut through this meat, was it?
  1. That old knife is too dull to cut through this meat, aren’t they?

Câu 5:

  1. Let’s attend the music festival held in the school stadium tomorrow, shall we?
  1. Let’s attend the music festival held in the school stadium tomorrow, shall us?
  1. Let’s attend the music festival held in the school stadium tomorrow, will we?
  1. Let’s attend the music festival held in the school stadium tomorrow, shall you?

Câu 6:

  1. Someone has already rented that place on Fifth Avenue since last month, has they?
  1. Someone has already rented that place on Fifth Avenue since last month, have they?
  1. Someone has already rented that place on Fifth Avenue since last month, hasn’t he?
  1. Someone has already rented that place on Fifth Avenue since last month, haven’t they?

Câu 7:

  1. Anne scarcely ever visits her family anymore now that she’s studying at a college far from home, has she?
  1. Anne scarcely ever visits her family anymore now that she’s studying at a college far from home, does she?
  1. Anne scarcely ever visits her family anymore now that she’s studying at a college far from home, doesn’t she?
  1. Anne scarcely ever visits her family anymore now that she’s studying at a college far from home, is she?

Câu 8:

  1. She never went to tennis practice until her father took over the coaching position, didn’t she?
  1. She never went to tennis practice until her father took over the coaching position, is she?
  1. She never went to tennis practice until her father took over the coaching position, did she?
  1. She never went to tennis practice until her father took over the coaching position, never she?

Câu 9:

  1. There is going to be new offices for the company’s employees in the next few months, will it?
  1. There is going to be new offices for the company’s employees in the next few months, is there?
  1. There is going to be new offices for the company’s employees in the next few months, isn’t there?
  1. There is going to be new offices for the company’s employees in the next few months, is it?

Câu 10:

  1. Nothing was in front of our door when we left for work, was it?
  1. Nothing was in front of our door when we left for work, was they?
  1. Nothing was in front of our door when we left for work, wasn’t it?
  1. Nothing was in front of our door when we left for work, wasn’t there?

Câu 11:

  1. Bring me a croissant and some coffee if you pass by the shops on your way home, will it?
  1. Bring me a croissant and some coffee if you pass by the shops on your way home, will they?
  1. Bring me a croissant and some coffee if you pass by the shops on your way home, shall we?
  1. Bring me a croissant and some coffee if you pass by the shops on your way home, will you?

Đáp án

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D

Chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D phù hợp

Bài tập

  1. This clock hasn’t been working since this morning, _______?
  1. has it
  1. hasn’t it
  1. will it
  1. doesn’t it
  1. You didn’t succeed on the first try, _______?
  1. has you
  1. did you
  1. will you
  1. didn’t you
  1. Julie has worked to earn money from a very young age, _______?
  1. will she
  1. hasn’t she
  1. will she not
  1. doesn’t she
  1. Everyone seems to fall for Mary’s charm, but I think she is rather pretentious, _______?
  1. don’t they
  1. don’t I
  1. isn’t she
  1. do I
  1. Next week is your anniversary already; your husband is probably planning a romantic getaway or something, _______?
  1. does he
  1. will he
  1. is he
  1. isn’t he
  1. Tomorrow, Patricia and Becky are competing in the National Spelling Bee at school, _______?
  1. aren’t they
  1. are they
  1. will they
  1. won’t they
  1. Normally, Jake never cooks deep-fried chicken, _______?
  1. isn’t he
  1. doesn’t he
  1. does he
  1. will he
  1. You just finished packing for your summer holiday, _______?
  1. have you
  1. haven’t you
  1. did you
  1. didn’t you
  1. I think Patty’s brother still sleeps with his teddy bear, _______?
  1. do I
  1. doesn’t he
  1. does he
  1. doesn’t she
  1. Let’s all chip in and treat ourselves to a nice dinner at that new restaurant down the street, _______?
  1. let us
  1. shall us
  1. shall we
  1. will we
  1. The film was amazing; nobody expected that twist at the end, _______?
  1. did they
  1. didn’t they
  1. did he
  1. did she
  1. Turn the music down a bit, _______?
  1. won’t she
  1. will they
  1. will I
  1. will you

Đáp án

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D .

Tổng kết

Các cấu trúc câu hỏi đuôi rất đa dạng, vì vậy nguồn kiến thức dành cho người thiết kế bài tham khảo cũng rất phong phú. Điều này đòi hỏi thí sinh có sự nắm bắt kiến thức chắn chắn, có cái nhìn sâu sắc cũng như rộng về mảng kiến thức câu hỏi đuôi. Đồng thời, người làm bài cũng nên cập nhật hiểu biết về các dạng bài để giải quyết bài tập nhanh chóng hơn.

Bài viết này hy vọng đã giúp người đọc hiểu hơn về các dạng cũng như tích lũy được một số kiến thức và cách làm bài cho bản thân.

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