Cách lai Mirage Dragon

Throne Island

This event has expired on 26 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000.

Dark Elf Dragon
#0119 Core Dragon
Mirage Dragon

Elements Category
Available in Missing Dragon Rescue
Breedable Breeding Time
Yes 3d 10h
Hatching Time Hatch XP
3d 20h 320000
Available In Shop
Price Sell
Income [Lv. 1] Master Points [Lv. 1]


The most delusive of all four-elements-dragons. For years, Mirage Dragon was considered a myth - a fabrication of a few crazed Dragon Masters. Today we know he is real, but that doesn't mean he's easy to breed!


By Leveling Up[]

By Training[]

Automated Names[]

See Automated Names.


  • The Mirage Dragon was released on 25/3/2014 in store for 4500
  • It is available in the Breeding Sanctuary update.
  • A mirage is actually just heat playing tricks on the eyes, causing you to think you see water.
  • He was available in Throne Island on 3/July/2015.
  • Recently underwent some changes. As of late 2020/early 2021, it is no longer a white bodied dragon, with a blue mane and light grey underbelly. The color now reflects its elements: a reddish orange body [Fire], a light blue underbelly and "stockings" [Ice], green eyebrows [Nature], and a golden mane, spinal crest, and tail tuff [Electric]. Also gone are the golden spots on the side of belly and top of back legs, as well as the familiar circling ring around the end of its tail. The color of its eyes are still red.
  • The rarity of this dragon is now classified as a Legend.


Current Design[]

Mirage Dragon has been redesigned since late 2020/early 2021

Old Design [Prior to 2021][]

Original design of Mirage Dragon prior to 2021

Old Mirage Dragon's design in game

Media Images[]


Dark Elf Dragon
#0119 Core Dragon

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