Can you take Tylenol with hepatitis A?

Chances are, acetaminophen is a mainstay in your medicine cabinet. You use it to ease aches and pains or bring down a fever.

When you follow the instructions on those pill-bottle labels, it's helpful and safe, and it generally doesn't upset the stomach like other pain relievers.

But if you take too much, it can hurt your liver. In extreme cases, it can even cause liver failure.

It’s still fine to use acetaminophen. You just need to know how to do that safely.

What’s It In?

More than 50 million Americans use acetaminophen each week. It's the most widely used drug ingredient in the U.S., found in more than 600 prescription and over-the-counter [“OTC”] medications, including allergy pills, cold medicines, cough syrups, headache pills, and sleep aids.

Never take more than one product at a time that’s made with acetaminophen. For instance, if it’s in your headache pill and your cold medicine, and you take them both, you could get more than you should.

Check the “Active Ingredients” section of the “Drug Facts” box on your OTC medication, or the label on your prescription, where it may be called “APAP” or “acetam.”

Follow the Directions

Read the label on your medication. Don’t take more than directed, even if you’re still in pain or don't feel well.

Even when you stick to the recommended dose, you shouldn’t take acetaminophen for more than 10 days for pain, or 3 days for fever. If you still feel like you need relief, call your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Adults should not get more than 4,000 milligrams of acetaminophen per day from all sources. That’s no more than 12 regular-strength pills at 325 milligrams per pill, or 8 extra-strength pills at 500 milligrams per pill.

For children, the daily limit depends on their weight and age. Check how many milligrams are in your child’s doses, and follow the directions on the label exactly.

You may need to switch your child’s weight from pounds to kilograms -- you can use an online calculator to do that. If you're not sure how much is OK, ask your doctor or pharmacist. To help you keep track, write down all the medicines you give your child each day.

Common reasons people mistakenly pass the daily limit include:

  • They take too much at once.
  • They don’t wait long enough between doses.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you have more than three alcoholic drinks a day or have liver disease, ask your doctor before you take anything that has acetaminophen in it. In these cases, even the recommended dose could make liver damage more likely.

5 Overdose Warning Signs

If you think you may have accidentally taken too much acetaminophen, you may have:

  1. Nausea
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Vomiting
  4. Sweating
  5. Diarrhea

These symptoms may not start until hours after you've taken the drug. By the time you notice something’s wrong, your liver may already be severely damaged.

If you have questions about whether you took the right amount, call your local poison control center, which will tell you if you need to go to the ER. If you think someone may have overdosed, call 911.

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Your Care Instructions

You can protect yourself from hepatitis A with a vaccine. Hepatitis A is a virus that can cause a very serious infection.

You can get this virus in two ways. One way is to eat food contaminated with the virus. The second way is from close contact with someone who has the virus.

The vaccine is recommended for all children at 1 year of age. The vaccine is given to children younger than age 1 who travel to countries where hepatitis is common. If you or your child haven't had the vaccine, talk to your doctor before you travel. It's also recommended for men who have sex with men and for people who have liver disease.

The vaccine is given as two separate shots in your arm. The first shot gives you some protection. But the second one protects you for at least 20 years. You can get the second shot 6 months after the first one.

The shot may cause some pain in the arm. It can also cause a headache, tiredness, or nausea. But these symptoms aren't common. If you have a bad reaction to the first shot, tell your doctor. In this case, it may not be a good idea to get the second shot.

Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor if you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.

How can you care for yourself at home?

  • Take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen [Tylenol], ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin], or naproxen [Aleve], if your arm is sore or if you get a headache. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
  • Do not take two or more pain medicines at the same time unless the doctor told you to. Many pain medicines have acetaminophen, which is Tylenol. Too much acetaminophen [Tylenol] can be harmful.
  • Put ice or a cold pack on the sore area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin.

When should you call for help?

Call 911 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if:

  • You have a seizure.
  • You have symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. These may include:
    • Sudden raised, red areas [hives] all over the body.
    • Swelling of the throat, mouth, lips, or tongue.
    • Trouble breathing.
    • Passing out [losing consciousness]. Or you may feel very lightheaded or suddenly feel weak, confused, or restless.

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if:

  • You have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as:
    • A rash or hives [raised, red areas on the skin].
    • Itching.
    • Swelling.
    • Belly pain, nausea, or vomiting.
  • You have a high fever.

Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if you have any problems.

Where can you learn more?

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The Health Encyclopedia contains general health information. Not all treatments or services described are covered benefits for Kaiser Permanente members or offered as services by Kaiser Permanente. For a list of covered benefits, please refer to your Evidence of Coverage or Summary Plan Description. For recommended treatments, please consult with your health care provider.

What should hepatitis A patients avoid?

Contaminated food and water are more common in developing countries. When traveling in areas where hepatitis A is common, avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables, shellfish, ice, and untreated water.

Which medicine is best for hepatitis A?

No specific treatment exists for hepatitis A. Your body will clear the hepatitis A virus on its own. In most cases of hepatitis A, the liver heals within six months with no lasting damage.

Can you take ibuprofen with hepatitis A?

Take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as acetaminophen [Tylenol], ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin], or naproxen [Aleve], if your arm is sore or if you get a headache. Be safe with medicines.

What painkillers can I take with hepatitis?

If acute hepatitis B is causing pain, painkillers such as paracetamol can be bought over the counter. For more severe pain, a doctor may prescribe a more potent painkiller such as codeine. Any nausea or vomiting symptoms can often be relieved with medications such as metoclopramide.

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