Clear ArrayList java

Java ArrayList clear[]

The Java ArrayList clear[] method removes all the elements from an arraylist.

The syntax of the clear[] method is:


Here, arraylist is an object of the ArrayList class.

clear[] Parameters

The clear[] method does not take any parameters.

clear[] Return Value

The clear[] method does not return any value. Rather, it makes changes to the arraylist.

Example 1: Remove all elements from String Type ArrayList

import java.util.ArrayList; class Main { public static void main[String[] args]{ // create an arraylist ArrayList languages = new ArrayList[]; languages.add["Java"]; languages.add["JavaScript"]; languages.add["Python"]; System.out.println["Programming Languages: " + languages]; // remove all elements languages.clear[]; System.out.println["ArrayList after clear[]: " + languages]; } }


Programming Languages: [Java, JavaScript, Python] ArrayList after clear[]: []

In the above example, we have created a arraylist named languages. The arraylist stores the name of programming languages.

Here, we have used the clear[] method to remove all the elements of languages.

ArrayList clear[] Vs. removeAll[]

The ArrayList also provides the removeAll[] method that also remove all elements from the arraylist. For example,

import java.util.ArrayList; class Main { public static void main[String[] args]{ // create an arraylist ArrayList oddNumbers = new ArrayList[]; // add elements to arraylist oddNumbers.add[1]; oddNumbers.add[3]; oddNumbers.add[5]; System.out.println["Odd Number ArrayList: " + oddNumbers]; // remove all elements oddNumbers.removeAll[oddNumbers]; System.out.println["ArrayList after removeAll[]: " + oddNumbers]; } }


Odd Number ArrayList: [1, 3, 5] ArrayList after removeAll[]: []

In the above example, we have created an arraylist named oddNumbers. Here, we can see that the removeAll[] method is used to remove all the elements from the arraylist.

Both the removeAll[] and clear[] method are performing the same task. However, the clear[] method is used more than removeAll[]. It is because clear[] is faster and efficient compared to removeAll[].

To learn more about removeAll[], visit Java removeAll[] method.

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