Đếm số ký tự trong một tệp Python

Trong bước tiếp theo, chúng ta đã khởi tạo tất cả các giá trị cho biến “s“. Và đã sử dụng hàm read[] để đọc từng từ trong tệp của chúng tôi. Hàm read[] trả về đầu ra ở định dạng chuỗi

Ghi chú.   Ở đây bên trong hàm, chúng ta đã sử dụng hàm len[] trả về tổng chiều dài của đối tượng. Ở đây “s” là đối tượng tệp của chúng tôi.

Vì vậy, bây giờ chúng ta có dữ liệu văn bản hoàn chỉnh ở định dạng chuỗi và chúng ta có thể lấy tổng độ dài của các ký tự bằng cách sử dụng hàm len[]. Cái nào sẽ trả về tổng độ dài của tệp văn bản của chúng tôi, tức là. tổng số ký tự có sẵn

Khi bạn cần thêm bộ đếm vào một lần lặp, liệt kê thường là cách tiếp cận tao nhã nhất. Nó sẽ trả về khả năng lặp lại [giả sử danh sách, bộ dữ liệu, phạm vi, chuỗi hoặc từ điển, v.v. ] với bộ đếm và đối tượng trả về sẽ là một liệt kê

Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ học các cách tiếp cận khác nhau để đếm số lần một chữ cái xuất hiện trong tệp văn bản bằng Python. Dưới đây là nội dung của tệp văn bản gfg. txt mà chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng trong các chương trình dưới đây

Cho một fname tệp văn bản, nhiệm vụ là đếm tổng số ký tự, số từ, dấu cách và số dòng trong tệp. Như chúng ta đã biết, Python cung cấp nhiều tính năng và mô-đun dựng sẵn để xử lý tệp. Hãy thảo luận về các cách khác nhau để tính tổng số ký tự, từ, khoảng trắng và dòng trong một tệp bằng Python.  

Nhận số lượng ký tự, từ, khoảng trắng và dòng trong một tệp

Cách tiếp cận ngây thơ để lấy số lượng ký tự, từ, khoảng trắng và dòng trong một tệp

Theo cách tiếp cận này, ý tưởng là giải quyết nhiệm vụ bằng cách phát triển logic của chính chúng ta. Không sử dụng bất kỳ hàm có sẵn nào của Python, tổng số ký tự, số từ, khoảng trắng và số dòng của tệp sẽ được tính. Dưới đây là việc thực hiện các phương pháp trên.  


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

đầu ra

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Sử dụng một số chức năng tích hợp và chức năng mô-đun hệ điều hành

Trong cách tiếp cận này, ý tưởng là sử dụng hệ điều hành. linesep[] của mô-đun hệ điều hành để phân tách các dòng trên nền tảng hiện tại. Khi trình quét của trình thông dịch gặp os. linesep nó thay thế nó bằng ký tự \n. Sau đó, các hàm strip[] và split[] sẽ được sử dụng để thực hiện tác vụ. Nhận thêm ý tưởng về các hàm strip[] và split[]. Dưới đây là việc thực hiện các phương pháp trên.  


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
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Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
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Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Làm cách nào để đếm ký tự trong Python?

Trong Python, bạn có thể lấy độ dài của chuỗi str [= số ký tự] bằng hàm có sẵn len[] .

Làm cách nào để đếm số lần xuất hiện của một ký tự trong tệp bằng Python?

Cách tiếp cận. .
Đọc tập tin
Lưu trữ nội dung của tệp trong một biến
Gán một biến số đếm bằng 0
Lặp qua từng ký tự, nếu ký tự được tìm thấy là ký tự đã cho thì tăng bộ đếm
Hiển thị số lượng chữ cái

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