Dict to json file python

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    JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It means that a script [executable] file which is made of text in a programming language, is used to store and transfer the data. Python supports JSON through a built-in package called json. To use this feature, we import the JSON package in Python script. The text in JSON is done through quoted-string which contains a value in key-value mapping within { }. It is similar to the dictionary in Python.
    Note: For more information, refer to Read, Write and Parse JSON using Python

    Function Used:  

    • json.dumps[] 
    • json.dump[] 

    Syntax: json.dumps[dict, indent]

    • dictionary – name of dictionary which should be converted to JSON object. 
    • indent – defines the number of units for indentation 

    Syntax: json.dump[dict, file_pointer]

    • dictionary – name of dictionary which should be converted to JSON object. 
    • file pointer – pointer of the file opened in write or append mode. 

    Example 1:


    import json 

    dictionary =

      "id": "04"

      "name": "sunil"

      "department": "HR"

    json_object = json.dumps[dictionary, indent = 4



        "id": "04",
        "name": "sunil",
        "department": "HR"


        "department": "HR",
        "id": "04",
        "name": "sunil"

    Example 2:


    import json

    dictionary ={

        "name" : "sathiyajith",

        "rollno" : 56,

        "cgpa" : 8.6,

        "phonenumber" : "9976770500"


    with open["sample.json", "w"] as outfile:

        json.dump[dictionary, outfile]


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    JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It means that a script [executable] file which is made of text in a programming language, is used to store and transfer the data. Python supports JSON through a built-in package called json. To use this feature, we import the json package in Python script. The text in JSON is done through quoted-string which contains value in key-value mapping within { }. It is similar to the dictionary in Python.
    Function Used: 

    • json.load[]: json.loads[] function is present in python built-in ‘json’ module. This function is used to parse the JSON string.

    Syntax: json.load[file_name]
    Parameter: It takes JSON file as the parameter.
    Return type: It returns the python dictionary object. 

    Example 1: Let’s suppose the JSON file looks like this:

    We want to convert the content of this file to Python dictionary. Below is the implementation.


    import json

    with open['data.json'] as json_file:

        data = json.load[json_file]

        print["Type:", type[data]]

        print["\nPeople1:", data['people1']]

        print["\nPeople2:", data['people2']]

    Output :

    Example 2: Reading nested data 
    In the above JSON file, there is a nested dictionary in the first key people1. Below is the implementation of reading nested data.


    import json

    with open['data.json'] as json_file:

        data = json.load[json_file]


        print["\nPrinting nested dictionary as a key-value pair\n"]

        for i in data['people1']:

            print["Name:", i['name']]

            print["Website:", i['website']]

            print["From:", i['from']]


    Output :

    How do I save a dict to a JSON file?

    To save the dictionary to JSON format, we will need the file object of the . json file and the dictionary that we need to save and pass them to the dump[] method. We can also load the saved dictionary from the . json file using the load[] method of the pickle library.

    Is Python dictionary a JSON?

    Python possesses a default module, 'json,' with an in-built function named dumps[] to convert the dictionary into a JSON object by importing the "json" module. "json" module makes it easy to parse the JSON strings which contain the JSON object.

    How do you represent a dictionary in JSON?

    Introducing JSON JSON is a way of representing Arrays and Dictionaries of values [ String , Int , Float , Double ] as a text file. In a JSON file, Arrays are denoted by [ ] and dictionaries are denoted by { } .

    How do you convert to JSON in Python?

    If you have a Python object, you can convert it into a JSON string by using the json. dumps[] method.

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