Dismayed là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "dismayed", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ dismayed, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ dismayed trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Their reaction dismayed him.

2. Dismayed, Howdendykers made various responses.

3. The poor election turnout dismayed politicians.

4. 11 Farmers are dismayed, vinedressers wail,

5. The boy's failing grades dismayed his parents.

6. The surprise attack dismayed the enemy troops.

7. I was dismayed to discover that he'd lied.

8. I'm dismayed atthe cost of the new house.

9. Vincent was irritated but not dismayed.

10. I was dismayed at the news.

11. This has enraged and dismayed most communicators.

12. She dismayed me by refusing my offer.

13. On my arrival, the austere building dismayed me.

14. 9 She dismayed me by refusing my offer.

15. 27 I was dismayed to discover that he'd lied.

16. She was dumbly dismayed at the news.

17. The thought that she was crying dismayed him.

18. He was dismayed at the cynicism of the youngsters.

19. The actor was dismayed by the audience's lack of interest.

20. The English border authorities were dismayed by this activity.

21. 11 He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.

22. 7 I'm dismayed atthe cost of the new house.

23. He was dismayed when he found his wallet gone.

24. He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.

25. The suggestion was greeted by a dismayed silence.

26. Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed,

27. Cohen said in a statement "I was stunned and dismayed."

28. We were all dismayed at his refusal to co-operate.

29. He was dismayed at the change in his old friend.

30. I was dismayed to learn that she had failed again.

31. Some of the Republican policies have left feminists dismayed and aghast.

32. They were dismayed to find that the ferry had already left.

33. 2 He was dismayed at the size of his adversary.

34. The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.

35. With others he was dismayed by its stringent terms.

36. They were dismayed at the cost of the repairs.

37. He was dismayed at the sight of the accident.

38. He was dismayed at the size of his adversary.

39. The great birdman, at a guess, would be dismayed.

40. Those now being accused of trafficking in stolen property are dismayed.

41. 19 Ruth was dismayed to see how thin he had grown.

42. We are dismayed that the demonstration was allowed to take place.

43. 26 We were all dismayed at his refusal to co-operate.

44. Danby was dismayed that Watt had opposed him in the vote.

45. 12 I was dismayed to learn that she had failed again.

46. The thought that she might fail the history test dismayed her.

47. I'm really dismayed most people think companies are basically evil.

48. Ruth was dismayed to see how thin he had grown.

49. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back?

50. A sword is upon the mighty men, and they shall be dismayed.

Khép cửa lại và đừng buồn sẽ có cánh cửa khác mở ra.

Chúa sẽ chăm sóc cho bạn.

Instead of feeling happy they feel anxious or dismayed by good news

and often stay in groups of people who only display negativity.

Thay vì cảm thấy hạnh phúc

và thường ở trong những nhóm người chỉ thể hiện sự tiêu cực.

Dismayed by adults' unwillingness to respond she decided to take action herself.

both of which looked big enough to hold a cello.

đều trông to đến nỗi tưởng như có thể đựng được cả chiếc đàn cello.

But instead of being dismayed I watched this process with the same sort of interest

I might have taken in the reading of a book.

một sự thích thú mà tôi có thể có được khi đọc một quyển sách.

Some may be dismayed by Ignatius' mention of Marian doctrine in the same breath as the Crucifixion?

Một số có thể bị kinh hoàng bởi đề cập đến học thuyết Marian Ignatius' trong hơi thở giống như bị đóng đinh?

Those who made Cush their hope and

Những ai xem Cút là niềm hi vọng và

And Gates said he was“surprised and dismayed” by the comments from both Clinton and Obama.

Và ông Gates nói rằng

ông lấy làm“ bất ngờ và thất vọng” trước những nhận định của cả Ngoại trưởng Clinton

lẫn ông Obama.

However dismayed by an increasingly materialistic society he abandoned

his legal studies to enter the friary of the Augustinian hermits.

ông từ bỏ các nghiên cứu pháp lý của mình để tham gia vào nhóm ẩn sĩ của Augustinian.

to be monetising their mail content.

hiện ra để kiếm tiền từ nội dung thư của họ.

eliminated on his first day.

là một điệp viên đã


bại trong ngày phỏng vấn đầu tiên.

A sword is on the boasters and they shall become fools; a sword is on her mighty men

Gươm dao trên những người khoe khoang chúng nó sẽ nên người dại dột! Gươm dao ở trên những kẻ mạnh mẽ

The creators of Acid2 were dismayed that Internet Explorer did not follow web standards.

các tiêu chuẩn web.

quickly came to regret having supported his accession.

và sớm trở nên hối tiếc vì đã ủng hộ ông lên ngôi.

They would have been deeply dismayed by today's disjunction between science and the rest of culture.

We are shocked and dismayed at the events that have been reported

but have very little independent information about these events.

cáo từ phía cảnh sát nhưng có rất ít thông tin độc lập về những sự kiện này.”.

This followed a series of Trump's decisions that delighted Israel but dismayed and infuriated Palestinians.

Điều này diễn ra sau một loạt các quyết định của ông Trump khiến Israel vui mừng nhưng lại khiến người Palestine thất vọng và giận giữ.

Puerto Rico is still suffering the aftermath of a hurricane previous year

Puerto Rico vẫn đang chịu hậu quả của một cơn bão năm ngoái

Diamond Reynolds' live stream of Philando Castile bleeding to death after being shot by

Dòng chảy trực tiếp Philando Castile của Diamond Reynold chảy máu đến chết sau khi bị bắn bởi sĩ quan

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