How can i check if a string starts with a specific word in php?

I'm trying to check if a string starts with http. How can I do this check?

$string1 = '';
$string2 = '//';

asked May 7, 2010 at 18:43


PHP 8 or newer:

Use the str_starts_with function:

str_starts_with['//', 'http']

PHP 7 or older:

Use the substr function to return a part of a string.

substr[ $string_n, 0, 4 ] === "http"

If you're trying to make sure it's not another protocol. I'd use // instead, since https would also match, and other things such as

substr[ $string_n, 0, 7 ] === "//"

And in general:

substr[$string, 0, strlen[$query]] === $query


6,3833 gold badges42 silver badges63 bronze badges

answered May 7, 2010 at 18:46

Kendall HopkinsKendall Hopkins

41.9k17 gold badges65 silver badges87 bronze badges


Use strpos[]:

if [strpos[$string2, 'http'] === 0] {
   // It starts with 'http'

Remember the three equals signs [===]. It will not work properly if you only use two. This is because strpos[] will return false if the needle cannot be found in the haystack.


5,2673 gold badges28 silver badges37 bronze badges

answered May 7, 2010 at 18:45


16.2k4 gold badges24 silver badges18 bronze badges


There is also the strncmp[] function and strncasecmp[] function which is perfect for this situation:

if [strncmp[$string_n, "http", 4] === 0]

In general:

if [strncmp[$string_n, $prefix, strlen[$prefix]] === 0]

The advantage over the substr[] approach is that strncmp[] just does what needs to be done, without creating a temporary string.


2,6461 gold badge14 silver badges32 bronze badges

answered May 7, 2010 at 23:26


2,0961 gold badge11 silver badges10 bronze badges


You can use a simple regex [updated version from user viriathus as eregi is deprecated]

if [preg_match['#^http#', $url] === 1] {
    // Starts with http [case sensitive].

or if you want a case insensitive search

if [preg_match['#^http#i', $url] === 1] {
    // Starts with http [case insensitive].

Regexes allow to perform more complex tasks

if [preg_match['#^https?://#i', $url] === 1] {
    // Starts with // or // [case insensitive].

Performance wise, you don't need to create a new string [unlike with substr] nor parse the whole string if it doesn't start with what you want. You will have a performance penalty though the 1st time you use the regex [you need to create/compile it].

This extension maintains a global per-thread cache of compiled regular expressions [up to 4096]. //

answered Dec 6, 2013 at 8:25


5,7796 gold badges59 silver badges83 bronze badges


You can check if your string starts with http or https using the small function below.

function has_prefix[$string, $prefix] {
   return substr[$string, 0, strlen[$prefix]] == $prefix;

$url   = '//';
echo 'the url ' . [has_prefix[$url, '//']  ? 'does' : 'does not'] . ' start with //';
echo 'the url ' . [has_prefix[$url, '//'] ? 'does' : 'does not'] . ' start with //';


2,2471 gold badge12 silver badges12 bronze badges

answered Jun 19, 2013 at 14:01


3,5794 gold badges47 silver badges48 bronze badges


How do you check if a string starts with a particular word?

We can use the startsWith[] method of String class to check whether a string begins with a specific string or not, it returns a boolean, true or false.

How do I check if a string starts with a specific character in PHP?

To check if string starts with a specific character, use PHP built-in function strpos[]. Provide the string and character as arguments to strpos[], and if strpos[] returns 0, then we can confirm that the string starts with the specific character, else not.

How do you check the start of a string?

The startsWith[] method determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or false as appropriate.

How do I get the first letter of a word in PHP?

So you can easily use $i[0] to fetch first letter.

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