How can you take responsibility for protecting the privacy and reputation of others?

Staying safe online can help protect you and your loved ones’ identity and personal information from risks like theft. The next time you’re on your device, keep these simple online security tips in mind:
Use strong passwords, such as those generated by and stored in a keychain, or two-factor authentication.
Install virus protection software on your devices.
Only enter personal information, like credit card details, into secure websites. A website is secure when a lock icon displays in your browser to the left of the URL.
If an organisation asks you to share personal information via email, be wary that it may be a scam. Suncorp, for example, will never ask you to do this via an email. For up-to-date info about current scams, or to report a scam, visit
Don’t share personal information like your address or phone number on social media and remember to configure your privacy settings so you know who gets to see what you post.
Suncorp has partnered with McAfee to offer our Suncorp Bank customers a free three-months of its anti-virus software for personal use. To find out more and see the terms and conditions, visit:

The right to privacy is a enshrined in article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR], article 17 in the legally binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR] and in article 16 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child [CRC]. Many national constitutions and human rights documents mention the right to privacy. In the US Constitution, it isn’t explicitly stated, but experts infer it from several amendments, including the Fourth Amendment. It outlines that people have the right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” In many cases, the US Supreme Court has upheld the right to privacy. There are also many privacy laws designed to protect personal data from the government and corporations. The rise of the internet has complicated privacy laws and many believe that the law has fallen behind. In the United States, there is no central federal privacy law. The right to privacy also intersects with many other human rights such as freedom of expression, the right to seek, receive and impart information and freedom of association and assembly.

Why do privacy rights matter so much? Here are 10 reasons why:

#1. Privacy rights prevent the government from spying on people [without cause]

The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens, but it often crosses the line when it comes to surveillance. In 2013, Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA’s spying program, bringing the issue of privacy into the spotlight. The balancing act between national security, freedom of expression, surveillance and privacy rights is tricky. It’s generally agreed upon that if the government doesn’t have a reason to spy on someone, it shouldn’t. No one wants to live in a Big Brother state.

#2. Privacy rights keep groups from using personal data for their own goals

When in the wrong hands, personal information can be wielded as a powerful tool. The Cambridge Analytica scandal is a perfect example of this. This organization used data taken from Facebook [without user consent] to influence voters with political ads. Privacy rights mean that groups can’t take your data without your knowledge/consent and use it for their own goals. In a time where technology companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google, and others collect and store personal information, privacy rights preventing them from using the data how they please are very important.

#3. Privacy rights help ensure those who steal or misuse data are held accountable

When privacy is recognized as a basic human right, there are consequences for those who disrespect it. While there are many “soft” examples of personal data use, like targeted ads, established privacy rights draw a line in the sand. Without these restrictions, corporations and governments are more likely to steal and misuse data without consequence. Privacy laws are necessary for the protection of privacy rights.

#4. Privacy rights help maintain social boundaries

Everyone has things they don’t want certain people to know. Having the right to establish boundaries is important for healthy relationships and careers. In the past, putting up boundaries simply meant choosing to not talk about specific topics. Today, the amount of personal information kept online makes the process more complicated. Social media can reveal a lot of information we don’t want certain people [or strangers] to know. Media platforms are obligated to offer security features. Having control over who knows what gives us peace of mind.

#5. Privacy rights help build trust

In all relationships, trust is essential. When it comes to the personal data given to a doctor or a bank, people need to feel confident that the information is safe. Respecting privacy rights builds up that confidence. Privacy rights also give a person confidence that if the other party breaks that trust, there will be consequences.

#6. Privacy rights ensure we have control over our data

If it’s your data, you should have control over it. Privacy rights dictate that your data can only be used in ways you agree to and that you can access any information about yourself. If you didn’t have this control, you would feel helpless. It would also make you very vulnerable to more powerful forces in society. Privacy rights put you in the driver’s seat of your own life.

#7. Privacy rights protect freedom of speech and thought

If privacy rights weren’t established, everything you do could be monitored. That means certain thoughts and expressions could be given a negative label. You could be tracked based on your personal opinions about anything. If privacy rights didn’t let you keep your work and home life separate, “thought crimes” or what you say off the clock could get you in trouble. Privacy rights protect your ability to think and say what you want without fear of an all-seeing eye.

#8. Privacy rights let you engage freely in politics

There’s a reason that casting your vote is done confidentially. You are also not required to tell anyone who you voted for. Privacy rights let you follow your own opinion on politics without anyone else seeing. This is important in families with differing worldviews. It also protects you from losing your job because of your political leanings. While you can’t control what people think about you because of your views, you do have the right to not share more than you’re comfortable with.

#9. Privacy rights protect reputations

We’ve all posted something online that we regret or done something foolish. It can come back to haunt us and ruin our reputations. Privacy rights help protect us and can give us the power to get certain information removed. The EU specifically addresses this with the “right to be forgotten” law. This lets people remove private information from internet searches under some circumstances by filing a request. Revenge porn, which is a violation of privacy, is a big example of personal data that can destroy a person’s reputation.

#10. Privacy rights protect your finances

Companies that store personal data should protect that information because of privacy rights. When companies fail to make security a priority, it can have devastating consequences. You can have your identity stolen, credit card numbers revealed, and so on. When you give your financial information to a specific entity, you are trusting them to respect your privacy rights.

Take a free course on privacy rights by top universities!

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About the author

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

How can you protect your reputation?

Here are some things to consider to safeguard your online identity and reputation:.
Remember that nothing is temporary online. ... .
Mark your profiles as private. ... .
Safeguard your passwords and change them often. ... .
Don't post inappropriate or sexually provocative pictures or comments. ... .
Don't respond to inappropriate requests..

Why is it important to protect your reputation?

Protecting your online reputation allows you to remain in the driver's seat when it comes to your online search results. Not only is protecting your personal information incredibly important, creating a positive online reputation can be extremely beneficial to your personal life and your career.

What are some ways to manage your online reputation?

7 Online reputation management techniques for brands.
Perform a brand audit. A brand audit is a critical first step in your online reputation management strategy. ... .
Monitor brand mentions. ... .
Respond to negative reviews. ... .
Invest in SEO. ... .
Leverage public relations. ... .
Encourage customer reviews. ... .
Promote positive content..

Why is it important to protect your online identity?

Your personal and financial information is highly desirable to cyber criminals. After stealing your identity, they may be able to access your banking details, obtain credit cards or loans, and destroy your credit rating.

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