How do i check if today is monday in python?

How would I write a statement that says:

If today is Monday, then run this function.

My thoughts are:

if[].day == Monday:

But I know this is not the right way to do it. How would I properly do this?

asked Aug 24, 2017 at 21:01


You can use date.weekday[] like this:

from datetime import date

# If today is Monday [aka 0 of 6], then run the report
if[].weekday[] == 0:

answered Aug 24, 2017 at 21:06


18k6 gold badges42 silver badges60 bronze badges


import datetime as dt[].isoweekday[] == 1  # 1 = Monday, 2 = Tues, etc.

answered Aug 24, 2017 at 21:04


99.3k28 gold badges187 silver badges185 bronze badges


Both and datetime.datetime objects have a today method that return respectively a Date and a Datetime object.

Which both have a weekday and isoweekday methods. weekday count from Monday = 0, while isoweekday count from Monday = 1:

from datetime import date, datetime
if[].weekday[] == 0:
    # it is Monday
if[].isoweekday[] == 1:
   # it is Monday

See documentation

answered Aug 24, 2017 at 21:26


1,96715 silver badges16 bronze badges

corresponding to the day of the week.  Here is the mapping of integer values to the days of the week.

# import Python's datetime module

import datetime

# weekdays as a tuple

weekDays = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]

# Find out what day of the week is this year's Christmas

thisXMas    =[2017,12,25]

thisXMasDay = thisXMas.weekday[]

thisXMasDayAsString = weekDays[thisXMasDay]

print["This year's Christmas is on a {}".format[thisXMasDayAsString]]

# Find out what day of the week next new year is

nextNewYear     =[2018,1,1]

nextNewYearDay  = nextNewYear.weekday[]

nextNewYearDayAsString = weekDays[nextNewYearDay]

print["Next new year is on a {}".format[nextNewYearDayAsString]]

Published On: 23/09/2022 | Category: Python

Hi Guys,

In this tutorial, you will learn python check date is monday or not. you can understand a concept of how to check if today is monday in python. I would like to show you how to check if today is monday in python. I’m going to show you about python today is monday. Let's see bellow example check today is monday in python.

In this example, we will use DateTime library to check whether today is Monday or not. I will give you two simple examples one using weekday[] and another using isoweekday[]. so let's see both examples:

You can use these examples with python3 [Python 3] version.

So let's see bellow example:

Example 1: Python Check Today's Date is Weekend or Weekday

from datetime import datetime
# If today is Monday [0 = Mon, 1 = Tue, 2 = Wen ...]
if[].weekday[] == 0:
    print["Yes, Today is Monday"]


Yes, Today is Monday

Example 2: Python Check String Date is Weekend or Weekday

from datetime import datetime
# If today is Monday [1 = Mon, 2 = Tue, 3 = Wen ...]
if[].isoweekday[] == 1:
    print["Yes, Today is Monday"]


Yes, Today is Monday

It will help you....

Happy Pythonic Coding!

How do I compare days in Python?

How to Calculate Difference Between Two Dates in Days.
Import datetime module. Python datetime module provides various functions to create and manipulate the date and time. ... .
Convert date string to a datetime object. ... .
Subtract the date2 from date1. ... .
Get a difference in days. ... .
Get the difference in seconds..

How do I get today's weekday in Python?

Use the weekday[] Method to Get the Name of the Day in Python. In Python, weekday[] can be used to retrieve the day of the week. The datetime. today[] method returns the current date, and the weekday[] method returns the day of the week as an integer where Monday is indexed as 0 and Sunday is 6.

How do you check if a date is a weekday Python?

Check if a day is weekday or weekend in Python.
from datetime import datetime..
d = datetime[2020, 12, 25];.
if d. weekday[] > 4:.
print 'Given date is weekend. '.
print 'Given data is weekday. '.

How do I get today's date and tomorrow in Python?

You can add the following 3 parts to the code in order to get the non-formatted system dates [including the timestamps] in Python:.
Current_Date = datetime. datetime. today[].
Previous_Date = datetime. datetime. today[] – datetime. timedelta[days=1].
NextDay_Date = datetime. datetime. today[] + datetime. timedelta[days=1].

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