How do i print a shuffle list in python?

❮ Random Methods


Shuffle a list [reorganize the order of the list items]:

import random

mylist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]


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Definition and Usage

The shuffle[] method takes a sequence, like a list, and reorganize the order of the items.

Note: This method changes the original list, it does not return a new list.


random.shuffle[sequence, function]

Parameter Values

sequence Required. A sequence.
function Optional. The name of a function that returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
If not specified, the function random[] will be used

More Examples


You can define your own function to weigh or specify the result.

If the function returns the same number each time, the result will be in the same order each time:

import random

def myfunction[]:
  return 0.1

mylist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
random.shuffle[mylist, myfunction]


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❮ Random Methods

In Python, you can shuffle [= randomize] a list, string, and tuple with random.shuffle[] and random.sample[].

  • random — Generate pseudo-random numbers — Python 3.8.1 documentation

random.shuffle[] shuffles a list in place, and random.sample[] returns a new randomized list. random.sample[] can also be used for a string and tuple.

  • random.shuffle[] shuffles a list in place
  • random.sample[] returns a new shuffled list
  • How to shuffle a string and tuple
  • Initialize the random number generator with random.seed[]

If you want to sort in ascending or descending order or reverse instead of shuffling, see the following articles.

  • Sort a list, string, tuple in Python [sort, sorted]
  • Reverse a list, string, tuple in Python [reverse, reversed]

random.shuffle[] shuffles a list in place

You can shuffle a list in place with random.shuffle[].

import random

l = list[range[5]]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

# [1, 0, 4, 3, 2]

random.sample[] returns a new shuffled list

random.sample[] returns a new shuffled list. The original list remains unchanged.

random.sample[] returns random elements from a list. Pass the list to the first argument and the number of elements to return to the second argument. See the following article for details.

  • Random sampling from a list in Python [random.choice, sample, choices]

By setting the total number of elements in the list to the second argument, random.sample[] returns a new list with all elements randomly shuffled. You can get the total number of elements in the list with len[].

l = list[range[5]]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

lr = random.sample[l, len[l]]
# [0, 3, 1, 4, 2]

# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How to shuffle a string and tuple

Strings and tuples are immutable, so random.shuffle[] that modifies the original object raises an error TypeError.

s = 'abcde'

# random.shuffle[s]
# TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

t = tuple[range[5]]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

# random.shuffle[t]
# TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

To shuffle strings or tuples, use random.sample[], which creates a new object.

random.sample[] returns a list even when a string or tuple is specified to the first argument, so it is necessary to convert it to a string or tuple.

For strings, a list of characters is returned. Use the join[] method to concatenate to a single string again.

  • Concatenate strings in Python [+ operator, join, etc.]

sr = ''.join[random.sample[s, len[s]]]
# bedca

Use tuple[] for tuples, which creates a tuple from a list.

  • Convert list and tuple to each other in Python

tr = tuple[random.sample[t, len[l]]]
# [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]

Initialize the random number generator with random.seed[]

You can initialize a random number generator with random.seed[].

After initializing with the same seed, it is shuffled in the same way.

l = list[range[5]]
# [2, 1, 0, 4, 3]

l = list[range[5]]
# [2, 1, 0, 4, 3]

How do I shuffle a list in Python?

To shuffle strings or tuples, use random. sample[] , which creates a new object. random. sample[] returns a list even when a string or tuple is specified to the first argument, so it is necessary to convert it to a string or tuple.

How do I randomize a print in Python?

import random n = random. random[] print[n].
import random n = random. randint[0,22] print[n].
import random randomlist = [] for i in range[0,5]: n = random. randint[1,30] randomlist. ... .
import random #Generate 5 random numbers between 10 and 30 randomlist = random. sample[range[10, 30], 5] print[randomlist].

Is shuffle a function in Python?

shuffle[] function in Python. The shuffle[] is an inbuilt method of the random module. It is used to shuffle a sequence [list]. Shuffling a list of objects means changing the position of the elements of the sequence using Python.

How can you randomize the items of a list in place in Python?

The shuffle[] method randomizes the items of a list in place.

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