How do you caption a graph in python?

First, I feel weird posting an answer against the co-lead developer of matplotlib. Obviously, @tacaswell knows matplotlib far better than I ever will. But at the same time, his answer wasn't dynamic enough for me. I needed a caption that would always be based on the position of the xlabel, and couldn't just use text annotations.

I considered simply changing the xlabel to add a newline and the caption text, but that wouldn't clearly differentiate the caption, and you can't do things like change the text size or make it italic in the middle of a text string.

I solved this by using matplotlib's TeX capabilities. Here's my solution:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
import numpy as np
from pylab import *

rc['text', usetex=True]

file = open['distribution.txt', 'r']

txt="I need the caption to be present a little below X-axis"

for line in file:

fig = plt.figure[]
ax1 = fig.add_axes[[0.1,0.4,0.8,0.5]]
ax1.set_title["This is my title"]
ax1.set_xlabel[r'\begin{center}X-axis\\*\textit{\small{' + txt + r'}}\end{center}']
ax1.scatter[x,y, c='r']
plt.xlim[0, 1.05]
plt.ylim[0, 2.5][]

I did the same thing with the random scatter plot from tacaswell's answer, and here's my result:

One warning: if you tweak this to take input string variables, the strings may not be properly escaped for use with TeX. Escaping LaTeX code is already covered on Stack Overflow, at // . I used that directly, and then could take arbitrary xlabels and captions.

To add caption below X-axis for a scatter plot, we can use text[] method for the current figure.


  • Create x and y data points using numpy.

  • Create a new figure or activate an existing figure using figure[] method.

  • Plot the scatter points with x and y data points.

  • To add caption to the figure, use text[] method.

  • Adjust the padding between and around the subplots.

  • To display the figure, use show[] method.


import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [7.00, 3.50]
plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = True
x = np.random.rand[10]
y = np.random.rand[10]
fig = plt.figure[]
plt.scatter[x, y, c=y]
fig.text[.5, .0001, "Scatter Plot", ha='center']


Updated on 06-May-2021 13:00:19

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Matplotlib is an amazing visualization library in Python for 2D plots of arrays. Matplotlib is a multi-platform data visualization library built on NumPy arrays and designed to work with the broader SciPy stack.


The title[] method in matplotlib module is used to specify title of the visualization depicted and displays the title using various attributes.

Syntax: matplotlib.pyplot.title[label, fontdict=None, loc=’center’, pad=None, **kwargs]


  • label[str]: This argument refers to the actual title text string of the visualization depicted.
  • fontdict[dict] : This argument controls the appearance of the text such as text size, text alignment etc. using a dictionary. Below is the default fontdict:

    fontdict = {‘fontsize’: rcParams[‘axes.titlesize’],
    ‘fontweight’ : rcParams[‘axes.titleweight’],
    ‘verticalalignment’: ‘baseline’,
    ‘horizontalalignment’: loc}

  • loc[str]: This argument refers to the location of the title, takes string values like 'center', 'left' and 'right'.
  • pad[float]: This argument refers to the offset of the title from the top of the axes, in points. Its default values in None.
  • **kwargs: This argument refers to the use of other keyword arguments as text properties such as color, fonstyle, linespacing, backgroundcolor, rotation etc.

Return Type: The title[] method returns a string that represents the title text itself.

Below are some examples to illustrate the use of title[] method:

Example 1: Using matplotlib.pyplot to depict a linear graph and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

y = [0,1,2,3,4,5]

x= [0,5,10,15,20,25]

plt.plot[x, y, color='green'



plt.title["Linear graph"][] 


In the above example, only the label argument is assigned as “Linear graph” in the title[] method and the other parameters are assigned to their default values. Assignment of the label argument is the minimum requirement to display the title of a visualization.

Example 2: Using matplotlib.pyplot to depict a ReLU function graph and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

x = [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2, 3, 4, 5]

y = []

for i in range[len[x]]:


plt.plot[x, y, color='green'



plt.title[label="ReLU function graph",




The above program illustrates the use of label argument, fontsize key of the fontdict argument and color argument which is an extra parameter[due to **kwargs] which changes the color of the text.

Example 3: Using matplotlib.pyplot to depict a bar graph and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

language = ['C','C++','Java','Python']

users = [80,60,130,150]

index = np.arange[len[language]][index, users, color='green']



plt.xticks[index, language]

plt.title[label='Number of Users of a particular Language'




Here, the fontweight key of the fontdict argument and pad argument is used in the title[] method along with the label parameter.

Example 4: Using matplotlib.pyplot to depict a pie chart and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

foodPreference = ['Vegetarian', 'Non Vegetarian'

                  'Vegan', 'Eggitarian']

consumers = [30,100,10,60]

fig = plt.figure[]

ax = fig.add_axes[[0,0,1,1]]


ax.pie[consumers, labels = foodPreference, 


plt.title[label="Society Food Preference",




In the above data visualization of the pie chart, label, fontweight
keyword from fontdict and fontstyle[**kwargs] argument[takes string values such as 'italic', 'bold' and 'oblique'] is used in the title[] method to display the title of the pie chart.

Example 5: Using matplotlib.pyplot to visualize a signal in a graph and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


from matplotlib import pyplot  

import numpy 

signalTime = numpy.arange[0, 100, 0.5]; 

signalAmplitude = numpy.sin[signalTime] 

pyplot.plot[signalTime, signalAmplitude, color ='green'







Here, the label argument is assigned to 'signal' , loc argument is assigned to 'right' and the rotation argument [**kwargs] which takes angle value in degree is assigned to 45 degrees.

Example 6: Using matplotlib.pyplot to show an image and display its title using matplotlib.pyplot.title[].


from PIL import ImageTk, Image  

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

testImage =['g4g.png']

plt.title["Geeks 4 Geeks",






In the above example, the title of an image is displayed using the title[] method having arguments label as "Geeks 4 Geeks", fontsize key from fontdict as '20', backgroundcolor and color are extra parameters having string values 'green' and 'white' respectively.

How do you add a caption to a graph in Python?

To add caption to the figure, use text[] method. Adjust the padding between and around the subplots. To display the figure, use show[] method.

How do you label a graph in Python?

With Pyplot, you can use the xlabel[] and ylabel[] functions to set a label for the x- and y-axis..
Add labels to the x- and y-axis: import numpy as np. ... .
Add a plot title and labels for the x- and y-axis: import numpy as np. ... .
Set font properties for the title and labels: import numpy as np. ... .
Position the title to the left:.

How do you annotate a line graph in Python?

Create a figure and subplots. fig, ax = plt. ... .
Format dates. ax. ... .
Set a title. ttl = ax. ... .
Create annotations. Next, we'll create three annotations for date values placed in rows #66, 78, and 150 in our dataframe [ df ]. ... .
Create labels and ticks, set their color and font. ax. ... .
Save the file. filename = 'mpl-line-chart' plt..

How do I write text in Matplotlib?

Basic text commands.
text[] - add text at an arbitrary location to the Axes; matplotlib. ... .
xlabel[] - add an axis label to the x-axis; matplotlib. ... .
ylabel[] - add an axis label to the y-axis; matplotlib. ... .
title[] - add a title to the Axes; matplotlib. ... .
figtext[] - add text at an arbitrary location to the Figure; matplotlib..

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