How do you count the number of letters and digits in python?

Let us suppose that we have a string and we have to calculate the total number of digits and letters present in the string.

For Example


s = “tutorialsP0int”


Letters: 13
Digits: 1


Total number of letters and digits present in the given string are 13 and 1.

Approach to Solve this Problem

To calculate the total number of letters and digits in the given string, we have to first iterate over the whole string. If we get an alphabet, then we increment the letter count; otherwise, if we extract a digit, then increment the digit count.

  • Take an input string.

  • While iterating over the whole string, if we find a digit, then increment the count of digits; otherwise, if we find a letter, then increment the count of letters.

  • Return the count of letters and digits as the output.


str = "tutorialsP0int"
for ch in str:
   if ch.isdigit[]:
   elif ch.isalpha[]:
print["Letters:", letter]
print["Digits:", digit]


Running the above code will generate the output as follows −

Letters: 13
Digits: 1

Updated on 06-Mar-2021 08:57:30

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Ignoring anything else that may or may not be correct with your "revised code", the issue causing the error currently quoted in your question is caused by calling the "count" function with an undefined variable because your didn't quote the string.

  • count[thisisastring222] looks for a variable called thisisastring222 to pass to the function called count. For this to work you would have to have defined the variable earlier [e.g. with thisisastring222 = "AStringWith2NumberInIt."] then your function will do what you want with the contents of the value stored in the variable, not the name of the variable.
  • count["thisisastring222"] hardcodes the string "thisisastring222" into the call, meaning that the count function will work with the exact string passed to it.

To fix your call to your function, just add quotes around asdfkasdflasdfl222 changing count[asdfkasdflasdfl222] to count["asdfkasdflasdfl222"].

As far as the actual question "How to count digits, letters, spaces for a string in Python", at a glance the rest of the "revised code" looks OK except that the return line is not returning the same variables you've used in the rest of the code. To fix it without changing anything else in the code, change number and word to digit and letters, making return number,word,space,other into return digit,letters,space,other, or better yet return [digit, letters, space, other] to match current behavior while also using better coding style and being explicit as to what type of value is returned [in this case, a tuple].

Last update on August 19 2022 21:51:42 [UTC/GMT +8 hours]

Python Conditional: Exercise-14 with Solution

Write a Python program that accepts a string and calculate the number of digits and letters.

Pictorial Presentation:

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

s = input["Input a string"]
for c in s:
    if c.isdigit[]:
    elif c.isalpha[]:
print["Letters", l]
print["Digits", d]

Sample Output:

Input a string W3resource                                                                                                     
Letters 9                                                                                                                     
Digits 1 


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How do you count letters and digits in Python?

To calculate the total number of letters and digits in the given string, we have to first iterate over the whole string. If we get an alphabet, then we increment the letter count; otherwise, if we extract a digit, then increment the digit count.

How do you find the number of letters in Python?

In Python, you can get the length of a string str [= number of characters] with the built-in function len[] .

How do you count the number of digits in Python?

Find the Number of Digits Inside a Number With the len[] Function in Python. The len[] function is a built-in function in Python used to calculate the number of characters inside a string variable. The len[] function takes a string as an input parameter and returns the number of characters inside that string.

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