How do you print accurate scores in python?

Use the grid_scores_ attribute:

>>> clf = GridSearchCV[LogisticRegression[], {'C': [1, 2, 3]}]
>>>[np.random.randn[10, 4], np.random.randint[0, 2, 10]]
       estimator=LogisticRegression[C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=None, tol=0.0001],
       fit_params={}, iid=True, loss_func=None, n_jobs=1,
       param_grid={'C': [1, 2, 3]}, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', refit=True,
       score_func=None, scoring=None, verbose=0]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint[clf.grid_scores_]
[mean: 0.40000, std: 0.11785, params: {'C': 1},
 mean: 0.40000, std: 0.11785, params: {'C': 2},
 mean: 0.40000, std: 0.11785, params: {'C': 3}]

sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score[y_true, y_pred, *, normalize=True, sample_weight=None][source]

Accuracy classification score.

In multilabel classification, this function computes subset accuracy: the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels in y_true.

Read more in the User Guide.

Parameters:y_true1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix

Ground truth [correct] labels.

y_pred1d array-like, or label indicator array / sparse matrix

Predicted labels, as returned by a classifier.

normalizebool, default=True

If False, return the number of correctly classified samples. Otherwise, return the fraction of correctly classified samples.

sample_weightarray-like of shape [n_samples,], default=None

Sample weights.


If normalize == True, return the fraction of correctly classified samples [float], else returns the number of correctly classified samples [int].

The best performance is 1 with normalize == True and the number of samples with normalize == False.

See also


Compute the balanced accuracy to deal with imbalanced datasets.


Compute the Jaccard similarity coefficient score.


Compute the average Hamming loss or Hamming distance between two sets of samples.


Compute the Zero-one classification loss. By default, the function will return the percentage of imperfectly predicted subsets.


In binary classification, this function is equal to the jaccard_score function.


>>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
>>> y_pred = [0, 2, 1, 3]
>>> y_true = [0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> accuracy_score[y_true, y_pred]
>>> accuracy_score[y_true, y_pred, normalize=False]

In the multilabel case with binary label indicators:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> accuracy_score[np.array[[[0, 1], [1, 1]]], np.ones[[2, 2]]]

Examples using sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score

38 Python code examples are found related to " print scores". You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.

Example 1

def printClassScores[scoreList, instScoreList, args]:
    if [args.quiet]:
    print[args.bold + "classes          IoU      nIoU" + args.nocol]
    for label in args.evalLabels:
        if [id2label[label].ignoreInEval]:
        labelName = str[id2label[label].name]
        iouStr = getColorEntry[scoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.6f}".format[
            val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.6f}".format[
            val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print "{:6.2%} : {1}".format[score, name]] 

Example 14

def printClassScores[scoreList, instScoreList, args]:
    if [args.quiet]:
    print[args.bold + "classes          IoU      nIoU" + args.nocol]
    for label in args.evalLabels:
        if [id2label[label].ignoreInEval]:
        labelName = str[id2label[label].name]
        iouStr = getColorEntry[scoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{: " + str[score]]
            seen_nid[el] = 0
        self._mode = mode 

Example 16

def printCategoryScores[scoreDict, instScoreDict, args]:
    if [args.quiet]:
    print args.bold + "categories       IoU      nIoU" + args.nocol
    print "--------------------------------"
    for categoryName in scoreDict:
        if all[ label.ignoreInEval for label in category2labels[categoryName] ]:
        iouStr  = getColorEntry[scoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=scoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        print "{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:6.2%} : {1}".format[score, name]] 

Example 30

def print_scores[self, pred, k=10, only_first_name=True]:
        Print the scores [or probabilities] for the top-k predicted classes.

        :param pred:
            Predicted class-labels returned from the predict[] function.

        :param k:
            How many classes to print.

        :param only_first_name:
            Some class-names are lists of names, if you only want the first name,
            then set only_first_name=True.


        # Get a sorted index for the pred-array.
        idx = pred.argsort[]

        # The index is sorted lowest-to-highest values. Take the last k.
        top_k = idx[-k:]

        # Iterate the top-k classes in reversed order [i.e. highest first].
        for cls in reversed[top_k]:
            # Lookup the class-name.
            name = self.name_lookup.cls_to_name[cls=cls, only_first_name=only_first_name]

            # Predicted score [or probability] for this class.
            score = pred[cls]

            # Print the score and class-name.
            print["{0:>6.2%} : {1}".format[score, name]] 

Example 31

def printCategoryScores[scoreDict, instScoreDict, args]:
    if [args.quiet]:
    print[args.bold + "categories       IoU      nIoU" + args.nocol]
    for categoryName in scoreDict:
        if all[ label.ignoreInEval for label in category2labels[categoryName] ]:
        iouStr  = getColorEntry[scoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=scoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        #niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreDict[categoryName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreDict[categoryName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        print["{:5.3f}".format[val=scoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol
        #niouStr = getColorEntry[instScoreList[labelName], args] + "{val:>5.3f}".format[val=instScoreList[labelName]] + args.nocol

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