How do you take 3 inputs in python?

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    The developer often wants a user to enter multiple values or inputs in one line. In C++/C user can take multiple inputs in one line using scanf but in Python user can take multiple values or inputs in one line by two methods. 

    • Using split[] method
    • Using List comprehension

    Using split[] method : 
    This function helps in getting multiple inputs from users. It breaks the given input by the specified separator. If a separator is not provided then any white space is a separator. Generally, users use a split[] method to split a Python string but one can use it in taking multiple inputs.

    Syntax : 

    input[].split[separator, maxsplit]

    Example : 


    x, y = input["Enter two values: "].split[]

    print["Number of boys: ", x]

    print["Number of girls: ", y]


    x, y, z = input["Enter three values: "].split[]

    print["Total number of students: ", x]

    print["Number of boys is : ", y]

    print["Number of girls is : ", z]


    a, b = input["Enter two values: "].split[]

    print["First number is {} and second number is {}".format[a, b]]


    x = list[map[int, input["Enter multiple values: "].split[]]]

    print["List of students: ", x]


    Using List comprehension : 
    List comprehension is an elegant way to define and create list in Python. We can create lists just like mathematical statements in one line only. It is also used in getting multiple inputs from a user. 



    x, y = [int[x] for x in input["Enter two values: "].split[]]

    print["First Number is: ", x]

    print["Second Number is: ", y]


    x, y, z = [int[x] for x in input["Enter three values: "].split[]]

    print["First Number is: ", x]

    print["Second Number is: ", y]

    print["Third Number is: ", z]


    x, y = [int[x] for x in input["Enter two values: "].split[]]

    print["First number is {} and second number is {}".format[x, y]]


    x = [int[x] for x in input["Enter multiple values: "].split[]]

    print["Number of list is: ", x] 

    Output : 

    Note: The above examples take input separated by spaces. In case we wish to take input separated by comma [, ], we can use the following: 


    x = [int[x] for x in input["Enter multiple value: "].split[","]]

    print["Number of list is: ", x] 

    Please see // for a sample run.

    How do you take 3 inputs on the same line in Python?

    Sometimes, the developers also need to take the multiple inputs in a single line..
    # Taking multiple inputs in a single line..
    # and type casting using list[] function..
    x = list[map[int, input["Enter multiple values: "]. split[]]].
    print["List of students: ", x].

    How do you code multiple inputs in Python?

    Using split[] method : This function helps in getting a multiple inputs from user. It breaks the given input by the specified separator. If a separator is not provided then any white space is a separator. Generally, user use a split[] method to split a Python string but one can use it in taking multiple input.

    Can you ask multiple inputs in Python?

    To ask for multiple inputs in Python, use the input[]. split[] method.

    How do you accept number of inputs in Python?

    As we know that Python's built-in input[] function always returns a str[string] class object. So for taking integer input we have to type cast those inputs into integers by using Python built-in int[] function.

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