How to remove spaces between decimals and units in python

got the following code

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df1=pd.read_excel['FA9th june.xlsx']
    Days    Amount  Repayments  Balance
40.0    19 500.00   15 000.00   4 500.00
40.0    19 500.00   0           19 500.00
40.0    9 750.00    2 670.00    7 080.00
40.0    32 500.00   11 500.00   21 000.00
40.0    3 250.00    580         2 670.00

I want my data to be without them spaces in between number and without the decimal places, looking like this:

    Days    Amount  Repayments  Balance
   40       19500   15000       4500
   40       19500   0           19500
   40       9750    2670        7080
   40       32500   11500      21000
   40       3250    580         2670

I tried converting it to int but it kept returning this error:

 invalid literal for int[] with base 10: '19 500.00'

whenever I run this code:

df1['Amount'] = pd.to_numeric[X['Amount'], errors='ignore'].astype[int]


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asked Jun 9, 2020 at 19:14


You can also do this:

df = df.replace[' |\.[0-9]*', '', regex=True].astype['int32']


df = df.replace[' |\.\d*', '', regex=True].astype[int]
   Days  Amount  Repayments  Balance
0    40   19500       15000     4500
1    40   19500           0    19500
2    40    9750        2670     7080
3    40   32500       11500    21000
4    40    3250         580     2670


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answered Jun 9, 2020 at 19:25

NYC CoderNYC Coder

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To convert numbers in locales where the group [thousands] separator is a space character [1 234 456] and the decimal point/separator is a . [123.456], you can use a regular expression to capture the number:

\d{1,3}[ \d{3}]*[\.\d+]?

which is to say: match 1-3 decimal digits, followed by zero or more groups consisting of a single space, followed by 3 decimal digits, with the whole followed by an optional group consisting of a single '.' followed by 1 or more decimal digits.

Once you have that, a simple replace will get rid of the group separators [' '] and the fractional part. You'll want to specify the global flag on the regular expression so that it will match all occurrences.

answered Jun 9, 2020 at 20:09

Nicholas CareyNicholas Carey

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You need these conversions:

df1['Days'] = df1['Days'].astype[int]
df1['Amount'] = df1['Amount'].map[lambda x: x.replace[' ','']].astype[float].astype[int]
df1['Repayments'] = df1['Repayments'].astype[str].map[lambda x: x.replace[' ','']].astype[float].astype[int]
df1['Balance'] = df1['Balance'].map[lambda x: x.replace[' ','']].astype[float].astype[int]

which give:

   Days  Amount  Repayments  Balance
0    40   19500       15000     4500
1    40   19500           0    19500
2    40    9750        2670     7080
3    40   32500       11500    21000
4    40    3250         580     2670

The Days column is easy: just convert it to int.
For the other columns you need to convert them in str, if necessary as Repayments, then apply the .replace[' ',''] method to remove whitespaces, then convert them in float and finally in int.
The direct conversion from str to int is not always possible, in most cases you need first go through float type.

answered Jun 9, 2020 at 19:32


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How do you remove spaces between numbers in Python?

strip[] Python String strip[] function will remove leading and trailing whitespaces. If you want to remove only leading or trailing spaces, use lstrip[] or rstrip[] function instead.

How do I get rid of decimal places in Python?

To remove the decimal from a number, we can use the int[] method in Python. The int[] method takes the number as an argument and returns the integer by removing the decimal part from it.

How do you separate integers and decimals in Python?

Use the math. modf[] method to split a number into integer and decimal parts, e.g. result = math. modf[my_num] .

How do you round to 2 decimal places in Python?

Python's round[] function requires two arguments. First is the number to be rounded. Second argument decides the number of decimal places to which it is rounded. To round the number to 2 decimals, give second argument as 2.

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