Html not working in vs code

Austin Beaufort

Mar 19, 2020

2 min read

Let’s fix that.

The Problem:

The HTML file was not being recognized as HTML. It was reading as a .txt file and emmet autocomplete would not work.

The solution:

  • Go to File, Preferences, Settings

  • Type “files.associations” into the search bar, and then click “Edit in settings.json”

  • Last thing. Add the following line to your settings.json file.

And that should do it. VSCode will now recognize your file as HTML and the Emmet autocomplete will now work!

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Visual Studio Code provides basic support for HTML programming out of the box. There is syntax highlighting, smart completions with IntelliSense, and customizable formatting. VS Code also includes great Emmet support.


As you type in HTML, we offer suggestions via HTML IntelliSense. In the image below, you can see a suggested HTML element closure

as well as a context specific list of suggested elements.

Document symbols are also available for HTML, allowing you to quickly navigate to DOM nodes by id and class name.

You can also work with embedded CSS and JavaScript. However, note that script and style includes from other files are not followed, the language support only looks at the content of the HTML file.

You can trigger suggestions at any time by pressing ⌃Space [Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space].

You can also control which built-in code completion providers are active. Override these in your user or workspace settings if you prefer not to see the corresponding suggestions.

// Configures if the built-in HTML language suggests HTML5 tags, properties and values.
"html.suggest.html5": true

Tag elements are automatically closed when > of the opening tag is typed.

The matching closing tag is inserted when / of the closing tag is entered.

You can turn off autoclosing tags with the following setting:

"html.autoClosingTags": false

When modifying a tag, the linked editing feature automatically updates the matching closing tag. The feature is optional and can be enabled by setting:

"editor.linkedEditing": true

Color picker

The VS Code color picker UI is now available in HTML style sections.

It supports configuration of hue, saturation and opacity for the color that is picked up from the editor. It also provides the ability to trigger between different color modes by clicking on the color string at the top of the picker. The picker appears on a hover when you are over a color definition.


Move the mouse over HTML tags or embedded styles and JavaScript to get more information on the symbol under the cursor.


The HTML language support performs validation on all embedded JavaScript and CSS.

You can turn that validation off with the following settings:

// Configures if the built-in HTML language support validates embedded scripts.
"html.validate.scripts": true,

// Configures if the built-in HTML language support validates embedded styles.
"html.validate.styles": true


You can fold regions of source code using the folding icons on the gutter between line numbers and line start. Folding regions are available for all HTML elements for multiline comments in the source code.

Additionally you can use the following region markers to define a folding region: and

If you prefer to switch to indentation based folding for HTML use:

"[html]": {
    "editor.foldingStrategy": "indentation"


To improve the formatting of your HTML source code, you can use the Format Document command ⇧⌥F [Windows Shift+Alt+F, Linux Ctrl+Shift+I] to format the entire file or Format Selection ⌘K ⌘F [Windows, Linux Ctrl+K Ctrl+F] to just format the selected text.

The HTML formatter is based on js-beautify. The formatting options offered by that library are surfaced in the VS Code settings:

Tip: The formatter doesn't format the tags listed in the html.format.unformatted and html.format.contentUnformatted settings. Embedded JavaScript is formatted unless 'script' tags are excluded.

The Marketplace has several alternative formatters to choose from. If you want to use a different formatter, define "html.format.enable": false in your settings to turn off the built-in formatter.

Emmet snippets

VS Code supports Emmet snippet expansion. Emmet abbreviations are listed along with other suggestions and snippets in the editor auto-completion list.

Tip: See the HTML section of the Emmet cheat sheet for valid abbreviations.

If you'd like to use HTML Emmet abbreviations with other languages, you can associate one of the Emmet modes [such as css, html] with other languages with the emmet.includeLanguages setting. The setting takes a language identifier and associates it with the language ID of an Emmet supported mode.

For example, to use Emmet HTML abbreviations inside JavaScript:

  "emmet.includeLanguages": {
    "javascript": "html"

We also support User Defined Snippets.

HTML custom data

You can extend VS Code's HTML support through a declarative custom data format. By setting html.customData to a list of JSON files following the custom data format, you can enhance VS Code's understanding of new HTML tags, attributes and attribute values. VS Code will then offer language support such as completion & hover information for the provided tags, attributes and attribute values.

You can read more about using custom data in the vscode-custom-data repository.

HTML extensions

Install an extension to add more functionality. Go to the Extensions view [⇧⌘X [Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X]] and type 'html' to see a list of relevant extensions to help with creating and editing HTML.

Tip: Click on an extension tile above to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you. See more in the Marketplace.

Next steps

Read on to find out about:

Common questions

Does VS Code have HTML preview?

No, VS Code doesn't have built-in support for HTML preview but there are extensions available in the VS Code Marketplace. Open the Extensions view [⇧⌘X [Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X]] and search on 'live preview' or 'html preview' to see a list of available HTML preview extensions.


Why HTML code is not working in VS Code?

Restart VSCode First, save all of your work. Then close VSCode, which will also stop all of the extensions you've installed. Then, reopen VSCode and try again – go to the HTML file you want to view, right click, and select "Open with Live Server".

How do I enable HTML code in Visual Studio?

Go to the Extensions view [Ctrl+Shift+X] and type 'html' to see a list of relevant extensions to help with creating and editing HTML.

Why is HTML not working?

Possible Reasons: You might not have saved the changes after writing the code [most likely]. Problem with the browser [load it in another browser] Check the extension [just for clarification]

How do I enable HTML Emmet in VS Code?

Step 1: Start your VS Code. Click on the Settings or press Ctrl+, to open the VS Code Settings. Step 2: Click on the Extensions tab on the left side of the settings. Click on HTML.

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