Hướng dẫn dùng powershell passthru trong PHP

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  • “Non-Blocking” PowerShell Execution In PHP
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  • Reader Interactions
  • Possibilities
  • Ready to execute the Powershell code
  • Sanitize all user input before passing them to Powershell
  • How do I run a PHP script?
  • How do I run a PHP script as a service window?
  • How do I run a script in PowerShell?
  • How do I run a PHP file in Windows 10?

I come from a background of making website with php and html, I used WAMP whereas I put my web files in the www directory and it automatically ran it on localhost.

I now work in a company that gives me many projects, mostly existing ones from github and I was told to put it on my desktop and run it on localhost from there

desktop/developement/git/work-project-1 desktop/developement/git/work-project-2 ...work-project-3

So I need to now run php from the folder in my desktop, I saw that one of my colleagues were using powershell, not sure how to get it installed or running.

Since PowerShell is now open source and cross-platform, we can now perform PowerShell magic right inside Linux boxes. We can execute PowerShell scripts [or commands] directly from within PHP code on Linux machines.

We can even place PowerShell commands right inside our PHP code without using an external script.

No more dependence on Windows/Microsoft operating systems! If this isn’t exciting stuff, what is?!

Before you can execute PowerShell scripts from PHP on a Linux machine however, you first need to install PowerShell Core on the Linux machine in question. My previous article discussed how to do that on Ubuntu.

If you have already installed PowerShell on your Linux box, you can use a number of similar PHP commands to execute PowerShell code.

Any of these commands should work:

shell_exec['pwsh -File /your/path/to/file.ps1'];

// Or
exec['pwsh -File /your/path/to/file.ps1'];

// Or
system['pwsh -File /your/path/to/file.ps1'];

// Or
passthru['pwsh -File /your/path/to/file.ps1'];

The commands are all similar with slight differences in their behavior:

  • shell_exec returns the full output of the command at the end of execution. Not just the last line of generated output.
  • exec returns only the last line of generated output during program execution.
  • system displays all code execution output immediately. It is used to show text data.
  • passthru also displays all code execution output immediately. But it is used for binary [or raw] data.

With both shell_exec and exec, you can handle the output yourself, but system and passthru displays the output immediately and will not let you customize it.

The pwsh command is used to start Powershell. In the above examples, we’re passing a .ps1 file to be executed.

You can also execute a PowerShell command directly by using -Command flag instead of the -File flag which was used above.

“Non-Blocking” PowerShell Execution In PHP

If you want to trigger a PowerShell process via PHP without “blocking” your PHP process, execute the script like this:

shell_exec['pwsh -File /your/path/to/file.ps1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'];

When coded like that, PHP will simply start the PowerShell process and move on to executing the next line of PHP code without waiting for the Powershell script to finish executing. No messages from the PowerShell process will be displayed.

I find this useful in certain scenarios, like firing off a request to deallocate an Azure VM.

When I deallocate VMs, I usually don’t want my PHP process to wait until the deallocation completes.

I like to send the command and then move on to other stuff. The /dev/null construct used above helps to achieve this.

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Reader Interactions

Running a Powershell script from PHP is easier than I expected. I was pretty new to this as well, but after a while I manage to build some pretty nice automatized tasks that help a lot with small processes.

Of course, if you’re using Windows Powershell, you’ll need to run these script from a Windows Server/Client.

If you’re in a Windows environment, the best way to go is installing PHP in IIS. I recommend using the latest PHP version [at the time of writing, we’re at 7.2], you can grab it from //php.iis.net, or you can launch the Web Platform Installer if you’ve already got it in IIS.


Many! You really have a huge playground here to develop whatever you need. Here’s a few examples:

  • Automate the creation of an AD account and allow access to the web end to just the Help Desk team.
    • What does this mean? You’ll no longer need to delegate permissions to the entire Help Desk team, you’ll just need to delegate permissions to the service account running the Application Pool in IIS. Also, because nobody else has permissions, you can choose the way you want this AD Account to be created [base OU, syntax, password length, settings etc].
  • Allow users to change a specific setting in their AD Account.
    • Imagine a large organization, you may want to delegate as many tasks as possible. For example, say we’re ok to trust the users to change their own Phone Numbers in AD. You can build a script that will allow to do that, at your own conditions and expose a small web interface to allow the user to see the current phone number and change it.
  • Allow the Help Desk and Desktop Teams to view a share’s NTFS permissions.
    • Once again, no need to provide access to the share, just the service account will need access. You’ll build a script that will grab the ACL from a share and return just that, based on the User’s input.

These are very basic examples of course. For instance, I’ve also built a tool that will allow Group’s managers to add/remove users to these groups. Super handy.

IIS Setup

The IIS setup is very simple. Once you’ve got PHP installed go ahead and follow these quick steps to create a new Application Pool and set it to run with a specific service account. It’s best when this service account is set as the local Admin of the server/client where it’s running from [unless you don’t need to perform any admin action].

Ready to execute the Powershell code

Let’s start with a very basic example, execute a specific powershell command. Start with creating a .php file and add this bit of code:

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