Hướng dẫn html unescape python

I have looked all around and only found solutions for python 2.6 and earlier, NOTHING on how to do this in python 3.X. [I only have access to Win7 box.]

I HAVE to be able to do this in 3.1 and preferably without external libraries. Currently, I have httplib2 installed and access to command-prompt curl [that's how I'm getting the source code for pages]. Unfortunately, curl does not decode html entities, as far as I know, I couldn't find a command to decode it in the documentation.

YES, I've tried to get Beautiful Soup to work, MANY TIMES without success in 3.X. If you could provide EXPLICIT instructions on how to get it to work in python 3 in MS Windows environment, I would be very grateful.

So, to be clear, I need to turn strings like this: Suzy & John into a string like this: "Suzy & John".

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    With the help of html.unescape[] method, we can convert the ascii string into html script by replacing ascii characters with special characters by using html.escape[] method.

    Syntax : html.unescape[String]

    Return : Return a html script.

    Example #1 :
    In this example we can see that by using html.unescape[] method, we are able to convert the ascii string into html script by using this method.

    import html

    s = '

    This is python


    temp = html.escape[s]

    gfg = html.unescape[temp]


    Output :

    This is python

    Example #2 :

    import html

    s = '



    temp = html.escape[s]

    gfg = html.unescape[temp]


    Output :


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