Hướng dẫn matlab convert to python

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Hello, I have a matlab code for the quantitative differential phase contrast imaging and the code is very big and complicated as well. But the problem is the institute where I am working does not allow to use matlab and they have python and LabVIEW, so I would like to convert the matlab code to python or someone knows how to run the matlab code in python then it also be very helpful.

I have attached the main code.

Thank you.

Answers [4]

You can use numpy framework which contains matlab libraries.

See cheat sheet , I faced similar situation as you but raged with the cheat sheet, good luck!

clc[] clear[mstring['all']] close[mstring['all']] # Generating the bit pattern with each bit 20 samples long b = round[rand[1, 30]] pattern = mcat[[]] for k in mslice[1:30]: if b[1, k] == 0: sig = -ones[1, 20] else: sig = ones[1, 20] end

pattern = mcat[[pattern, sig]]


subplot[4, 1, 1]


axis[mcat[[-1, 600 - 1.5, 1.5]]]

title[mstring['Original Bit Sequence']]

# Generating the pseudo random bit pattern for spreading

d = round[rand[1, 120]]

pn_seq = mcat[[]]

carrier = mcat[[]]

t = mcat[[mslice[0:2 * pi / 4:2 * pi]]]# Creating 5 samples for one cosine

for k in mslice[1:120]:

if d[1, k] == 0:

sig = -ones[1, 5]


sig = ones[1, 5]


c = cos[t]

carrier = mcat[[carrier, c]]

pn_seq = mcat[[pn_seq, sig]]

end # Spreading of sequence spreaded_sig = patternelmul pn_seq subplot[4, 1, 2] plot[spreaded_sig] axis[mcat[[-1, 600 - 1.5, 1.5]]] title[mstring['Spreaded signal']] # BPSK Modulation of the spreaded signal bpsk_sig = spreaded_sigelmul carrier# Modulating the signal subplot[4, 1, 3] plot[bpsk_sig] axis[mcat[[-1, 600 - 1.5, 1.5]]] title[mstring['BPSK Modulated Signal']] #Plotting the FFT of DSSS signal y = abs[fft[xcorr[bpsk_sig]]] subplot[4, 1, 4] plot[y / max[y]] xlabel[mstring['Frequency']] ylabel[mstring['PSD']] #Demodulation and Despreading of Received Signal figure[] rxsig = bpsk_sigelmul carrier demod_sig = mcat[[]] for i in mslice[1:600]: if rxsig[i] >= 0: rxs = 1 else: rxs = -1 end demod_sig = mcat[[demod_sig, rxs]] end subplot[3, 1, 1] plot[demod_sig] axis[mcat[[-1, 600 - 1.5, 1.5]]] title[mstring['Demodulated Signal']] despread_sig = demod_sigelmul pn_seq subplot[3, 1, 2] plot[despread_sig] axis[mcat[[-1, 600 - 1.5, 1.5]]] title[mstring['Despreaded data']] #Power Spectrum of Despreaded data z = 0.5 + 0.5 * despread_sig y = abs[fft[xcorr[z]]] subplot[3, 1, 3] plot[y / max[y]] axis[mcat[[0, 500, 0, 1.5]]] xlabel[mstring['Frequency']] ylabel[mstring['PSD']]




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