Hướng dẫn python 3d plot


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Demonstration of a basic scatterplot in 3D.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Fixing random state for reproducibility

def randrange[n, vmin, vmax]:
    Helper function to make an array of random numbers having shape [n, ]
    with each number distributed Uniform[vmin, vmax].
    return [vmax - vmin]*np.random.rand[n] + vmin

fig = plt.figure[]
ax = fig.add_subplot[projection='3d']

n = 100

# For each set of style and range settings, plot n random points in the box
# defined by x in [23, 32], y in [0, 100], z in [zlow, zhigh].
for m, zlow, zhigh in [['o', -50, -25], ['^', -30, -5]]:
    xs = randrange[n, 23, 32]
    ys = randrange[n, 0, 100]
    zs = randrange[n, zlow, zhigh]
    ax.scatter[xs, ys, zs, marker=m]

ax.set_xlabel['X Label']
ax.set_ylabel['Y Label']
ax.set_zlabel['Z Label']


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Use the following code it worked for me:

# Create the figure
fig = plt.figure[]
ax = fig.add_subplot[111, projection='3d']

# Generate the values
x_vals = X_iso[:, 0:1]
y_vals = X_iso[:, 1:2]
z_vals = X_iso[:, 2:3]

# Plot the values
ax.scatter[x_vals, y_vals, z_vals, c = 'b', marker='o']


while X_iso is my 3-D array and for X_vals, Y_vals, Z_vals I copied/used 1 column/axis from that array and assigned to those variables/arrays respectively.

To get a 3D plot, we can use fig.add_subplot[111, projection='3d'] method to instantiate the axis. After that, we can use the scatter method to draw different data points on the x, y, and z axes.


  • Create a new figure, or activate an existing figure.

  • Add an `~.axes.Axes` to the figure as part of a subplot arrangement, where nrows = 1, ncols = 1, index = 1 and projection is ‘3d’.

  • Iterate a list of marks, xs, ys and zs, to make scatter points.

  • Set x, y, and z labels using set_xlabel, y_label, and z_label methods.

  • Use plt.show[] method to plot the figure.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


fig = plt.figure[]
ax = fig.add_subplot[111, projection='3d']

n = 100

for m, zl, zh in [['o', -50, -25], ['^', -30, -5]]:
   xs = [32 - 23] * np.random.rand[n] + 23
   ys = [100 - 0] * np.random.rand[n]
   zs = [zh - zl] * np.random.rand[n] + zl
   ax.scatter[xs, ys, zs, marker=m]

ax.set_xlabel['X Label']
ax.set_ylabel['Y Label']
ax.set_zlabel['Z Label']



Updated on 19-Sep-2021 07:08:45

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Can Matplotlib be used for 3D plotting?

3D plotting in Matplotlib starts by enabling the utility toolkit. We can enable this toolkit by importing the mplot3d library, which comes with your standard Matplotlib installation via pip. Just be sure that your Matplotlib version is over 1.0. Now that our axes are created we can start plotting in 3D.

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from mpl_toolkits. mplot3d import Axes3D..

import matplotlib. pyplot as plt..

fig = plt. figure[].

ax = fig. add_subplot[111, projection='3d'].

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Step 1: Import the libraries. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D. ... .

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