Identify whether or not the following scenarios illustrate steps in the scientific method quizlet

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Which scenario BEST illustrates mixed method research?

Kylie conducts survey research on parental involvement with homework at a boarding school, a homeschooling group, a public school, and a charter school.

Marvin interviews doctors, nurses, registered nurses, and patients to develop a well-rounded picture of what most influences patient outcomes after heart surgery.

Rick Grimes is studying the impact of marijuana use on driving ability. He collects data related to THC absorption in the blood, reaction time, and perception. He also completes in-depth interviews with drivers who have been pulled over by the authorities and admitted to smoking marijuana and driving. What kind of research is Rick Grimes conducting?

Ursula is prepared to use multiple forms of observation to collect data about public park use. She employs personal observation, generates a video record for content analysis, and interviews people that use the park.





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Terms in this set [38]

Place in order the steps in designing and executing an experiment.

identify variables.
randomly select a sample.
randomly assign participants to levels of the independent variable.
expose participants to the independent variable levels.
measure dependent variables.
analyze and report results.

4 goals of psychology

describe, explain, predict, and control human behavior

Which of the following types of information will probably have well supported evidence?

reports in peer-reviewed journals

Which of the following are measures of central tendency of the first psychology exam in a semester?

The average score on the exam was an 85.
The median score on the exam was an 80.
The most frequently occurring exam score was an 82.

Occam's Razor

law of parsimony

Which of the following key ethical decisions would an institutional review board approve of?

keeping study participants' data confidential
protecting study participants from potential mental and physical risk
obtaining informed consent

How Is the Scientific Method Used in Psychological Research?
Match each term with its description

a testable prediction, derived from a theoryhypothesis
Correct label:hypothesis
the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting dataresearch
Correct label:research
law of parsimonyOccam's Razor
Correct label:Occam's Razor
the systematic procedure of observing and measuring phenomenascientific method
Correct label:scientific method
a model of interconnected ideas that explain observationstheory
Correct label:theory

Which experimental procedures are designed to decrease bias in experiments and increase generalization of the results?

Random SamplingRandom Assignment

Which of the following are the goals of science and psychological research?


A psychologist is studying whether eating dessert at night causes children to be hyper. Match the goals of science with the questions the psychologist will ask.

Why does eating ice cream after dinner have an effect on children's behavior?explanation
Correct label:explanation
Could there be factors other than eating dessert that contribute to children getting hyper at night?control
Correct label:control
Under what circumstances would children be likely to eat dessert at night?prediction
Correct label:prediction
How often are children observed to be hyper after eating dessert?description
Correct label:description

Match the names of the statistics to their examples

Most psychology classes have 35 students enrolled.mode
Correct label:mode
Half of the psychology classes include more than 25 students and half include less than 25.median
Correct label:median
The average psychology class size is 27 students.mean
Correct label:mean
On average, the class size varies by 5 students from the mean size.standard deviation
Correct label:standard deviation
Class size varies from 10 to 45 students.range
Correct label:range

Match the studies with the research methods that are used in each case

A psychologist measures the relationship between brain damage and learning disabilities.correlation
Correct label:correlation
A psychologist randomly assigns children to study alone or in groups and then tests the children on what they have learned.experiment
Correct label:experiment
An industrial organizational psychologist collects surveys on what incentives cause employees to work harder.self-report
Correct label:self-report
A researcher stands on a street corner and records the body language of the people who walk by.observation
Correct label:observation
Psychologists at a mental hospital take detailed notes on one patient who was born without an study
Correct label:case study

Researchers conducted a study to measure the effect of sunlight on levels of vitamins in participants' bodies. Participants were randomly assigned to receive zero, four, or eight hours of sunlight, and researchers then measured levels of vitamin D in their bloodstreams.
However, researchers did not restrict or manipulate subjects' diets, so one group of subjects happened to eat a diet high in fatty fish [which contain high levels of vitamin D] while subjects in other groups ate a diet low in calcium. Match each term with its example in this study.

hours of sunlight exposureindependent variable
Correct label:independent variable
level of vitamin D in the bloodstreamdependent variable
Correct label:dependent variable
subjects' dietconfound
Correct label:confound
people who were exposed to zero hours of sunlightcontrol group
Correct label:control group

Match the ethical issue with the example that best depicts the issue.

A study will not expose participants to any unreasonably harmful conditions or events.risks
Correct label:risks
A brief overview of what will happen during the study is presented before a person signs an agreement to participate.informed consent
Correct label:informed consent
When participants fill out the data sheets, they are assigned numbers to use instead of their names.anonymity
Correct label:anonymity
After the data are collected, the data sheets are locked in a file cabinet and only the few researchers who need to will be able to look at them.confidentiality
Correct label:confidentiality

Police radar equipment is used to detect the speed of objects. In one trial, the radar equipment records a stationary tree as traveling at 6 mph, although in another trial it records the tree as traveling at 0 mph.
Which of the following measurement problems exist in the radar equipment?


A psychologist studies the effects of exam review strategy on long-term memory. College students are randomly selected and then randomly assigned to one of four groups.
Group 1 studies using visual information only.Group 2 studies using auditory information only.Group 3 studies using visual and auditory information.Group 4 does not study at all.
The students follow the instructions for how they must study for four days to prepare for a 100-question multiple-choice test. They all read the same chapter in the textbook and all take the same exam. Exam scores are then recorded.
Identify the different levels of the independent variable

not studying
studying using visual information only
studying using visual and auditory information
studying using auditory information only

A psychologist conducts a study and posts the data on Facebook, including participants' identities. He does not tell the participants beforehand what will happen during the study and does not fill them in about the study's true goals after data has been collected.
Which of the following ethical guidelines is the psychologist violating?

informed consent

Match the correlation findings with the possible interpretations

moderate inverse predictive relationship between two variablesnegative correlation of -0.50
Correct label:negative correlation of -0.50
strong inverse predictive relationship between two variablesnegative correlation of -0.85
Correct label:negative correlation of -0.85
moderate direct predictive relationship between two variablespositive correlation of +0.45
Correct label:positive correlation of +0.45
strong direct predictive relationship between two variablespositive correlation of +0.80
Correct label:positive correlation of +0.80
no predictive relationship between two variablesnear-zero positive correlation of +0.02
Correct label:near-zero positive correlation of +0.02

Match the types of research methods with their examples

A health psychologist randomly assigns people to do yoga in the morning, at night, or not at all. After eight weeks, people rate their overall moods.experiment
Correct label:experiment
A social psychologist spends the afternoon at the mall and unobtrusively records how teenagers act in groups.naturalistic observation
Correct label:naturalistic observation
A positive psychologist measures the relationship between spirituality and happiness.correlational study
Correct label:correlational study
A cognitive psychologist sends out a questionnaire to all incoming students to determine their computer skills.self-report survey
Correct label:self-report survey

A health psychologist wants to study whether a diet of fruits and vegetables is healthier than a diet of meat.
Place in order the steps of the scientific method he needs to follow


A cognitive psychologist studies the effects of coconut oil on memory function. Elderly people with an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease are randomly assigned to eat either zero teaspoons, two teaspoons, or four teaspoons of coconut oil a day, and are then asked to take a 20-question memory test. Some participants live alone, and some are married.
Match the terms below with the examples from this experiment

participants' marital statusconfound
Correct label:confound
number of teaspoons of coconut oil eatenindependent variable
Correct label:independent variable
performance on memory testdependent variable
Correct label:dependent variable
participants who eat either two or four teaspoons of coconut oilexperimental group
Correct label:experimental group

People's behavior changes when they know they are being observed. This is known as reactivity; it is also called the Hawthorne effect, after a manufacturing plant where the phenomenon was documented. A common reason for this phenomenon is that people like to make a positive impression on their observer. In surveys, this creates a bias toward socially acceptable answers. This pattern is called socially desirable responding, or faking good.


A researcher in sport psychology wants to find out whether, in the sport of fencing [which has been called "physical chess"], logic games and other mental exercises promote tournament success. To that end, the researcher plans an experiment using a college fencing team as a convenience sample.Match each issue with the experiment to the type of problem it would represent

not accurateDue to unreliable scorekeeping, several of the bout results are recorded with slightly incorrect point totals.
Correct label:Due to unreliable scorekeeping, several of the bout results are recorded with slightly incorrect point totals.
externally invalidThe researcher studies the effect of mental exercises on the results of the team's practice bouts.
Correct label:The researcher studies the effect of mental exercises on the results of the team's practice bouts.
not reliableResults are so variable from one tournament to the next that it is hard to tease out any patterns.
Correct label:Results are so variable from one tournament to the next that it is hard to tease out any patterns.
internally invalidThe researcher fails to include observations of fencers who did not go through the mental exercises.
Correct label:The researcher fails to include observations of fencers who did not go through the mental exercises.
construct validityThe researcher tracks the effect of mental exercises on the fencers' bodily form and footwork.
Correct label:The researcher tracks the effect of mental exercises on the fencers' bodily form and footwork.

Identify each data analysis task as belonging to either descriptive or inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics
computing the correlation coefficient between two sets of observations
determining the median value of a set of measurements
calculating the standard deviation of a set of data values
Inferential Statistics
determining whether a difference between two sets of results could be due to chance
using meta-analysis to arrive at a stronger conclusion than any single study permits

As a science, psychology gains knowledge through observation and measurement. This approach is called empiricism, and the implementation is called the scientific method, which follows systematic steps in a bias-free way, in order to test hypotheses and obtain reproducible results.


The practice of drawing conclusions by conducting a study of other studies is called meta-analysis. The results of each individual study are weighted based on the size of the study sample and the size of the effect. In effect, such a study looks for replication of results. Many researchers feel that this methodology provides stronger evidence for whatever conclusions are reached than any single study could.


Which of the following correlations have strong predictive value?

There is a positive correlation of +0.90.
There is a negative correlation of -0.90.

A psychologist develops a theory that being in love makes people less risk-averse.
Match the following aspects of a good theory with examples from this theory

A more complex theory that seeks to explain the same phenomenon would be less preferred.parsimonious
Correct label:parsimonious
Studies can be conducted to determine whether this is a valid theory by measuring the correlations between being in love and various measures of risk taking.falsifiable
Correct label:falsifiable
A researcher could propose that someone's self-reports of being in love will correspond with a lower rate of specific risky behaviors, such as bungee jumping or driving over the speed limit, during the time the person is in to generate testable hypotheses
Correct label:able to generate testable hypotheses

When a psychologist simply records the relationship between two variables without manipulating them, it is called a correlational study. The observed relationship does not by itself reveal which variable causes the other. This is the directionality problem. Also, the relationship may be due to a third variable controlling both of the observed variables


Studies that account for the influence of culture on people's attitudes and actions are called culturally sensitive. Allowing for culture is not only a matter of respect, but it is also necessary if research findings are to generalize across samples from different cultures


An Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee reviews animal research. Which of the following does this committee oversee?

reviewing research proposals for testing on animals
care of animals before, during, and after the study
imposing punishments such as preventing violators from conducting further research
standards of the facility in which the animals are housed

What are some factors that can affect the accuracy of an observational study?

observer bias
experimenter expectancy effect

Although correlational studies cannot demonstrate causality, on an ethical level they are often preferable to experiments, because they do not involve manipulating people and possibly exposing them to risk of harm. And on a practical level, even without establishing causation, correlational studies can be useful for making predictions


A psychologist investigates the correlation between a person's sex drive and a person's consumption of junk food and then reports that the correlation is negative.
What can be said on the basis of this report?

People with strong sex drives eat less junk food than people with lower sex drives.
People who eat a lot of junk food have, on average, lower sex drives than people who abstain from junk food.

The ideal way to obtain a study sample from a population is random sampling, because the method of convenience sampling produces a sample that may not be representative. By the same token, assigning members of the sample to either the experimental or the control group should also be random, in order to avoid the selection bias that could otherwise occur


Match the terms with their examples

A psychologist believes that using different teaching methods will increase test scores. He treats the students in the experimental group as if they were smarter, and consequently, they have better test scores.experimenter expectancy effect
Correct label:experimenter expectancy effect
A psychologist enrolls in a dog-training program and records how other people in the class interact with their dogs.participant observation
Correct label:participant observation
On a survey, a person overstates the number of random acts of kindness he performs.socially desirable responding
Correct label:socially desirable responding
A psychologist sits on a park bench and records park use while pretending to do a crossword puzzle.naturalistic observation
Correct label:naturalistic observation
A psychologist records only kicking behavior, not hitting, as an act of aggression, because he grew up with brothers who hit each other for bias
Correct label:observer bias

In experimental research, it is important to provide precise definitions of both dependent and independent variables. With operational definitions, the variables are described objectively, to make clear exactly what manipulations and measurements the experiment involves. This is important for later replication of the results by other researchers.


Naturalistic observation requires that the researcher remain detached from the situation being studied, whereas participant observation calls for the researcher to be involved in it.
In both types of observational techniques, a scheme is required for translating observations into data by slotting the observations into well-defined categories. That translation is called coding.


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