institute of technology là gì - Nghĩa của từ institute of technology

institute of technology có nghĩa là

1366 guys. 41 girls. 300 girls who look like guys. 1138 will make more money than you. 1138 automatically realize that the value 1138 equals 2/3 of the student population.

Most common [basically only] majors: Engineering, Computer Science, and most shunned and looked down upon major of Business and Technology [99% athletes, 1% idiots]

Most commonly used pick up lines: “Would you like to see the exponential growth of my natural log?” and “I wish I were your derivative so I could lay tangent to your curves.” Most likely to be heard at a lame frat party where there are more computers than girls and mysteriously strong, yet unrealizable, alcoholic punch, which is the only hope most of these video game junkies have in getting any ass. The whole student population could be diagnosed with having Stevens’ goggles, the equal to 2 beer goggles. Girls have it just as bad as the guys. The phrase: “The odds are good, but the goods are odd” is commonly heard by the female students who are often favored by faculty because of their unfortunate situation.

Introverted. Awkward. Intelligent yet clueless. Both white and black races are minorities to the Asians and Mid East populations. Most people, especially professors, can’t speak fluent English, but since numbers, mathematical operations, and physics laws are universal, this is not seen as a problem. Most of these black and white minorities attend Stevens solely for athletics and make up most of the “normal” student population. The majority of this tech school only leaves their dorm rooms and video games to check their mail for new computer and video game merchandise and to attend LAN parties. If you’ve never heard of a LAN party, you have never been to Stevens. [It is a gathering of geeks/computer gamers for the sole purpose of playing Mutlti-player games over a network…and to view porn.] Most of these typical engineers can’t hold a normal conversation, let alone make a friend other than their most trusted and valuable companion…their thumb drive, a USB mass storage device.

Although a completely lame school, it is located in the fun and beautiful city of Hoboken, less than a mile from NYC, home to many male bachelor yuppies working in the city and the most bars per square foot of any city in the world.


"I saw a girl walking down Washington St and rated her a 3 out of 10. Once she stepped onto Stevens Institute of Technology campus, she immediately jumped to a 9 out of 10."

institute of technology có nghĩa là

A college of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities which is the only university branch worth attending. Contrasted with the Carlson School of Management and the College of Liberal Arts, the Institute of Technology [IT] is populated by people who don't deserve to be kicked in the balls [Carlson students do; CLA students have none to be kicked]. Most IT students could kick your ass in any academic endeavor, and they'd be willing to prove it, because they're nerds.


Carlson student: "I see by your intact testicles that you attend the Institute of Technology!"
IT student: "Why thank you, Carlson student! Now stand still with your feet four feet apart."

institute of technology có nghĩa là

A reference to the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. Cadets at the academy who do not want to be identified as such will say that they are from the South Hudson Institute of Technology [i.e. SHIT] when asked where they attend schools.


Where do you go to school? Oh, I go to the South Hudson Institute of Technology.

institute of technology có nghĩa là

An unreal renaming of the "Sam Houston State University" in Texas. Sam Houston Institute of Technology, abbreviated, would spell, "S.H.I.T."


Cheerleaders: "Gimme an 'S'!"
"Gimme an 'H'!"
"Gimme an 'I'!"
"Gimme an 'T'!"
"What's that spell?!"
Crowd: "Sam Houston Institute of Technology!"

institute of technology có nghĩa là

Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY.

See RIT.


"RIT: 'I spent $120,000 on what?'"

institute of technology có nghĩa là

A college of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities which is the only university branch worth attending. Contrasted with the Carlson School of Management and the College of Liberal Arts, the Institute of Technology [IT] is populated by people who don't deserve to be kicked in the balls [Carlson students do; CLA students have none to be kicked]. Most IT students could kick your ass in any academic endeavor, and they'd be willing to prove it, because they're nerds.


Carlson student: "I see by your intact testicles that you attend the Institute of Technology!"
IT student: "Why thank you, Carlson student! Now stand still with your feet four feet apart."

institute of technology có nghĩa là

A state university of New York where students fall into four stereotypes: bitches, hypebeasts, drag queens, and normal people. A “tobacco free campus” where people will smoke right next to the signs saying not to. Basically an all girls school and half the population has tinder because of it. Always trying to find NYU guys to get into frat parties. Only college campus where you can’t show up wearing pajamas to class.


Person 1: OMG you can to the Fashion Institute of Technology?? Can you make me a dress??
Person 2: sorry I’m actually a business major.
Person 1: They have that?

institute of technology có nghĩa là

A school in Boston that tries almost too hard to be like MIT, which is across the Charles in Cambridge. The name was chosen with the hopes that people would accidentally misread "WIT" as "MIT" and apply.


Me "I go to an institute of technology down in Boston" Other "oh, is it MIT?" "no, wentworth institute of technology" Other: "oh..."

institute of technology có nghĩa là

More commonly known as Georgia Tech. Typically, only locals or alumni know this.


Trophy Wife: Honey, If your degree says "Georgia Institute of Technology" then why are you writing all these big fat checks to "Georgia Tech Alumni Association" ? Rich Husband: Because they're the same school, now take off all your clothes!

institute of technology có nghĩa là

On the outside it looks nice and proper. The moment you step inside, that feeling goes away. Just because there is fancy uniforms, doesn't mean we're fancy. We ghetto asfffffff. The seniors are hot, well some of them. No ones foundation matches and these hoes be caking that shit on too. There's drugies. Sports suck. We hate ourselves. Many single people.


"Damn, he's hot, he must go to Maricopa Institute of Technology"

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