Irresistible me hair extensions review 2023 năm 2024

I change my hair up pretty often. Either my hair color, trying a new style, bangs [never again!], or adding clip-ins. Most of the time I add in a pair of clip-in extensions, to give me length and extra fullness. Then from there, I create waves, curls, or cute braid styles! I was pretty excited when Irresistible Me sent me out a set of their Silky Touch Hair Extensions to try! So excited, I even created a tutorial of how I installed and styled them in addition to my Irresistible Me review. You’re welcome!

What I love best about these extensions was the silkiness and the construction of them. They were super soft, yet durable. I took them out for a full day test run and was pleased with the results. They didn’t shed much at all, nor did they get super tangled. I don’t know about you, but when I am looking to purchase hair extensions, making sure that I don’t look like I have a bird’s next on my head is a major key! lol So, these passed with flying colors! They are definitely worth the splurge. But not only do they carry quality hair, they have a great range of lengths and fullness. I have in the Silky Touch Jet Black Clip-in Extensions 140g in the 18″. They were just as easy to style as they were to put in.

So, all-in-all, these are a great set of hair extensions. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who loves adding in hair extension to switch up their look. But they don’t just stop at clip-ins. They also carry wigs, ponytails, hair tools and more! Have you tried Irresistible Me hair products? Love them or hate them? Let me know in the comments below!

Tags: beauty, clip in hair extensions, get ready with me, hair, hair ideas, hair styles, hair tutorial, how to, irresistible me, irresistible me clip-ins, review, reviews, sponsored, tutorial

Happy Friday loves. In this beauty post, I’m sharing my brand new hair from the Irresistible ME hair extensions. I have recently gotten into wearing extensions purely because my hair growth is failing me you guys. I tried so hard over the past bazillion years to have my hair reach the length below the shoulder, however, this has proven to be a rather difficult task. Having said this, I decided that it’s about a time I get some hair extensions. Since I work in a very corporate environment, I don’t wear my hair extensions to work but for most social outings and shoots I love to clip them in and show off my extended silky and healthy hair 🙂 I can tell you that it does wonders for my confidence.

I stayed away from the extension for so long thinking that I’m not sure if I can be bothered with the whole having to clip them in process, however once I made the decision I kicked myself thinking how easy it is to actually insert the extensions into the hair and so I wondered why did I wait for so long. I’m so grateful for Irresistible ME sending me these extensions, mine is Royal Remy Hair in the Royal Honey Blonde shade, I chose 20 inches in length and 200gr in weight and there is 25% off of these on their site now.

The quality of Irresistible ME hair extensions is really good, the hair is so silky to the touch, soft and it doesn’t tangle much and also it’s quite easy to clip in. I’m storing mine in the box that it came in however, I need to order a hanger specifically designed for it as well as a bag to make sure I look after it properly and to prolong hairs life as weird as that sounds. My hairdresser advised that is a good idea to take care of the hair by washing and conditioning it every once in a while as this will help the extension last you longer. I did notice a slight amount of shedding after I brush the hair but I suppose this is normal.

I unboxed the Irresistible ME hair extensions in the video below, and also showed you how I clip them in.

I would be so grateful if you could subscribe to my channel [CLICK HERE] lovelies as I want to bring a beauty video every Friday. Also, I would love if you could share your experience wearing the extensions or your concerns if you HAVE never tried. I’d love to answer all the questions you may have so do leave them in the comments below.

My committed readers know that I am a bit of a convenience whore. I am always on the search for tools that will make my life more efficient. I love my apple slicer, my Solo One Step Gel Nail Polish, and my CrockPot!! When Irresistible Me contacted me about reviewing their product, I was like.... um, yes please!

Irresistible Me is a company that specializes in high quality durable Human Hair Clip-In Hair Extensions. Want instant length for a wedding or hot date? Want fuller more voluminous hair for your 20 year high school reunion? This product may be just the answer to your prayers. In this blog, I will demonstrate how to install the particular product I choose as well as address all the frequently asked questions that come about when choosing clip-in extensions.

Benefits of Clip-in Extensions vs Semi - Perminant

Before we dive into the deep details, I want to tell you why I was so stoked for the opportunity to work with clip-in extensions. For the past 6 months or so I been growing my natural hair out. During the grow process I have been getting "Sew-In" extension installed in my hair every 4 to 6 weeks. I invested in Quality Hair extension, so I could reuse the hair time and again, but it was indeed an investment.

  1. I love the idea of clip-in extension firstly, simply because with clip-ins you maintain the ability to scratch and wash you scalp with ease, but still have a sleek relaxed or blown out look. there is nothing more unattractive than being at the gym and "patting your weave" as you run along the track.
  2. In addition to clip-ins being a more hygienic, because you won't be sleeping in with the clip-ins, the style of the hair will last longer. Currently, I curl my "Semi Permanent Sew In" extensions about 2 to 3 times a week and pin curl at night. The additional heat on the hair, doesn't help the hair hold its original shine and bounce. However, with Clip-In Hair Extensions, you are able to heat curl the hair once or 2 twice, pin it, and lay it flat each night and be ready to go each morning. BONUS: the pin curls are much more neat looking and require less " fixing" to get them to fall into the correct places.
  3. Constant versatility - I am a person that LOVES the shock on my co-workers faces when I come into the office with a completely different hair style. Conventional "Sew-ins" don't allow you to change your part or wear your hair in an Up Du just on the fly. With clip-in hair extensions, the possibilities are much more vast.

Irresistable Me : Why I choose the Royal Remy Hair

After being approached to do the review, I took some time to really understand which product offering would work best with my hair. I wanted to make sure I was reviewing a product that I would honestly use. So I really shopped around on their website, which was very informative and has great photos and descriptions of all the products. End the end, I went with the Royal Remy 200 g package. My natural hair is very think and kind of coarse. I needed the heavier weight to balance the clip-ins throughout my head. I only got the base 14 inches. Unless your natural hair is down past the full length of your neck it is hard to blend out longer lengths. Besides I don't care for super long extensions. You know me, "Enhance your Natural Beauty".

Why Remy? Let's just make sure we understand what the term "Remy" means. Remy Hair, in the beauty world, is considered to be of the finest quality of human hair. Basically, Remy is the process by which the hair is handled during cutting, treatment, and weaving on to a weft. Hair that is "Remy" has the hair cuticles kept intact and not stripped. By preserving the hairs’ cuticles and aligning them the same direction creates extensions that appear more natural and are less likely to tangle.

The Irresistible Me Royal Remy hair is consistently thick from the top of the weft/track to the ends, this critical for blending into thick hair and for filling out thinner hair.

As demonstrated with on my sister & bestie below in the step by step photos, the Irresisable Me clip-ins will blend well with African-American natural hair that has been heat straightened, as well as with hair from those of a Caucasian decent.

The Arrival of the Irresistible Me Clip-ins & Packaging

The hair took about 2 to 3 days to arrive and came via FEDEX. I had to sign for the package. I totally understand why companies require that packages require signature, but I can say I hate it when I miss the delivery and have to drive to pick it up. I mean really, the deliveries usually occur when I am at work... I guess I could have had my extension sent to the office, that would have been a SUPER fun distraction. However, in this case the FedEx driver was an angel and double backed at the end of his route for me. That is one awesome perk of living in a small town!

The extensions came in a super cute and durable box, which can easily be used for storing the Clip-in extensions in my bathroom drawer or vanity. Once I had the package in hand of coarse I opened it immediately. There were very clear instructions to open the "Tester" side first. This allows you to feel the hair quality, verify the color, and investigate the length of hair and even test the strength of the clips before fully commit to the purchase. I will say the clips were surprisingly comfortable. They have soft tips so you don't feel the actual clip on your scalp, you only feel the pressure of the clip-in hanging from your head. The clips are very tightly secured to the hair. Also, the tester clips double as extras just in case anything were to happen over time, you have a few back ups. I found this "tester" to be a super helpful packaging feature.

Note: once you have opened the larger portion of hair, it is yours to keep. Hair is a hygiene product, so once you open it, the company cannot take it back. It is like a toothbrush...who would take back or purchase a previously opened toothbrush?

What Comes in the Royal Remy 200 g package

​So what comes in the Box? In the 200 gram Royal Remy Set, I got 10 [ten] 14 inch clip in extensions including 1 pc of 4 clips [7.5"] 2 pcs of 3 clips [6"] 5 pcs of 2 clips [4"] 2 pcs of 1 clip [1.2"][sorry I took this photo after starting the installation so some pieces aren't pictured]

How to Install Irresistible Me Clip-In Hair Extensions Step by Step

On the first install, I used my sister because, my current Sew-in is only about 4 weeks old and it was not quite ready to come out yet. You know I have to get my Monies' Worth.

My sister's hair is not chemically straighter, however, her natural hair for this demonstration is heat pressed. Although, the extensions are 14 inches long [will fall at the breast], her natural hair is only about 10 inches [falls at the end of the neck].

For this installation process you will need a a couple hair clips, a brush, and your hands.

Step 1- Irresistible Me

  1. Make a part in your hair about 1 to 1 1/2 inch up from the nape of your neck.
  2. Clip hair above the part out of the way.

Step 3- Irresistible Me

  1. ​Using the teeth of the clips secure the clip to the top of the parted hair so that the clip-in is in line with the scalp.

Step 5 - Main Middle Peice

At this point it will be time to install the single 4 clip Piece. This piece has the most hair on it, and it is designed to go on the thickest part of your hair. It is what is going to give the extensions blending volume. This piece ideally will go vertically above, but behind the back of the ears and around the head. The middle of this clip-in extension will be clipped to the Base of the Crown of the head.

Step 7 -Blending the Bangs

​Install the 1 clip pieces a few centimeters back from the hair line, but on the sides of the "bang" area of the head. That is the best I can explain it , But refer to the photo. Repeat on both Sides.

Step 2 -Irresistable Me

Open the Clips of one of the 2 Clip pieces [4"]

Step 4 - Remaining Back Peices

Part the next Section of hair 1 inch to 1 and 1/2 inches. using the same listed instructions in steps 1 thorough 3, install at the two 3 clip pieces.

Step 6 - Side Peices

Just as with the back of the head, on the side of the head,

  1. part about 1 to 1 1/2 inch up from the base of the sideburns, go back as far as you can without hitting a back extension.
  2. Install a 2 Piece Clip, repeat on the other side.
  3. Part again, and install the remaining 2 clip pieces on each sides of the head.​

All Done!

Brush through the hair to ensure it is all laying the same direction.

More Done Photos

For this demonstration, I personally installed the extensions for my sister, because I wanted to take photos. However, I did send them home with her for 1 week. She took them out and installed them on her own. She timed herself and the process from start to finish took about 10 to 15 minutes. WOW!! The extensions curled well and didn't tangle, She stored them in a hair net in the Irresistible Me box they came in.

Change up the Style

My sister's natural hair isn't quite long enough to pull up into a cute bun for the days she just "can't". She wanted to see if we could style the Clip-ins in a different style than just down. What we found is, when we removed the 4 Clip Piece [ the really thick one] and 1 of back 3 clip pieces, we can easily pull the hair into a back bun. Check it out.

Tips to Make Sure your Clip-in Stay Put All Day

Although the Irresistible Me Clip-in Hair Extensions are very stable once installed, you do have to be careful not be rough with them. Simply because, excessive pulling will hurt and possibly damage your natural hair. Also, avoid constantly "Petting" your hair. The clips are more effective at the thickest part of your hair, which is close to the scalp. The constant motion of running your fingers through your hair will only make your clip-ins slide down the shaft of the hair making their grip less effective.

Different Hair Textures, Same Irresistible Me Extensions

For my Final Trick: I wanted to see how well the hair extensions would blend in with hair that was't so thick. My Bestie, has lived a quite a bit longer than my baby sister and her hair has been processed and colored for some time, but is absolutely gorgeous. And yes, she rocks a BOB cut. She hasn't had hair to her shoulders since the early 90s. I used the same installation processed for her hair. Check out the results.

Honestly, her hair would have done better with a lighter weight of extensions. Her hair is naturally thinner, so it was hard to blend the thicker clip-ins. However, they still looked great! I am pretty sure her hubby is buying her some extensions for Christmas.

Are Irresistible Me Clip - In Hair Extensions worth the Money?

In my opinion, the Irresistible Me clip -in hair extensions are a wonderful time saver. The quality of the hair is great, the clips are nice and strong, but don't pinch and you get a lot of full length thickness for a great price. You can reuse them over and over and because they are easily detachable, maintenance is a breeze. I wouldn't recommend spending this much for a 1 time wear, there are pretty good synthetic products for one-time event. I think investing in Irresistible Me Clip-in Hair Extensions is a great idea, but only if you are going to wear them frequently.

What are the new hair extensions for 2023?

Top 5 trending hair extension styles for 2023.

Blunt Bob with Clip-In Extensions. ... .

Curly Lob with Tape-In Extensions. ... .

Mermaid-Inspired Long Waves with U-Tip Extensions. ... .

Half up Half down with Streaks. ... .

Braided Updo with Halo Extensions..

What is the highest quality of hair extensions?

Natural Hair: Typically refers to human hair, but likely not to the same quality as Remy hair. This hair may be processed or dyed. Remy Hair: Often considered the gold standard in extensions, Remy hair is human hair that is healthy and virgin [never before processed].

Which hair extensions look the most real?

Sewn-in extensions are the most natural looking and are applied directly to your scalp. This method is also the most expensive, as it requires a hair extension professional to apply them; however, they last longer than other types of extensions.

What are the most undetectable hair extensions?

Combline hair extensions are the most undetectable of all hair extensions; they are attached to a few strands of hair using an adhesive that matches your hair color. They require very little of your own hair to cover them, but they do not work on completely balding hair due to androgenic alopecia.

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