Is removing battery good for laptop?

If your laptops battery is dead or malfunctioning, you might be wondering if you can still use the said laptop if you were to remove the battery. Or maybe you just want to remove it to extend its life. No matter the whys, Im here to give you all the answers you need and tell you how to do it safely. Because

Yes, you can use a laptop without a battery. Your laptop needs to be plugged in to a power outlet in order to work though. It would instantly shut down if you unplug it, just like a regular computer would. Otherwise, its perfectly fine to use your laptop without a battery.

The main reason why the batteries exist on laptops in the first place is to offer us portability. But if you dont really need that or if you are forced to give that up due to a dead battery, you still have this option.

Even if your battery is dead and not charging, its considered better to remove it from the laptop when you use it connected to the power brick and the wall outlet. This way you can prevent potential damage from a malfunctioning battery.

Using laptop without battery good or bad?

If your laptops battery is dead, dying or malfunctioning, it is a good idea to remove it and use the laptop plugged in. But otherwise, you get minimal benefits from removing the battery to keep your device connected to the outlet all the time.

The risk of losing unsaved data and even potential damage to your components is greater this way, because running your laptop without a battery means that whenever electricity goes down, your device would shut down instantly.

Now, the risk of electricity going down even for a few minutes is usually minimal in most parts of the world, but if you are living in a place where its common, it might be best to run your laptop on battery if possible in order to avoid loss of unsaved data.

Can you still use a laptop with a dead battery?

Yes, as long as your charger is working and it is connected to an outlet, as well as the laptop itself. It is recommended to remove the dead battery in order to reduce the risk of overheating or other problems. But usually, even if left alone, a dead battery will simply not draw in any current and cause no threat.

However, if the battery is not entirely dead and just malfunctioning like a very old battery might start doing its best to just remove it in order to play it safe.

Is it safe to use a laptop without battery?

Yes, it is safe. If you remove your laptops battery, there is no risk of damage to your laptops components or the OS as long as you use a proper charger connected to the wall outlet and your laptop.

You should still make sure to never touch the pins that used to connect to the battery itself as that might result in a short circuit or even become a health hazard.

But batteries are always placed in areas where accidentally touching them is very difficult anyway. Still, be cautious!

Should you remove the laptops battery if you keep it plugged in all the time?

You probably heard some people say that if you keep your laptop constantly plugged in, you will destroy its battery. Thats similar to charging the battery to 100% and leaving it plugged in to the power source.

While this is not entirely wrong and constantly pushing electricity into a laptops battery once its fully charged does reduce its life, the truth is that most modern laptops [and therefore their batteries] have a bunch of safety measures in place in order to optimize the battery life.

To put it short, even if you keep the laptop plugged in all the time, once the battery gets to 100%, it will no longer draw in electricity. Some models even let you charge the battery up to 80% or something below 100 in order to extend its life.

You dont have any guarantee that your model does this, but most of the modern ones have at least some sort of protection against overcharging and constantly charging batteries.

So you dont really have to remove the battery if you keep your device plugged in most of the time. Many batteries are not easy to remove and you still have the small chance of losing your work if theres a power outage or you unplug the charger.

Not to mention the fact that touching the battery pins when the laptop is charging could cause you sever damage like electrocution.

And you would still not help a modern battery that much. Sure, if it doesnt have those protections in place and even if they do have them batteries will last a bit longer if you remove them as long as you keep the charger plugged in at all times, but its not really worth doing.

Things do change in any of the situations mentioned above, especially when the battery is malfunctioning and is a health or fire hazard.

But if the battery has no problems, its usually overkill to remove it and keep your laptop plugged in at all times. Although at the same time, this wouldnt do any harm to your laptop itself.


No matter if it is by choice or forced by circumstances, you know now that you can use a laptop without a battery if it is plugged in.

Theres no need to remove the battery unless its malfunctioning, but do have in mind that you need to keep your laptop plugged in at all times in order for it to work.

You might as well consider getting a replacement battery as soon as possible or maybe making the upgrade and getting a new laptop altogether. We have the best 17 laptops here make sure to check them out for some inspiration.

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