lad là gì - Nghĩa của từ lad

lad có nghĩa là

An Australian term used to describe teenagers who wear a nautica, polo or nike white hat, tilted upright revealing the front of their hair with the strap at the back done up tight so it is dangling out the back, a striped polo or nautica shirt with the collar popped and either saucony or nautica trackies or shorts, topped off with nike Tnz which are fresh. These lads think they are tough but are generally small and skinny and travel in packs trying to roll other innocent bystanders for their worth.


The lad threatened the innocent bystander by saying 'Wat bra! i'll shank ya lad', after completing his theft he headed up to a blank wall and began to graffiti.

lad có nghĩa là

A lad is a male who specialises in creating and distributing exquisite banter. Though most lads are youngish [late teens and early twenties] age is not a defining characteristic and you will find both young lads and old lads. Some special skills of lads include, but are not limited to the following: - Binning Pints
- Exposing genitalia and getting naked in public places
- Throwing up after copious alcohol consumption
- Spousal Abuse
- Getting kicked out of pubs/nightclubs for being overly offensive Excelling in all areas will earn a lad the title of "top lad". There is no higher praise that can be bequeathed upon an individual.


"That guy just saw off a whole bottle of Vodka then partyboyed that bird, what a lad!" "Andy got kicked out of City for binning his pint, then turtling naked on the dancefloor...LAD"

lad có nghĩa là

The British version of guy


"that lads gay"

lad có nghĩa là

Lad: An australian youth subculture centred around individuals who hang out in gangs, engage in petty theft, pick fights, vandalise property and use foul language which generally involves a great deal of pig latin. Hence the terms "adlay" and "eshays". Lads generally wear white caps tilted up at the front to show the front part of their hair which is often gelled. The strap of the cap is done up tight at the back and the possibility of a rats tails or other such hair style dangling out the back is common. They can be seen wearing white polo shirts, or polo shirts of other colours with short shorts [striped parachute/tracksuit pants in winter] and trainers. They sport brands such as Nautica, Saucony, Nike and Everlast and in addition to this wear ridiculously small bags usually scrawled with graffiti. 'Lads' are now commonplace is many areas of Sydney including but not limited to the inner west, outer west, north west, south and south-west. 'Lads' can be found in most high schools throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, they have a gang mentality which enables them to gain physical superiority over other groups and subcultures and are disliked by the general population. They can often be seen hanging around train stations and shopping centres or just roaming the streets in search of trouble. Lads are generally into rave music and in particular hardstyles such as gabber. They also engage in tagging as graffiti is a large part of the subculture. Lad girls wear similar clothing and often have their hair gelled and tied back tightly, giving it a shiny, sleek and some might say greasy quality.


Lad: "Lets catch the 492 from Burwood to Drummoyne adlay, we'll pick some fights with little kids when we get there"

lad có nghĩa là

A teen generally located in Western Sydney, Australia. Usually thinking they're the 'shit' or they're 'all that.'Generally uneducated and small minded, only "skills" are stealing and attempting to fight. Wears football shorts or adidas track pants and a polo shirt with the collar up. Generally dirty, skinny and bogan looking. Unliked by everyone except each other. Also abundantly uses the word 'eshays' which is a word the lad subculture invented themselves.


lad 1 - hey bruz,
lad 2 - yo bro!
lad 1 - just fuckin' rolled some cunt for his fannypack.
lad 2 - ESHAYS cunt!!!
lad 1 - Yea boi!
*they start sucking each others cocks*

lad có nghĩa là

Commonly used to refer to larey British young adults. In modern culture however, the word takes on a greater meaning. The distinction between a "Good Lad" and a "Shit Lad" are socially judged between fellow Lads, and "Good Lads" are only awarded to those deserving respect. Admittedly this can often mean womanizing, though, to contemporary Lads, masculine-yet-chivalrous acts take on higher precedence. Lad anecdotes can be seen and rated on


"Walking towards a bloke arguing with his girlfriend down some shitty alley, he shouts at her and slaps her across the face, so I walk up to him and fucking twat him, just absolutely floor him. Righting wrongs LAD"
Good Lad: 1928 - Shit Lad: 72

lad có nghĩa là

Is a term used to describe sad, subjacent, illiterate adolesents between the ages of 12-20, who live in australia.
They are characterised by polo/nautica shirts [with collar popped], caps [tilted upwards], jeans/tracks [lowrider, baggy style], asinine hair cuts and their "nigga" attitudes & "badass" personalities...hence, they are normally school dropouts...

Normally, they group together in mobs between 3-20, trying to act, talk and walk "hard" to impress their company.

Lads are usually found during daylight hours, in or near, Maccas, shopping complexes, fubu/kappa/nike retailers. Acting to immtimate normal shop patrons, with such phrases as "what brah" "shank ya" "f*ck c*unt".
They usually retreat back home at dusk, afriad of meeting someone darker in skin colour or more sizable then themselves.

A typical lad is sh*t scared if someone, does not seem "rattled" by their "scare tatics" [both verbally and physically] and responds in force. [the lad usually runs away]

Some Lads are said to be androgynous... but thats still debated


Lad: Wat'cha want brah, ill shank you
Person: Shut the f*ck up lad
Lad: [runs away]

Lebo: Look bro, theres some lads over there, lets go bash em'
Lads: [spots lebo group and "hauls ass"

Person: Look at those lads over there... so typical.. polo shirt

Lad at maccas: [stares down a bystander] Wat'ya lookin at brah?
Bystander: [Gets up, walks over] What you say?
Lad: Sorry sir...

Person 1: Those lads are always at cremorne maccas
Person 2: Yeah, man, they basically live here
Person 3: What sad f*cks

lad có nghĩa là

An australian Chav


Australian: Oi check out that lad over there.
English: Fuck off mate thats a chav.

lad có nghĩa là

A phrase overused by middle/upper class Jack Willis wearing twats conveying their faux-machismo, those who like any music that is played in Yates or other shitty mainstream clubs whilst trying to retain credibility by liking Indie such Oasis and The Stone Roses...because those bands are popular amongst football fans, and what kind of "lad" wouldn't want to fit in with the football crowd. Act like they're salt of the earth when they're actually at Uni, courtesy of mummy and daddy and their money. Usually seen chatting up a vapid airhead who dresses like a supermodel in a put on regional accent [they never forget to use as much regional slang as they can!], who is drawn in by his "charms" because she is so void of personality. Usually thinks Inbetweeners is cutting edge TV, sees Cook from Skins as a role model and is more interested in Pete Doherty's tabloid habits than his actual music which they haven't actually heard, despite professing their love for The Libertines. Pinnacle of annoying loudmouth, they can usually be seen outside a takeaway at 3AM bellowing at each other because it's "banter", a word they overuse to the point of deserving to be punched.


"I had a well mental night last night lad! I went to Oceana with the lads and did 26 shots! I was hanging! Then I bumped into this Southern pansy who didn't like the checkered shirt I was wearing, so I said 'get t'fuck, laddeh' and I think he was intimidated by my accent cos I'm a proper Northerner, but it was just a bit of banter! Then I met this bird - see how I use the word 'bird'? Cos I'm a proper lad and did I mention how I'm from up North too? Anyway she looked like Amy Childs but fitter and with bigger tits! BANTER! She says that she loves my woman's clothes that I'm always wearing, which I bought from Topman. Anyway, I left with the lads and bought some chips, but then we had some well epic banter by throwing them at each other! Top night lads! Mental! Now I have to phone mummy for some money as I spent all my student loan at Topman"

lad có nghĩa là

Lads are of various age usually male but also females, who tend to hang around large shoppings centres or train stations in Sydney. More commonly could be described as the Australian version of British chav.

They appear to be destinctly defined wearing:
- White Nautica Cap
- Striped Polo Shirt [Nautica etc]
- Sport Shorts [Nautica]

Basically giving brands Nautica and Canterbury a bad name for delinquent wearers. They appear to be loud and confronting in large groups of followers who usually range from 10 - 20 +, and appear to have a bogan like appearance. Although they try to be tough, they are actually pansies at heart.

Can be described as "Eshay Lads" also, and seen inhabiting areas such as Train Stations,Bus Shelters,Taxi Ranks,Outside Major Shopping Centres and Street Corners.

Mostly found in Sydney's West [Penrith,Parramatta]
and can be found in a range of nationalities.


"Oh dear he's dressed like a Lad!"
"He thinks he's so cool with his Nautica and delinquent friends"

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