Marking period là gì

Trial period là gì, Định nghĩa và giải thích Ý nghĩa Định nghĩa, ví dụ, giải thích

relating to lớn a period of time when a criminal must behave sầu well và not commit any more crimes in order khổng lồ avoid being sent to prison:
relating to lớn a period of time when you are new khổng lồ a job or activity and are being watched and tested to see if you are suitable:
The visa will give probationary status khổng lồ illegal immigrants before they become eligible to lớn apply for green cards.

Bạn đang xem: Trial period là gì, Định nghĩa và giải thích Ý nghĩa Định nghĩa, ví dụ, giải thích

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relating to the period during which a new employee is being watched closely to see if they are suitable for their job :
The administration will more closely scrutinize teachers during the three-year probationary period before tenure.
Schools must give probationary teachers 60 days notice before the over of the school year if their contract is not going lớn be renewed.
relating lớn the situation in which a criminal is allowed to stay out of prison if they follow particular rules & vì chưng not commit another crime :
The number of applicants for probationary police inspector posts has nearly doubled in the last two years & in 1997 included 246 university graduates.
Of the latter, an unspecified number would become full members after a probationary period [usually of three months] had been served.
At this point, they started their probationary one-year formation period, at the over of which they could be confirmed.
This hypothesis has given rise khổng lồ recent calls to rekhung the state"s criminal justice system by introducing privately inflicted sanctions, for example, shaming penalties, private prisons, or private probationary services.
Given that one of the chief doubts in the mind of any inquisitor was whether the repentance of a summoned heretic was sincere, penances took on a probationary nature.
A police constable on appointment will, however, receive £16,635 in salary, rising lớn £18,612 after initial training & £19,713 on successful completion of two years probationary service.
I think it is worthy of commendation that there is khổng lồ be an extension of the principle with regard to lớn probationary officers.
Newly qualified drivers were lớn carry a distinguishing mark on their vehicles for a probationary period.
We believe that private security firm employees lachồng adequate vetting, initial training, probationary periods and inter-organisation communication & information.
They would be there as assistant lecturers if they were lucky, sometimes as probationary lecturers, và sometimes even with no appointment except a college fellowship.
The question of probationary plates will be addressed in the road safety strategy, which is soon to lớn be announced.
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a person who is extremely skilled at something, especially at playing an instrument or performing

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