mosher là gì - Nghĩa của từ mosher

mosher có nghĩa là

Moshers: feel no need to justify themselves to others,generally loving and friendly but have a tendancy to hate chavs and townies[can ya blame em?], wear the clothes they want 2 wear, not what others percieve as fashion or "cool", like badges alot. listen to a mixture of punk,rock and metal. as they name suggests they mosh to their music and have mosh pits at concerts [dnt get involved unless u r prepared to get injured]. in short moshers are the coolest people on earth and i am honord to be friends with them.


mosher 1:*hug* hey wat r u listening 2
mosher 2: slipknot, want an ear?
*listens 2 mp3 player*mosh*get dirty look from a chav*
mosher 1: god i hate chavs
mosher 2: my neck is killing me *rubs neck*shrugs*moshes more*

mosher có nghĩa là

Generally, people who dont feel the need to be branded as fashionable, even though mosher clothes are so much better than chav clothes. Moshers usually have small badges on their bags showing their favourite bands. Moshers are not un-sociable, infact they are nice people who are really cool to hang around with and chat. Can be seen in mosh-pits headbanging [do not get into one of these if you treasure your limbs] The only people they hate are chavs, i myself despise chavs and go mental everytime i see one. retford is chav infested- dont move there!!!


[chavs walk past]
mosher 1 "hey a chav"
mosher 2 "KILL THEM!!"
[chavs fucking leg it]

mosher có nghĩa là

A mosher is some1 who likes to listen 2 many different types of metal music, always admit the truth what eva it may be, and they are really nice people and are the nicest people u could ever meet to be honest and they hate chavs to death.


A mosher is someone who minds their own business and don't go around kickin peoples head in just for how they are

mosher có nghĩa là

a person who listens to any type of rock music and does not tend to try and annoy others, and try to avoid chavs [scallys/_or as i call them shit heads] the scally's will try to harm moshers and will hang out on any street corner acting hard but a mosher does not feel the need to act hard[strong] because they mostly do not feel the need to fight unless provoked by a Chav.
In all a mosher is a generally nice person.^-^


i am a mosher and i act like my Definition and so do my mates and they are mosters.

mosher có nghĩa là

Basically moshers are the greatest people alive, they will do anything for you, like getting you out of scrapes [i.e. being ganged up on by chavs]. They wont mock your clothes, they are not dirty and they love a party. they really hate chavs [cos chavs are the scum of the earth] and chavs hate them for no reason as its usually chavs who start the trouble and their always in massive groups agaist one or two people. all my friends belong to different groups and moshers have to be the most awesome, they are true friends and will never let me or anyone else down [except for chavs, who should die!!!]As you can see i really hate chavs too after i got into trouble with a load of em.



group of 15 chavs: hey theres a mosher on his own, lets beat him half to death.

mosher on his own: for fuck sake not again!

group of 8
moshers: hey look at that dude getting the shit kicked out of him by them fuckin chavs, lets help him!!

group of 15
chavs: oh shit theres some moshers, and theres more than one of em. leg it quick!!

group of 8
moshers: you alright dude?

mosher on his own: yeah, thanks for that.

group of moshers: no problem, fancy comin to a gig with us?

mosher on his own: yeah awesome.

mosher có nghĩa là

these people tend to be quite nice people that don't really like getting into fights [but often do because of the way they look]. Moshers are seen by chavs as the scum of the earth that don't get washed, don't really know what they call good music. Moshers is the universal word for anyone who doesn't dress like a chav, emos, hardcores, goths and even punks all get called moshers but there is a difference in the way they look and what music they listen to but because they are chavs they don't realise this and if someone looks even close to a mosher then they have to be one. Goths are more commonly mistaken for moshers because they wear all black and a lot of moshers wear black. Generally from my experiance moshers are okay to talk to and are very loving towards their friends and are generally very friendly people and tend to be more accepting of gay people, coloured people, etc.


mosher: what? [runs off]

mosher có nghĩa là

According to the vast population of neds or chavs. The word mosher is used to describe any boy or girl that dresses in dark clothing and hangs around with their friends having a good time and generally listen to heavy metal.
A common misconception is that they are all stoners and drink blood. They tend to stay within groups of their own and avoid confrontation with neds/chavs.
They are completely different to emos and prefer not to be labelled


ned boy: oh look at those stoner moshers!
moshers: *sigh* stupid ned scum
ned boy: oi wit didya jus cal ma?!
moshers: Nothing, now please go away.
ned: I'll bate ya!
moshers: *stand up and walk away*
ned boy: Ther all gone ta drink each others blood

mosher có nghĩa là

Moshers are people that listen to GOOD music, from bands such as trivium, system of a down, slipknot etc.
Moshers hate chavs.
Moshers are usually friendly people.
Moshers are not usually trouble makers, but wud defend themselves if started upon.
Moshers do take showers/baths like every1 else.
Moshers enjoy going to gigs and taking part in mosh pits.


mosher#1: hey dude
mosher#2: hey, u got the new SOAD album
mosher#1: yeh, it rocks!
chav#1:ooooo look a buch of fu**in goths
mosher#3: were not goths! piss off!
chav#5: ur a bunch of nob's, dats wot u r.
chav#1: u startin dickhead!
chav#2: GET 'EM!
chavs start fight...............moshers batter chavs.................

mosher có nghĩa là

Please read this: What is stated below is true from experience

A "Mosher" is NOT a made up word by scallies/chavs to describe someone different, NOR is it a word to describe anyone who is a goth... A mosher is a person who is slamming into other people in the front rows of a rock/metal concert [or MOSH PIT].

The term Mosh was coined by the singer HR of Bad Brains when he introduced their song "mash it up" in his thick Jamaican accent and it came out as "Mosh It Up" instead. Anthrax, the New York speed/thrash metal band later wrote an excellent song named "Caught In A Mosh" as an ode to the fans at the front of their concert pits.

Scallies or chavs only call people they don't know "moshers" because they don't have a clue what they are talking about and the media [VERY incorrectly] defined a mosher as someone in a green day top and baggy jeans and a skateboard [?] and you know how accuarte the media is right?


"I'm going to the Slayer show tonight
"Cool, you gonna be at the back or you gonna be one of the moshers in the pit?

mosher có nghĩa là

moshers are some of the most friendlyest people ever, they speak and they mean no harm unless they come across chav scum,
most people think moshers are mainly boys,but hell no.
at gigs they love to be at the front head banging/moshing.
normally baggy clothes and long ish hair.


chav1: haha look at thah mosha like person mate
chav2: he finks hes well cool innit
chav1: lets go scuff him up
chav2: o sh*t its a girl
mosher: wat the fk do u want
chav2: wats wif tha mosh flop on yer ead?
mosher: o wats that on ur neck?
group of moshas [mainly boys]: oi pis* off u scum asss chavs leave her alone

chavs scram and moshers walk off

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