Organisational design means that a manager engages in

Considerations for Organizational Design?

There are numerous methods or manners for organizational design. The primary elements of Organizational Design include:

  • Organizational Hierarchy
  • Span of Organizational Control
  • Work Specialization
  • Departmentalization
  • Chain of Authority
  • Centralized or Decentralized Decision Making
  • Formal vs Informal Reporting Structures

Each of these is discussed below.


What is a Hierarchical Organizational Structure? 

Organizations vary in the number of levels that exist within its hierarchy. A traditional organization is considered tall. That is, there are numerous layers between the front-line employees and senior managers. 

Flat structures, on the other hand have very few layers of hierarchy between the front-line employee and the senior management. These structures require managers to supervise larger numbers of employees. 

This is known as a higher span of control for managers.

What is the Span of Control in an Organization?

This concerns how many subordinates are below a single manager. 

In a hierarchical structure, one manager will generally have fewer subordinates as direct reports. 

In a flatter organizational structure, she will have more direct reports. This means that she has a higher span of control. 

The effect is that the manager has less opportunity to directly supervise the employee. As such, it requires higher levels of autonomy for each employee. 

Autonomy can be a positive and a negative. It allows for less predictability of employee action. Further, employees are more likely to experience role ambiguity [not fully understanding their role or job in the organization]. 

Also, there is less opportunity for advancement in position in these organizations. 

There are various benefits to a wider span of control as well. Generally, it allows employees to be more creative in addressing problems. This leads to increased ingenuity and innovation. It has been shown to lead to greater employee satisfaction and self-actualization.

What is Work Specialization? 

This concerns the extent to which employee roles are defined. In a highly specialized organization, the job roles of individuals are highly specific in terms of function and knowledge. 

In a less specialized organization, the role of employees may be far more varied. That is, the employee may be required to work cross-functionally as opposed to remaining within their area of professed expertise.

What is Departmentalization?

Departmentalization concerns how work efforts are grouped across the organization. The two most common approaches include functional Divisional Departments.

What is a Functional Structure? 

This structure segments employees into groups based upon their functions in the organization. As such, employees with similar jobs or specialties will work in the same department. 

Common functional areas include administration, marketing, sales, accounting, and operations. 

The functional areas may also be further divided. The benefits of this type of separation are knowledge aggregation, team background, and cohesion. 

Functional structures tend to do better during stable times when the company has a limited number of value offerings. 

The downside is that it isolates similar groups of employees from other professional groups within the organization.

What is a Divisional Structure? 

This structure divides employees based on related characteristics in the organization, such as operating division, product or service line, account or project, or geographic location. 

The benefit of this arrangement is that is brings together diverse types of employees - which can lead to creativity and innovation. 

The downside is that it may sacrifice efficiency allowed by work specialization in function structures. 

These structures tend to be more agile in difficult times.

Most organizations employ a mix of functional and division structures.

What is the Chain of Authority in an Organization? 

The chain of authority concerns to whom the employee will report. Will the reporting structure be hierarchical, team-based, etc. An important concept in this regard is establishing unity of command for purposes of authority and decision making.

What is Centralization and Decentralization in an Organization? 

This concerns whether employees have decision-making authority or whether all decision making is reserved for managers. 

In highly-centralized organizations, decisions are made at higher levels in the organization. Employees have very little authority to make decisions. 

In decentralized organizations, employees who are closer to the actual problem are empowered to make decisions. Allowing employees this level of authority is generally empowering. 

Centralized organizations do well when facing critical hardships. Having a single decision-maker can be beneficial for uniformity and finality. 

Decentralized organizations do well in rapidly changing market environments. Allowing employees to quickly respond to situations that are unique to them allows for speed, flexibility, and creativity.

What is Formalization in an Organization?

This determines the extent to which manager and subordinate activity is standardized. That is, a highly formalized organization will have explicit policies, procedures, and rules applicable to operations. 

The organization seeks to make employee behavior more routine and predictable. 

The result of such a rule-heavy organization is to reduce the autonomy of individual employees. 

The benefit is a reduction in ambiguity. The negative aspect is that is known to reduce ingenuity and innovativeness of the workforce.

What are the primary factors affecting design decisions?

The primary factors contributing to the decision of how to the design characteristics of an organization include:

  • Strategy - What is the organizational strategy? How is best promoted by the organizational structure?
  • Size - How large is the organization? Larger organizations tend to have more mechanistic [formalized] structures.
  • Technology - What technology is employed in the operational process. For example, the technology will vary based upon whether the company engages in Unit Production, Mass Production, or Process Production.
  • Environmental Uncertainty - How uncertain is the competitive or operational environment. As noted above, the various characteristics of the organization react differently to the level of environmental uncertainty.

WHAT IS organization design in management?

Organisational design is the process of aligning the structure of an organisation with its objectives, with the ultimate aim of improving efficiency and effectiveness. Work can be triggered by the need to improve service delivery or specific business processes, or as a result of a new mandate.

What are the 4 types of organizational design?

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures. Others include circular, team-based, and network structures.

What is organizational design based on?

Organizational design is driven by the business strategy and operating context, and requires holistic thinking around systems, structures, people, performance measures, processes, culture, and skills.

Why is organizational design important in the workplace?

Why is organizational design and structure important to the success of an organization? Good organizational structure and design helps improve communication, increase productivity, and inspire innovation. It creates an environment where people can work effectively.

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