Polynomial linked list C++

Add two polynomials using linked list in c

C program for Add two polynomials using linked list. Here more information.

// Include header file #include #include /* C program for Add two polynomials using linked list */ typedef struct Node { // Define useful field of Node int data; int power; struct Node * next; }Node; Node * getNode[int data, int power] { // Create dynamic memory of Node Node * ref = [Node * ] malloc[sizeof[Node]]; if [ref == NULL] { // Failed to create memory return NULL; } ref->data = data; ref->power = power; ref->next = NULL; return ref; } // Update node value void updateRecord[Node * ref, int data, int power] { ref->data = data; ref->power = power; } typedef struct AddPolynomial { // Define useful field of AddPolynomial struct Node * head; }AddPolynomial; AddPolynomial * getAddPolynomial[] { // Create dynamic memory of AddPolynomial AddPolynomial * ref = [AddPolynomial * ] malloc[sizeof[AddPolynomial]]; if [ref == NULL] { // Failed to create memory return NULL; } ref->head = NULL; return ref; } // Display given polynomial nodes void display[AddPolynomial * ref] { if [ref->head == NULL] { printf["Empty Polynomial "]; } printf[" "]; Node * temp = ref->head; while [temp != NULL] { if [temp != ref->head] { printf[" + %d", temp->data]; } else { printf["%d",temp->data]; } if [temp->power != 0] { printf["x^%d", temp->power]; } // Visit to next node temp = temp->next; } printf["\n"]; } // Add node with given data and power void addNode[AddPolynomial * ref, int data, int power] { if [ref->head == NULL] { // Add first node ref->head = getNode[data, power]; } else { Node * node = NULL; Node * temp = ref->head; Node * location = NULL; // Find the valid new node location while [temp != NULL && temp->power >= power] { location = temp; temp = temp->next; } if [location != NULL && location->power == power] { // When polynomial power already exists // Then add current add to previous data location->data = location->data + data; } else { node = getNode[data, power]; if [location == NULL] { // When add node in begining node->next = ref->head; ref->head = node; } else { // When adding node in intermediate // location or end location node->next = location->next; location->next = node; } } } } // Add two polynomial Node * addTwoPolynomials[AddPolynomial * ref, AddPolynomial * other] { // Define some useful variable Node * result = NULL; Node * tail = NULL; Node * node = NULL; // Get first node of polynomial Node * first = ref->head; Node * second = other->head; // Execute loop until when polynomial are exist // And add two polynomial. // Process takes O[n] time. while [first != NULL || second != NULL] { // Create node with default value node = getNode[0, 0]; if [result == NULL] { // When first resultant node result = node; } if [first != NULL && second != NULL] { if [first->power == second->power] { // When the polynomial node power are same updateRecord[node, first->data + second->data, first->power]; first = first->next; second = second->next; } else if [first->power > second->power] { // When first polynomial power are larger updateRecord[node, first->data, first->power]; first = first->next; } else { // When second polynomial power are larger updateRecord[node, second->data, second->power]; second = second->next; } } else if [first != NULL] { // When first polynomial are not empty // Update the current node information updateRecord[node, first->data, first->power]; first = first->next; } else { // When second polynomial are not empty updateRecord[node, second->data, second->power]; second = second->next; } if [tail == NULL] { tail = node; } else { // Add new node at end of resultant polynomial tail->next = node; tail = node; } } // return first node return result; } int main[] { AddPolynomial * poly1 = getAddPolynomial[]; AddPolynomial * poly2 = getAddPolynomial[]; AddPolynomial * result = getAddPolynomial[]; // Add node in polynomial poly1 addNode[poly1, 9, 3]; addNode[poly1, 4, 2]; addNode[poly1, 3, 0]; addNode[poly1, 7, 1]; addNode[poly1, 3, 4]; // Add node in polynomial poly2 addNode[poly2, 7, 3]; addNode[poly2, 4, 0]; addNode[poly2, 6, 1]; addNode[poly2, 1, 2]; // Display Polynomial nodes printf["\n Polynomial A\n"]; display[poly1]; printf[" Polynomial B\n"]; display[poly2]; result->head = addTwoPolynomials[poly1, poly2]; // Display calculated result printf[" Result\n"]; display[result]; }


Polynomial A 3x^4 + 9x^3 + 4x^2 + 7x^1 + 3 Polynomial B 7x^3 + 1x^2 + 6x^1 + 4 Result 3x^4 + 16x^3 + 5x^2 + 13x^1 + 7

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