Remove stop words and punctuation python nltk

NLTK [Natural Language Toolkit] is the go-to API for NLP [Natural Language Processing] with Python. It is a really powerful tool to preprocess text data for further analysis like with ML models for instance. It helps convert text into numbers, which the model can then easily work with. This is the first part of a basic introduction to NLTK for getting your feet wet and assumes some basic knowledge of Python.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

First, you want to install NLTK using pip [or conda]. The command for this is pretty straightforward for both Mac and Windows: pip install nltk . If this does not work, try taking a look at this page from the documentation. Note, you must have at least version — 3.5 of Python for NLTK.

To check if NLTK is installed properly, just type import nltk in your IDE. If it runs without any error, congrats! But hold ‘up, there’s still a bunch of stuff to download and install. In your IDE, after importing, continue to the next line and type[] and run this script. An installation window will pop up. Select all and click ‘Download’ to download and install the additional bundles. This will download all the dictionaries and other language and grammar data frames necessary for full NLTK functionality. NLTK fully supports the English language, but others like Spanish or French are not supported as extensively. Now we are ready to process our first natural language.


One of the very basic things we want to do is dividing a body of text into words or sentences. This is called tokenization.

We get the body of text elegantly converted into a list. The above tokenization without NLTK would take hours and hours of coding with regular expressions! You may wonder about the punctuation marks though. This is something we will have to care of separately. We could also use other tokenizers like the PunktSentenceTokenizer, which is a pre-trained unsupervised ML model. We can even train it ourselves if we want using our own dataset. Keep an eye out for my future articles. **insert shameless self-promoting call to follow** :3


Stop-words are basically words that don’t have strong meaningful connotations for instance, ‘and’, ‘a’, ‘it's’, ‘they’, etc. These have a meaningful impact when we use them to communicate with each other but for analysis by a computer, they are not really that useful [well, they probably could be but computer algorithms are not that clever yet to decipher their contextual impact accurately, to be honest]. Let’s see an example:

As you can see many of the words like ‘will’, ‘and’ are removed. This will save massive amounts of computation power and hence time if we were to shove bodies of texts with lots of “fluff” words into an ML model.


This is when ‘fluff’ letters [not words] are removed from a word and grouped together with its “stem form”. For instance, the words ‘play’, ‘playing’, or ‘plays’ convey the same meaning [although, again, not exactly, but for analysis with a computer, that sort of detail is still not a viable option]. So instead of having them as different words, we can put them together under the same umbrella term ‘play’.

We used the PorterStemmer, which is a pre-written stemmer class. There are other stemmers like SnowballStemmer and LancasterStemmer but PorterStemmer is sort of the simplest one. ‘Play’ and ‘Playful’ should have been recognized as two different words however. Notice how the last ‘playful’ got recognized as ‘play’ and not ‘playful’. This is where the simplicity of the PorterStemmer is undesirable. You can also train your own using unsupervised clustering or supervised classification ML models. Now let’s stem an actual sentence!

This can now be efficiently tokenized for further processing or analysis. Pretty neat, right?!

Tagging Parts of Speech [pos]

The next essential thing we want to do is tagging each word in the corpus [a corpus is just a ‘bag’ of words] we created after converting sentences by tokenizing.

The pos_tag[] method takes in a list of tokenized words, and tags each of them with a corresponding Parts of Speech identifier into tuples. For example, VB refers to ‘verb’, NNS refers to ‘plural nouns’, DT refers to a ‘determiner’. Refer to this website for a list of tags. These tags are almost always pretty accurate but we should be aware that they can be inaccurate at times. However, pre-trained models usually assume the English being used is written properly, following the grammatical rules.

This can be a problem when analyzing informal texts like from the internet. Remember the data frames we downloaded after pip installing NLTK? Those contain the datasets that were used to train these models initially. To apply these models in the context of our own interests, we would need to train these models on new datasets containing informal languages first.

In my future articles, I will talk more about NLTK basics and how we can use built-in methods of NLTK to easily train our own ML models. For further resources, you can check out the NLTK documentation and the book.

This article from 2001 titled “Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data” illustrated how inefficient data can be when it comes to deciphering meaningful patterns and trends from them, no matter which ML algorithm we use. But that is not a problem when it comes to text data. THE most abundant form of data available on the internet is text data. Imagine the potentials and the possibilities of the applications of ML on this humungous database. But the first barrier to actually utilizing these heaps of data is converting them into computation-friendly formats for ML algorithms for analysis, which is the preprocessing stage that NLTK holds the key to. Happy learning!

P.S. If you want more short, to the point articles on Data Science and how a biologist navigates his way through the Data revolution, consider following my blog.

Thank you!

  • Learn how to remove stopwords and perform text normalization in Python – an essential Natural Language Processing [NLP] read
  • We will explore the different methods to remove stopwords as well as talk about text normalization techniques like stemming and lemmatization
  • Put your theory into practice by performing stopwords removal and text normalization in Python using the popular NLTK, spaCy and Gensim libraries


Don’t you love how wonderfully diverse Natural Language Processing [NLP] is? Things we never imagined possible before are now just a few lines of code away. It’s delightful!

But working with text data brings its own box of challenges. Machines have an almighty struggle dealing with raw text. We need to perform certain steps, called preprocessing, before we can work with text data using NLP techniques.

Miss out on these steps, and we are in for a botched model. These are essential NLP techniques you need to incorporate in your code, your framework, and your project.

We discussed the first step on how to get started with NLP in this article. Let’s take things a little further and take a leap. We will discuss how to remove stopwords and perform text normalization in Python using a few very popular NLP libraries – NLTK, spaCy, Gensim, and TextBlob.

Are you a beginner in NLP? Or want to get started with machine learning but aren’t sure where to begin? We have these two fields comprehensively covered in our end-to-end courses:

Table of Contents

  • What are Stopwords?
  • Why do we need to Remove Stopwords?
  • When should we Remove Stopwords?
  • Different Methods to Remove Stopwords
    • Using NLTK
    • Using spaCy
    • Using Gensim
  • Introduction to Text Normalization
  • What are Stemming and Lemmatization?
  • Methods to perform Stemming and Lemmatization
    • Using NLTK
    • Using spaCy
    • Using TextBlob

What are Stopwords?

Stopwords are the most common words in any natural language. For the purpose of analyzing text data and building NLP models, these stopwords might not add much value to the meaning of the document.

Generally, the most common words used in a text are “the”, “is”, “in”, “for”, “where”, “when”, “to”, “at” etc.

Consider this text string – “There is a pen on the table”. Now, the words “is”, “a”, “on”, and  “the” add no meaning to the statement while parsing it. Whereas words like “there”, “book”, and “table” are the keywords and tell us what the statement is all about.

A note here – we need to perform tokenization before removing any stopwords. I encourage you to go through my article below on the different methods to perform tokenization:

  • How to Get Started with NLP – 6 Unique Methods to Perform Tokenization

Here’s a basic list of stopwords you might find helpful:

a about after all also always am an and any are at be been being but by came can cant come could did didn't do does doesn't doing don't else for from get give goes going had happen has have having how i if ill i'm in into is isn't it its i've just keep let like made make many may me mean more most much no not now of only or our really say see some something take tell than that the their them then they thing this to try up us use used uses very want was way we what when where which who why will with without wont you your youre

Why do we Need to Remove Stopwords?

Quite an important question and one you must have in mind.

Removing stopwords is not a hard and fast rule in NLP. It depends upon the task that we are working on. For tasks like text classification, where the text is to be classified into different categories, stopwords are removed or excluded from the given text so that more focus can be given to those words which define the meaning of the text.

Just like we saw in the above section, words like there, book, and table add more meaning to the text as compared to the words is and on.

However, in tasks like machine translation and text summarization, removing stopwords is not advisable.

Here are a few key benefits of removing stopwords:

  • On removing stopwords, dataset size decreases and the time to train the model also decreases
  • Removing stopwords can potentially help improve the performance as there are fewer and only meaningful tokens left. Thus, it could increase classification accuracy
  • Even search engines like Google remove stopwords for fast and relevant retrieval of data from the database

When Should we Remove Stopwords?

I’ve summarized this into two parts: when we can remove stopwords and when we should avoid doing so.

Remove Stopwords

We can remove stopwords while performing the following tasks:

  • Text Classification
    • Spam Filtering
    • Language Classification
    • Genre Classification
  • Caption Generation
  • Auto-Tag Generation

Avoid Stopword Removal

  • Machine Translation
  • Language Modeling
  • Text Summarization
  • Question-Answering problems

Feel free to add more NLP tasks to this list!

Different Methods to Remove Stopwords

1. Stopword Removal using NLTK

NLTK, or the Natural Language Toolkit, is a treasure trove of a library for text preprocessing. It’s one of my favorite Python libraries. NLTK has a list of stopwords stored in 16 different languages.

You can use the below code to see the list of stopwords in NLTK:

import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords set[stopwords.words['english']]

Now, to remove stopwords using NLTK, you can use the following code block. This is a LIVE coding window so you can play around with the code and see the results without leaving the article!

Here is the list we obtained after tokenization:

He determined to drop his litigation with the monastry, and relinguish his claims to the wood-cuting and fishery rihgts at once. He was the more ready to do this becuase the rights had become much less valuable, and he had indeed the vaguest idea where the wood and river in question were.

And the list after removing stopwords:

He determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claims wood-cuting fishery rihgts. He ready becuase rights become much less valuable, indeed vaguest idea wood river question.

Notice that the size of the text has almost reduced to half! Can you visualize the sheer usefulness of removing stopwords?

2. Stopword Removal using spaCy

spaCy is one of the most versatile and widely used libraries in NLP. We can quickly and efficiently remove stopwords from the given text using SpaCy. It has a list of its own stopwords that can be imported as STOP_WORDS from the spacy.lang.en.stop_words class.

Here’s how you can remove stopwords using spaCy in Python:

This is the list we obtained after tokenization:

He determined to drop his litigation with the monastry and relinguish his claims to the wood-cuting and \n fishery rihgts at once. He was the more ready to do this becuase the rights had become much less valuable, and he had \n indeed the vaguest idea where the wood and river in question were.

And the list after removing stopwords:

determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claims wood-cuting \n fishery rihgts. ready becuase rights become valuable, \n vaguest idea wood river question.

An important point to note – stopword removal doesn’t take off the punctuation marks or newline characters. We will need to remove them manually.

Read more about spaCy in this article with the library’s co-founders:

3. Stopword Removal using Gensim

Gensim is a pretty handy library to work with on NLP tasks. While pre-processing, gensim provides methods to remove stopwords as well. We can easily import the remove_stopwords method from the class gensim.parsing.preprocessing.

Try your hand on Gensim to remove stopwords in the below live coding window:

He determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claims wood-cuting fishery rihgts once. He ready becuase rights valuable, vaguest idea wood river question were.

While using gensim for removing stopwords, we can directly use it on the raw text. There’s no need to perform tokenization before removing stopwords. This can save us a lot of time.

Introduction to Text Normalization

In any natural language, words can be written or spoken in more than one form depending on the situation. That’s what makes the language such a thrilling part of our lives, right? For example:

  • Lisa ate the food and washed the dishes.
  • They were eating noodles at a cafe.
  • Don’t you want to eat before we leave?
  • We have just eaten our breakfast.
  • It also eats fruit and vegetables.

In all these sentences, we can see that the word eat has been used in multiple forms. For us, it is easy to understand that eating is the activity here. So it doesn’t really matter to us whether it is ‘ate’, ‘eat’, or ‘eaten’ – we know what is going on.

Unfortunately, that is not the case with machines. They treat these words differently. Therefore, we need to normalize them to their root word, which is “eat” in our example.

Hence, text normalization is a process of transforming a word into a single canonical form. This can be done by two processes, stemming and lemmatization. Let’s understand what they are in detail.

What are Stemming and Lemmatization?

Stemming and Lemmatization is simply normalization of words, which means reducing a word to its root form.

In most natural languages, a root word can have many variants. For example, the word ‘play’ can be used as ‘playing’, ‘played’, ‘plays’, etc. You can think of similar examples [and there are plenty].


Let’s first understand stemming:

  • Stemming is a text normalization technique that cuts off the end or beginning of a word by taking into account a list of common prefixes or suffixes that could be found in that word
  • It is a rudimentary rule-based process of stripping the suffixes [“ing”, “ly”, “es”, “s” etc] from a word


Lemmatization, on the other hand, is an organized & step-by-step procedure of obtaining the root form of the word. It makes use of vocabulary [dictionary importance of words] and morphological analysis [word structure and grammar relations].

Why do we need to Perform Stemming or Lemmatization?

Let’s consider the following two sentences:

  • He was driving
  • He went for a drive

We can easily state that both the sentences are conveying the same meaning, that is, driving activity in the past. A machine will treat both sentences differently. Thus, to make the text understandable for the machine, we need to perform stemming or lemmatization.

Another benefit of text normalization is that it reduces the number of unique words in the text data. This helps in bringing down the training time of the machine learning model [and don’t we all want that?].

S0, which one should we prefer?

Stemming algorithm works by cutting the suffix or prefix from the word. Lemmatization is a more powerful operation as it takes into consideration the morphological analysis of the word.

Lemmatization returns the lemma, which is the root word of all its inflection forms.

We can say that stemming is a quick and dirty method of chopping off words to its root form while on the other hand, lemmatization is an intelligent operation that uses dictionaries which are created by in-depth linguistic knowledge. Hence, Lemmatization helps in forming better features.

Methods to Perform Text Normalization

1. Text Normalization using NLTK

The NLTK library has a lot of amazing methods to perform different steps of data preprocessing. There are methods like PorterStemmer[] and WordNetLemmatizer[] to perform stemming and lemmatization, respectively.

Let’s see them in action.


He determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claims wood-cuting fishery rihgts. He ready becuase rights become much less valuable, indeed vaguest idea wood river question. He determin drop litig monastri, relinguish claim wood-cut fisheri rihgt. He readi becuas right become much less valuabl, inde vaguest idea wood river question.

We can clearly see the difference here. Now, let’s perform lemmatization on the same text.


He determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claims wood-cuting fishery rihgts. He ready becuase rights become much less valuable, indeed vaguest idea wood river question.

He determined drop litigation monastry, relinguish claim wood-cuting fishery rihgts. He ready becuase right become much le valuable, indeed vaguest idea wood river question.

Here, v stands for verb, a stands for adjective and n stands for noun. The lemmatizer only lemmatizes those words which match the pos parameter of the lemmatize method.

Lemmatization is done on the basis of part-of-speech tagging [POS tagging]. We’ll talk in detail about POS tagging in an upcoming article.

2. Text Normalization using spaCy

spaCy, as we saw earlier, is an amazing NLP library. It provides many industry-level methods to perform lemmatization. Unfortunately, spaCy has no module for stemming. To perform lemmatization, check out the below code:

-PRON- determine to drop -PRON- litigation with the monastry, and relinguish -PRON- claim to the wood-cuting and \n fishery rihgts at once. -PRON- be the more ready to do this becuase the right have become much less valuable, and -PRON- have \n indeed the vague idea where the wood and river in question be.

Here -PRON- is the notation for pronoun which could easily be removed using regular expressions. The benefit of spaCy is that we do not have to pass any pos parameter to perform lemmatization.

3. Text Normalization using TextBlob

TextBlob is a Python library especially made for preprocessing text data. It is based on the NLTK library. We can use TextBlob to perform lemmatization. However, there’s no module for stemming in TextBlob.

So let’s see how to perform lemmatization using TextBlob in Python:

He determine to drop his litigation with the monastry, and relinguish his claim to the wood-cuting and fishery rihgts at once. He wa the more ready to do this becuase the right have become much le valuable, and he have indeed the vague idea where the wood and river in question were.

Just like we saw above in the NLTK section, TextBlob also uses POS tagging to perform lemmatization. You can read more about how to use TextBlob in NLP here:

  • Natural Language Processing for Beginners: Using TextBlob

End Notes

Stopwords play an important role in problems like sentiment analysis, question answering systems, etc. That’s why removing stopwords can potentially affect our model’s accuracy drastically.

This, as I mentioned, is part two of my series on ‘How to Get Started with NLP’. You can check out part 1 on tokenization here.

And if you’re looking for a place where you can finally begin your NLP journey, we have the perfect course for you:

  • Natural Language Processing [NLP] Using Python


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