Scroll wheel not working in remote desktop

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I have a user with a4 button Microsoft Intelli mouse with the side buttons programmed for copy and paste. Whenthey arein the remote desk top, the 2 side buttons are not functional and when I try to use them, the text is overwritten. They are stating that themouse used to work in the previous remote desktop configuration. There was no changes to RD that I am aware of? Can the 4 button mouse be made fully functional in the new remote desktop? Or is this even possible? Just want to see if it is doable, or if the user is telling me a tall tale about it working before.

Best Answer
Malcolm6953 Aug 15, 2012 at 09:58 UTC

As stated the software runs on the local computer. I suspect that only standard mouse functionallity is available when using RDP.

As the remote session will not know of the extra functionallity Installing the drivers on the remote may possibly work, though i suspect not. I have had no need to ever setup more then a standard mouse.

Otherwise say that RDP only uses standard functionallity.

Personally If this is server based RDP with multiple users, I would want to keep it as clean as possible, as one problem with a driver will affect all users on the system.

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6 Replies

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Ghost Chili
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Aug 15, 2012 at 09:47 UTC

And how is the mouse programmed to do this? The programming/macro exists on the user's local machine, so the goal is for that macro to translate over a terminal sever session.

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C.J. Moore Aug 15, 2012 at 09:54 UTC

ranhalt is right. The special programmed buttons would have to be done with the software related to the mouse on the local machine. Which will not transfer over to the RDP session as a Local Resource.

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Best Answer
Malcolm6953 Aug 15, 2012 at 09:58 UTC

As stated the software runs on the local computer. I suspect that only standard mouse functionallity is available when using RDP.

As the remote session will not know of the extra functionallity Installing the drivers on the remote may possibly work, though i suspect not. I have had no need to ever setup more then a standard mouse.

Otherwise say that RDP only uses standard functionallity.

Personally If this is server based RDP with multiple users, I would want to keep it as clean as possible, as one problem with a driver will affect all users on the system.

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JediTechSupport Aug 15, 2012 at 10:10 UTC

The user has copy & paste preprogramed into two of their buttons. It works fine on the local machine, but as stated before, they don't work on the RDP. I tried real quick to install the driver, but then thought better of it as Malcolm said, want to keep it clean.

As they can easily hit CTRL-C & CTRL-V, I am just going to tell them it is no longer supported, thanks for the help guys!

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Aug 15, 2012 at 11:28 UTC

There are many 3rd party utilities that automate mouse click functionality.
My google search resulted in a few:


You can simply put one of these on the remote pc or server.

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gamerboy1 Sep 16, 2013 at 11:50 UTC
1st Post

or the most excellent// which has a lot of very nice autoclicker features - like waitforcolor etc.


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