Select count(*) from all tables mysql

Like many others, I have difficulty getting an accurate value on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables with InnoDB, and would infinitely benefit from being able to make a query that depends on count[], and, hopefully, do it in one, single query.

First, make sure to enable massive group_concats:

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000;

Then run this query to get the resultant query you'll run for your database.

    SELECT concat['[SELECT count[id] AS \'',table_name,' Count\' ','FROM ',table_name,'] AS ',table_name,'_Count'] AS 'count'
    FROM information_schema.tables 
    WHERE table_schema = '**YOUR_DATABASE_HERE**'
] AS table1

This will generate output such as...

SELECT [SELECT count[id] AS 'table1 Count' FROM table1] AS table1_Count,
   [SELECT count[id] AS 'table2 Count' FROM table2] AS table2_Count,
   [SELECT count[id] AS 'table3 Count' FROM table3] AS table3_Count;

This in turn gave the following results:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
table1_Count: 1
table2_Count: 1
table3_Count: 0

To count the total number of tables, use the concept of count[*] with table_schema. First, to check how many tables are present in our database “business”, we need to use the ‘show’ command.

mysql> show tables;

The following is the output that displays all the tables in the database "business".

| Tables_in_business       |
| addcheckconstraintdemo   |
| addcolumntable           |
| addconstraintdemo        |
| addnotnulldemo           |
| alphademo                |
| autoincrement            |
| autoincrementtable       |
| backticksymbol           |
| bookindexes              |
| chardemo                 |
| checkdemo                |
| clonestudent             |
| columnexistdemo          |
| columnvaluenulldemo      |
| commaseperatedemo        |
| currentdatetime          |
| dateadddemo              |
| deletedemo               |
| deleterecord             |
| demo                     |
| demo1                    |
| demoascii                |
| demoauto                 |
| demobcrypt               |
| demoemptyandnull         |
| demoint                  |
| demoonreplace            |
| demoschema               |
| demowhere                |
| distcountdemo            |
| distinctdemo             |
| distinctdemo1            |
| duplicatebookindexes     |
| duplicatefound           |
| employeerecords          |
| employeetable            |
| escapedeom               |
| existsrowdemo            |
| findandreplacedemo       |
| firsttable               |
| foreigntable             |
| foreigntabledemo         |
| functionindexdemo        |
| functiontriggersdemo     |
| groupconcatenatedemo     |
| groupdemo                |
| groupdemo1               |
| groupt_concatdemo        |
| ifelsedemo               |
| imagedemo                |
| incasesensdemo           |
| indexingdemo             |
| int1demo                 |
| intdemo                  |
| keydemo                  |
| latandlangdemo           |
| limitoffsetdemo          |
| milliseconddemo          |
| modifycolumnnamedemo     |
| modifydatatype           |
| moneydemo                |
| moviecollection          |
| multipleindexdemo        |
| multiplerecordwithvalues |
| myisamtoinnodbdemo       |
| mytable                  |
| mytable1                 |
| newstudent               |
| nextpreviousdemo         |
| nonasciidemo             |
| nthrecorddemo            |
| nulldemo                 |
| nullwithselect           |
| numbercolumndemo         |
| ondemo                   |
| originaltable            |
| pasthistory              |
| presenthistory           |
| primarytable             |
| primarytable1            |
| primarytabledemo         |
| qutesdemo                |
| rowcountdemo             |
| rownumberdemo            |
| rowstranspose            |
| rowstransposedemo        |
| saveintotextfile         |
| saveoutputintext         |
| secondtable              |
| sequencedemo             |
| singlequotesdemo         |
| smallintdemo             |
| sortingvarchardemo       |
| sourcetable              |
| spacecolumn              |
| student                  |
| studentrecordwithmyisam  |
| studenttable             |
| table1                   |
| table2                   |
| tabledemo                |
| tbldemotrail             |
| tblf                     |
| tblfirst                 |
| tblfunctiontrigger       |
| tblifdemo                |
| tblp                     |
| tblselectdemo            |
| tblstudent               |
| tbluni                   |
| tblupdatelimit           |
| textdemo                 |
| texturl                  |
| timestampdemo            |
| trailingandleadingdemo   |
| transcationdemo          |
| triggedemo               |
| trigger1                 |
| trigger2demo             |
| trimdemo                 |
| trimdemo2                |
| uniqueconstdemo          |
| uniquedemo               |
| unsigneddemo             |
| updtable                 |
| usernameandpassworddemo  |
| varchardemo              |
| varchardemo1             |
| varchardemo2             |
| varcharurl               |
| whereconditon            |
| xmldemo                  |
132 rows in set [0.01 sec]

In the above, we have 132 tables in the database business.

To check the count of tables.

   -> WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'business';

The following output gives the count of all the tables.

|                 132 |
1 row in set [0.01 sec]

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

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How do I count all tables in a database?

To check the count of tables. mysql> SELECT count[*] AS TOTALNUMBEROFTABLES -> FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. TABLES -> WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'business'; The following output gives the count of all the tables.

How do I find the row count of all tables in a database?

We can get the Count of rows of the table with any of the following methods:.
Use COUNT[] function..
Combining SQL Server catalog views..
Using sp_spaceused stored procedure..
Using SQL Server Management studio..

What is count [*] in MySQL?

MySQL COUNT[] Function The COUNT[] function returns the number of records returned by a select query.

What is the result of given query count [*] from table?

The SQL COUNT[] function returns the number of rows in a table satisfying the criteria specified in the WHERE clause. It sets the number of rows or non NULL column values. COUNT[] returns 0 if there were no matching rows.

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