Split number and character from string in python

import re
s='abcd2343 abw34324 abc3243-23A'

> ['abcd', '2343', ' abw', '34324', ' abc', '3243', '-', '23', 'A']

Or, if you want to split on the first occurrence of a digit:

> ['abcd', '2343 abw', '34324 abc', '3243-', '23A']
  • \d+ matches 1-or-more digits.
  • \d*\D+ matches 0-or-more digits followed by 1-or-more non-digits.
  • \d+|\D+ matches 1-or-more digits or 1-or-more non-digits.

Consult the docs for more about Python's regex syntax.

re.split[pat, s] will split the string s using pat as the delimiter. If pat begins and ends with parentheses [so as to be a "capturing group"], then re.split will return the substrings matched by pat as well. For instance, compare:

re.split['\d+', s]
> ['abcd', ' abw', ' abc', '-', 'A']   #  ['abcd', '2343', ' abw', '34324', ' abc', '3243', '-', '23', 'A']  #  ['2343', '34324', '3243', '23']

Thus, if s ends with a digit, you could avoid ending with an empty string by using re.findall['\d+|\D+', s] instead of re.split['[\d+]', s]:

s='abcd2343 abw34324 abc3243-23A 123'

re.split['[\d+]', s]
> ['abcd', '2343', ' abw', '34324', ' abc', '3243', '-', '23', 'A ', '123', '']

re.findall['\d+|\D+', s]
> ['abcd', '2343', ' abw', '34324', ' abc', '3243', '-', '23', 'A ', '123']

Split a string into text and number in Python #

Use the re.split[] method to split a string into text and number, e.g. my_list = re.split[r'[\d+]', my_str]. The re.split[] method will split the string on the digits and will still include them in the list.


import re my_str = 'hello123' my_list = re.split[r'[\d+]', my_str] # 👇️ ['hello', '123', ''] print[my_list]

Notice that we got an empty string at the end because the last character in the string is a digit.

You can use the filter[] method to remove any empty strings from the list.


import re my_str = 'hello123' my_list = list[filter[None, re.split[r'[\d+]', my_str]]] # 👇️ ['hello', '123'] print[my_list]

The filter function takes a function and an iterable as arguments and constructs an iterator from the elements of the iterable for which the function returns a truthy value.

If you pass None for the function argument, all falsy elements of the iterable are removed.

The re.split method takes a pattern and a string and splits the string on each occurrence of the pattern.

The parentheses in the regular expression match whatever is inside and indicate the start and end of a group.

The group's contents can still be retrieved after the match.

Even though we split the string on one or more digits, we still include the digits in the result.

The \d character matches the digits [0-9] [and many other digit characters].

The + matches the preceding regular expression 1 or more times.

In other words, we match one or more digits using a group and still include them in the list of strings.

This approach also works if your string starts with digits and ends in characters.


import re my_str = '123hello' my_list = list[filter[None, re.split[r'[\d+]', my_str]]] # 👇️ ['123', 'hello'] print[my_list]

If we didn't use the filter[] function, we'd have an empty string element at the start of the list.

Note that the filter function returns a filter object [not a list]. If you need to convert the filter object to a list, pass it to the list[] class.

How do you split a number and letter in a string in Python?

# Method 1: re.split[] import re. s = '111A222B333C' res = re. split['[\d+]', s] print[res] ... .
# Method 2: re.findall[] import re. s = '111A222B333C' res = re. findall['[\d+|[A-Za-z]+]', s] ... .
# Method 3: itertools.groupby[] from itertools import groupby. s = '111A222B333C' res = [''. join[g] for _, g in groupby[s, str..

How do I separate numbers and letters in a string?

Steps :.
Calculate the length of the string..
Scan every character[ch] of a string one by one. if [ch is a digit] then append it in res1 string. ... .
Print all the strings, we will have one string containing a numeric part, other non-numeric part, and the last one contains special characters..

How do I split a number into a string?

Splitting a Numeric String..
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Move spaces to front of string in single traversal..
Remove extra spaces from a string..
URLify a given string [Replace spaces with %20].
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How do you split a string into two variables in Python?

Unpack the values to split a string into multiple variables, e.g. a, b = my_str. split[' '] . The str. split[] method will split the string into a list of strings, which can be assigned to variables in a single declaration.

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