Top functional medicine doctors near me

The field of functional medicine is steadily becoming more mainstream in overall healthcare as patients demand a more preventive approach rather than a reactive, treatment-based approach. It utilizes patient-centered, nutrition-based therapies to address the underlying causes of a patients medical problem, disease, or dysfunction.

In contrast, conventional medicine often uses an orthodox model of care that works to diagnose a patients symptoms and then match them with a standard, corresponding medication or treatment without necessarily looking into the root cause of the patients medical problem. This model can be effective in treating injuries, infections, trauma, or acute disease, but it isnt always the best approach for treating chronic diseases such as hormonal, metabolic, neurological, digestive, or allergic conditions.

That is where functional medicine really shines.

What Is Functional Medicine?

The arena of functional medicine is becoming an increasingly effective and popular solution for patients who are dealing with a chronic disease, as well as for those who have a propensity to develop a certain disease due to family history.

Functional medicine focuses on these five basic principles:

Personalized Healthcare

Functional medicine takes the approach that every person is unique, both genetically and biochemically, and therefore one medicine or treatment does not fit all. It also aims to treat the whole individual rather than just the disease or set of symptoms, harnessing the natural healing mechanisms of the body. Functional medicine practitioners work with the patient to address the underlying cause of the disease in order to promote optimum well-being.

A practitioner of functional medicine, therefore, looks at the individuals genetic history, along with environmental and lifestyle factors that can have an influence on their overall health and chronic disease. This information is then used as a baseline to create a personalized treatment plan.

Science-Based Medicine

The most up-to-date genetic science research is employed in functional medicine in order to craft a wellness plan specifically for the patient. The practitioner will be able to pinpoint why certain symptoms are exhibited in the individual in the first place.

Various factors can have an influence on the development and progression of some chronic diseases. Functional medicine aims to create an opposing effect using natural methods in order to treat the specific manifestations of disease within each individual.

Active Approach to Healing

Functional medicine aims to optimize the functioning of the individuals organs and tissues and to heal and help prevent diseases associated with aging. This may involve correcting an imbalance of natural substances within the body.

Re-Balance of Body Systems

The human body has a natural ability to balance and self-regulate all of its internal systems. Functional medicine can help to correct an imbalance of substances within the body which may have come about as a result of illness, medication, or environmental or lifestyle factors.

Optimizing Health and Wellness

Ultimately, functional medicine focuses on optimizing an individuals health, wellness, and vitality. This approach can be used to prevent, treat, or slow the progression of many degenerative conditions throughout the body.

Functional Medicine in Mankato, Minnesota

If youre searching for a holistic healthcare center that provides individualized, patient-focused care, Between the Bridges Healing Center is here for you. We offer functional and integrative medicine, nutritional therapy, regenerative medicine, and pain-relieving therapies for your optimal health.

To find out more about our services or to make an appointment, call us at[507] 388-7488today or fill out our convenient onlineappointment request form. We look forward to helping you feel great from the inside out.

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