Upload playlist to YouTube

In addition to storing media within theBox, theBox allows staff to:
  1. Upload/remove single videos to UNSW's eLearning and Community Youtube channels
  2. Create and upload [and remove] a Youtube playlist of related videos to UNSW's eLearning and Community Youtube channels

Uploading to and taking down from the UNSW Youtube channel[s] from theBox can take some time, the process is typically not instant.

Note: The UNSW Community playlist has previously been known as the AboutUNSW playlist.

Upload a video to YouTube

You must first upload the video to theBox prior to uploading to YouTube.

  1. Log in to theBox.
  2. On the Dashboard, click on the Videos card

  3. On the list of videos, locate the video you wish to upload to YouTube and click the settings menu.
  4. Choose YouTube settings.

  5. On the resulting form, select the appropriate YouTube options:
    1. YouTube Channel - this is the channel you want to upload to. You can upload to the unswelearning or unswcommunity channel.
    2. Category - this is the YouTube category your video will be listed under
    3. Allow Comments - this option allows you to enable/disable comments
    4. Allow Ratings - this option allows you to enable/disable ratings
    5. Allow Embedding - this options allows you to enable/disable the ability for users to embed your video on other sites
  6. ClickPublish To YouTube.

Remove video from YouTube

  1. Log in to theBox.
  2. On the Dashboard in the Videos card, click the linkYou have X videos.

  3. On the list of videos, locate the video you wish to remove fromYouTube and click the cog icon.
  4. Choose YouTube settings.

  5. Click theTake Down button.

Create a YouTube playlist and add videos to it

To create a YouTube playlist

  1. Log into theBox.
  2. On theBox dashboard, click "Create" in the YouTube playlists card


    Click the + icon and choose theYouTube playlist button.

  3. On the resulting form, enter/select the appropriate YouTube playlist information/options:
    1. Title - this is the title of the YouTube playlist you are creating
    2. YouTube Channel - this is the YouTube channel that the playlist will belong to
    3. Tags
    4. Restrict Access To - this is a theBox setting and determines if the playlist can only be viewed by yourself in theBox or if you wish to share it with all staff.
  4. Click Save.

To add videos to a YouTube playlist

  1. Log into theBox.
  2. On the Dashboard, click the YouTube playlistcard

  3. Search for and click on the YouTube playlist you wish to add a video to.
  4. Click on the + button and chooseLibrary Picker.

  5. Search for the video you wish to add.

  6. Click the checkbox beside the video and clickDone.

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