VLC always on top command line

Starting VLC from command line always puts the window behind other windows


If I start VLC from Finder, the windows shows up on top. But if I start VLC from the command line using vlc command [using either Terminal or iTerm2], the VLC window is never shows up on top. I have to use Command + Tab to switch to it. This is very annoying. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Btw, I don't want to make VLC always on top of other windows. But it should get focused [on top] when it starts.

Best Answer

If you wish to use command-line to:

  • open a media file with VLC player


  • simply launch VLC player

simply execute the following in the terminal emulator of your choice, respectively for above cases:

  • open file.mp4 -a VLC

  • open -a VLC

where file.mp4 is the media file that you wish to open.

This will always cause the VLC media player window to show on top.

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