What is the importance of culture to an organization?

Like many entrepreneurs, you probably launched a business to share a product or service you're absolutely passionate about. But then, somewhere along the way – usually as a work team begins to develop – many entrepreneurs realize that their company's legacy will be shaped by something equally important: the culture they create at their business.

Culture Gives Off an Aura

Culture is at once intangible and yet palpable – the sum total of the ideologies, principles, traditions and values that pulsate throughout an organization. You cannot set a clock to culture; it emerges over time, shaped in no small part by the owner or owners' leadership, attitude and decisions.

Culture as a Family Bond

Culture may sound a bit like family – exuding an aura that can be felt, whether people are seated in cubicles or stretched out on a backyard patio. It's an apt analogy, because culture goes to the heart of personality and character – the intrinsic qualities that, at their best, can bond people together as a cohesive and united force, ready to achieve anything.

Indifference is Destructive

Such lofty talk about culture naturally invites critics and something potentially more destructive: business owners who are indifferent to culture. These naysayers regard culture as out of their hands – a topic employees may talk about after-hours but an issue they think business owners cannot manage even if they wanted to.

Positive Culture Sows Positive Outcomes

After learning about the important roles that culture plays in an organization, you'll take a decidedly proactive stance – because you know culture is vital to the success of your small business. Consider how a positive culture can:

  • Influence the way your employees interact among themselves as well as with people outside of your small business. In this way, culture sets the tone of your small business – and feels like it too.* Serve as a compass for how employees should carry out their duties and responsibilities, even if directives and procedures are not explicit. Employees understand, at a gut level, what is expected of them – and they deliver.
  • Bring employees together to focus on common goals and objectives – meaning your goals and objectives.
  • Foster cohesiveness among employees who may be from different backgrounds. When employees embrace a culture, they elevate and focus on it, not on their demographic differences.
  • Promote company pride, which can spawn a number of benefits, including higher employee morale, engagement, productivity and loyalty. A positive culture can act like fuel to employees, propelling them to outwit and outmaneuver the competition because they are convinced you offer the superior product or service.* Contribute to your brand identity and image – among your customers, competitors, future employees and every other stakeholder who is important to you. Business owners who are known to struggle with so-called “internal PR problems” usually mean that they're struggling with a negative organizational culture that has finally caught up with them. By the time the issue has landed on their radar, the problem has usually reached epic proportions.
  • Transform those stakeholders, and especially employees, into advocates. This is the brass ring of every small-business owner –

    to sit back and watch and listen as those who are so impressed with the positive experience they had with the company spread the word to others. * Attract the very best job candidates to your door. Most people want to work in a positive environment in which they feel valued – and they usually stick around longer too.

Culture Represents a Blend of Ingredients

As your small business prospers, it may help to think of culture as a hearty, homemade soup. One or two ingredients – meaning your leadership and management styles – may stand out most. But the culture needs a boost from other ingredients to enrich satisfaction in its overall flavor and sustenance. The culture at your small business will be affected by your:

  • Mission and vision statements.* Workplace policies and practices.
  • Written communiques, from simple text messages and social media posts to invoices and brochures.* Verbal communication and manner of speaking about your small business.
  • Physical signs, especially your work environment and the care you take to make employees and customers feel comfortable and welcome.

Take Stock ... of Your Stock

Like many small-business owners, you probably have your mind on so many things that it may take a conscious effort to focus on your organizational culture. Rest assured: It will be there when the time comes. And it may benefit from what human resource professionals call values blueprinting.

This is when people from across an organization get together to take an organization's “pulse.” They may even form a values committee to decide whether the culture reflects the owner's vision – and how to make the subtle but important tweaks that will affect the final product.

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